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Tlie Lima republican club lias 23 members. Will C. C' ! a r k s t he now station gent at üexter. Fiu'tnien re jubllftnl over the prospecta of a good erop S Miili Lyon elec'ed municipal offlcerl Monday - no politics. There are 221 pnpils enrolled in Um public schools at Dexter. .Iiilin W. Beniictt bas been appomted gamr nrarden at Hamburg. Dr. Lee and II. 0. (Jreirory, of Dexter, are tukllig a trip to Omaha. The Ypsilanti Sentlncl calis ts late cüiincil llie "bouclle board." Bert Bailey ml wife, of Pinekney, have returned frum California Fishermen are commencing business iu earnest. Look out for the lavv. Saline is to liave a republican club. Qood for the Saline rcpublieans. Win. Rhelnfrank, died at Bridgewater station on the 21 inst., aged 05 years. The Livingston Co. Snnday School As8ociation meets at Ilowell on April 1G. The Ypsilantian suys that Kobert J. Stepher.s has bought tbe Quincy Herald. Mr. J. K. Duriind has arrived home trom a winter' a sty in New York state. Lima's town clerk paid 15 cents a piece for 47(5 woodcluick scalps, last town meeting. Wui. Greig, from Northville, will suderintenü the South LyoD furniture woiks. John Higgins has gune From Whitinorc Lake to at the SotdtaN Home, at (ir.iml Hapids. Tbe Observorsuys that Ypsilanti's inarg'ial doesn't behave very well wlien Le comes to Salice. Miss Emma Amblóse, a missiouary receutly returned from liurm.ih, is visiüug friends in Sharon. Dundee jails the patent medicine frauda wlien they sneak around there swindling people. Uood for theni. Miss Clara CheDey, fonneily weli known in Dexter, died in VVuyne, on Mu cli 26, aged 24 years. The Normal museum has bten prtseuted with a paukage of old papera duting back to 1S57, and later. Mrs. Jennie McNamara nee Crowill, forineily of Chelsea, died in '1 raverse city, March 25th, aged 40 years. Re?. S. S. Chapín appears to be meeting with grand success iu building up the Episcopal church at Stockbridge. Aiiüther republiean club organlzed at Ypsilauti Monday evening. The orgauiziug of the grand army goes forward. The Lima grande dis;usscd the desirability of giviug the tarmei's boys (whv not glrls too) a uollegiate ediication, at their last meeting. The as-cssed Taluali n of all farms reporled iu Washtenaw county is $806,910, and the mortsatre iiuU-btedness $'67,20. - ( 'lirÍM' i llerald. The Dextei Chautauqua ciicle is one of tlie live orgtnbwtíODI OÍ that burg, and iis meetings are very enterlalDtiif, a :- eoi'ding ti llie Leader. The past season iias prouiicea a ; irge growtli of wood on fi uit treus. Kruit growen tbloJc tliisineaus a fu I orop uext 8 :ison - Saline Observar. O. 1). Clark, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Clark of (Jhelsea, died at llarrison recent iy, wherc lic had beon foreni.-in in a mili for soiue time. The Manchester Enterprise object tu our calling Supervisor Buich of Manchester, a "democratie greenbacker." Siinply and purely a grci'iibackcr is what he claims to be. Mrs. Dr. Laraway, nee Miss Clara Oeddef, of Yankton, Lakot:i, who has been pending the winter M her old liome near Geddes, returned home last Monday. - Y'psilantian. superior sends to the board ot supervisors a younjr man ind eneigetic republiean, for the fust time in niany yeaid, Mr. üeo. D Cripuen, He ta one of thé rbiog men ot til II county. A social is to be given by the Alliance of the Dexter M. E. ehurch on the even ing of April 13ib, uiien a conclusión will be reached on the subject 'Aesthcticism vs. Common Seuse." Andrew Maitlaud, the new choii-master of Christ church, Stockbridge, was formerly a singer in Manchester Cathedral, Eng., and later chorister in 8t. Clement's church, London. Miss Maggie Smlth wants $100 damage for fulling throuzh a hole in a sidewalk at Y'psil mti. She should have feet like a Chicago girls' and theu she would be saté trom these üttlc annoyances. It is rciiorteil by nmlicious outsiders tlial Urighton is lUCb a quiet town that on the approach of coid spells it is not unu-ual to liear the thermometer fall. Wi: believe tlii is untrue. - South Lyon Picket The Stockbridse Sun makus fuu of us just because the word 'Wl' was tnined into "acres" by our compusitor. Things ai e done on such a grand scale noiv adays how cli.l we know luit tbat they manutiicliirod uoods bv the acre up there? It bas been infunated in Injrli ex-olflclal quarters, tliat the electiou of the loiirth ward aldenuaii, foresbadows the re.-toratlon of the gasoline lanips. Our worthy aldernian elect, may be able to turn on a "little light" and settle the stupemlons questiou. - Yp3ilantlan. Lehman & Cavanaugh are to open law offices in Ann Arbor, iu short. They have securcd the rooms over the Savlngs Bank, on the corner of Hurón nnd Main Street. This is the best locatlon in the city. Mr. Lchtmn l to remnln in Ann Arbor a portion of every weck and Mr. C. tMe remaining portion of every week Suecess to them.- Chelsea Herald. A profitable business: Elnier Ellis, living on the Sweet farm in this township, report having ralsed and sold. since June 1") last, $905 wortli of hogs. He paid out f21 for pigs. Tlio entlre food consumed by the hoga was raised upon the farm eicept 50 busheU of oats. He still has a good supply left. Who lias realized a greater profit froni one branoh of farming?- Dundce Reporter. In travplingaroundthrough the village, we notice in many locaüties the "odor" whlch permeates the air, and which is not only disagreeable and oppressive but positively iinurious. As warm spring on this will bccotne more and more offensivc, and our liealth offlcer will have to be on the alert, and compel people to attend to the pl.-u-es whence these odors euianate f rom. We know our oflicer tries to do evcrything in his power to have our village tree trom offensive odore and unsightly places, but it requires him to be constiiiitly looking about, and diligenlly attending to what comes under his especinl care.- Cheliea HeralJ. Mr. Chas. McCormick, late eflBclent supervisor of the 2d district of this city, took charge of the county poor house last Monday the 2d inst. We have no douht he will make in effleient and popular superintendent. Mr. McDowell, the retlring manager, leaves a biglily creditable record and in fact the Washtenaw county poor have never had occasion to couiplain of their treatment. Tiiey have been favored with a long series of careful Buperintcndent?, and good keepers, while all the improvements in county buildings have been promptly made available. At nresont we belinve It Is i moflrl


Ann Arbor Courier
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