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&AKIN POWDER Absolutely Pure. EVERY NIGHTISCRATCHED iniii tii r. K i n wa raw. itmi y eovercd ni til NcalfN liUi' Npot of morlar. i nr 1 liy f lie ntioui'A Itriih-iliiM. I am r Intofll vnn o f tlu vxtraordinat y charge .VÜUr Lf'HL'KA 1ÍK.MMHK" pt'fUH 111 (1 ll ID ¦. Ahonttrip llrut of April last I no'iceu n me rt-d pimplo líke c mu g ont a I over iny body, bal thopirhi notliíii uf n astil m ni ¦ l ni ¦ bíter on, wni n it heiran to look ü k - ¦ ppofti oí m rtar ppotted on, atii] wiich reme off lo I.imi-, accom patste d w ti itchii g. I wouul sera ch every n'giit anti] I was ruw. in.n tu next nigM ihe pcfch 0, btirg fi.rmcd ím-Hiiw.iüi', were ticmchcd off agaln. In val ti did 1 c n-u't all the doctnrs in the country, bnt without aid. Affrr fflYiDg up H hopt's oí rn i-vrry. I bappenad lo Mean tóverttw m nt in the i ewsp ipcr ab'iiit yonj üTieUBA Iíkmk imkh, and pnrcnard th. ni l'Miin my drL'irt, imd oU.tlned n nn-i ídi nv díate rcMt!. [ bfgAD to noMce tlidt the tCMlf t-nií'tioi i.tdtially (irujed ff a id di-appejvrcd onc by oim, and have hen Tnlly rnred. I nuil the dUeaM Uii' reos m mi hs bfora I b. ; m taklfig the CUTK'UKA RKMKlnK-íand II tour OT íU' ¦ W i'ks W Ifl eittiiely ciired. My dipeae w ís eczem i and jwtÍa.-ií. I r-c umi ndi d CL'TicUka 1íi;mi:u f.s to all in my vlciuuy. and I kiH'wofrt fn"a1 m uiv w!iu havo tnki-n thfiu, Hii'l tbaí U pi ¦ ror lh koowledgo of iht-m, etpecially lio abfl wiili fcily enipuoitfi on thelr head snd bodic.-i. 1 canoot exprvaa in w irda rtM itiunk- tu you fir wMt the rjTicUHA Hkvi ni s nav be n t ni ¦. My hody was coveied wini sr,i)e-, .iul I WOi t0 ;w ul spectacle to behoid. Now mj ekin la as nice and clcar a babV. GEO. COTEV, Merrill, Wle. Nfl 21, 187. Ft-b 7, I8.S8.- No? n trace wbütaoever o' thediwMué fnm wluch I nuff reit h;tö Bhffvro itsell' lnce mj cure. GÏÏO. COTKY. W cannot do ju-tice to ttie ettet'in in which (Ttkuka, grttat Skin Curo, and CtTTictTft Soap. n cxquifite tkin Beaottfier, preparad tnnn ft, and Cütk i'ka Kksíh km, the m-w Hiood Pur fier, are held hy the Ihoneande npon thoneand wliote Uve' have boen made hüppy i)y tht cure of mlt niiT n, h''in Imín g. llchli g -c ily and pímpljT di(?eaHe uf tli: skin, acald und blood, v!th loe of haír. Soldí'Ví'rywbprc. Mee: í"unnURA,50c. ; 9oaP, 25c; Rk.soi.vknt, II. Prepartd by the 1'ottbb Dblii & ChBMGAL Cc., Bott'nf M.;83. ÖT"Send for "Ilo-v to Ture Skin DUewtta," m p;Kes, 50 íllastratfons, and HX) tcptimoniali. pi RJlPLKS, black -headt, n:d,Tough, chapped and I I IVI oüy tíkin preveuted by LUTícUKa öüap. Catarrhal Dangers. To be treed from the dangera ol Biiffje.'itiou whllc lylnedown; to breathe freely,lcep nundly and undiMuriird : to ree rcfreabed, head ciear, braln active and freu from pala or che;to know that no poÍ!onüU8, imtrld matter delllea the brearh and rot away the delicate machinery of pmell taste and hearing ; to feel thftt the ayptem does not throngh lts veins and arteries, suck np the poison tliat Is sure to nndermlne and deetrov. is indeed a blootlDit heyond all other linman eojoymnta. To pnrchne Immnnliy from siich a fate xliould bfl the ohjed of al i'flllcted. Hut hose wlio hav.' tried niaiy remedie and physicians despair or relief or cure. Sasfohd's KDiri. ('ui met cv. ry phae of CaWrrh, Irom a mnple head cold to the moat loatlixomc and destnictlvK tanes. It i local and conatitutinnal. Inntjitil in relievinv, permanent In curlnir, af, economlcal and never failing. Sasdtokd's Radical Curr consista of one bott'e of the Kaihcal ('uiik. one box of Oatahkhai. Solvïnt, and on I.mproved Iniialeii, sll wrippel in one pdk'i_". with treatl-e nnd dlrectiourt, and sold by uil arngg'sti tor $1 00. PoTTitt Druo and Chkmicai Co.. Boston. NoRheumatizAboutMe IV O.E MIMIJTE m A. M The Cuttcura Aiitl-Pln Wr Planter, relieves Kheunmtic,SciaJf tic, Sudcien.Sharpaml Nervon l'ains. mf str.ilnx and Weaknewp. The HtkI T ml only pain-killlng piaster. New, ( r or'flnal. Intananemii", InMlible, ale. A niarvell. Antilte to Puin, Iniliunmailon and wcnknivs, l'it'-rly unlike and vwtly MipcriD to all other plas ers. At all druiorivt, L'w.nts: flve fui; or, poslHre free. ol Por TKK l'lll 'i A ('HKillf' I. ('o., lloston. M;I89. THE ANN ASBOE SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICUIGAN, Transaots General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $BO,OOO. Oriranlzed ander the General Banking Law f Ihii. state, the tockholdors are tndtvidually Hable for an additlonal amount eqnal tothestwk held by them, thereby creatina a Uuurantce Fuud lor the beneít of Deposito of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest Is allowed on all SivInR DeponitB of one dollar and upwardf, acconlin; to the rules of the Bank and interest componnded leml-annnally. Koney to Loan on unincumbered real estáte and other Rood security. DIKECTORS : C1IRISTIAN MACK, Wm. D. HARKIMAN, W. WINEH, DANIEL UI8COCK, WILLIAM DBDBEL, WH.l.AKI) B. SMITH. David Ritmar. OFFFCÜRS: 0, MACK, Pres. W. W. WIN ES, Vlce-Pre. C. A. HISCOCK.O.ishier. lUUIIIUH Iuh revoliitloiilzeii the world TM TTnUTTnlU KiiliiK the liixt Imlfeentury. lil VLli ilUll NX loost, amons the wonders 111 ' ¦" ' lwl ,, invBiitlvi! prKrsa N a methiKl and Rysteiu of work that can be performe! uil civ.t Lh soontry without sepura'Ing the worki-r fnini thclr bomM. l'ay liberal ; any one cando the work; sltbrx, joniig or old; DO special ablllty reqalred. Cnpitiil nol t l'J'l; you are strtrted fr.-e. Cut thl out aud return l us and we will send you free, gumethliiK { reat value anil Importancp to yon, ttiat wlll start you In bnslD0M whlch wlll brliiK you In more rnoney rlgtitaway than any'hlng else In the world. Urand outJU free. Address True & Co„ Augusta, Malne. Get your Priütii at the Conrier.


Ann Arbor Courier
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