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The Young Man Considered

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The youiijr m-.n, the new voter dj reuton of baving attained tlio oecessarj yrars, U a rrrater clement In polll C than has usually been oontklered, ani there is üttlf or 110 difficulty in ioint out iiiiiny instaures in whieh youi'g men were the controlllnjj element ii Prealdential eleetloiu. ín eacb Prei dentlu) omvasa during Uie past decade iiikI i half 1,01)0,000 men VOtod WhO weic t younfi tO cast ft ballot at the nationa elección inniecliatíly preceding it. TIn politie! organisatlon wliieh can moa ¦trongiy atiract young men to it ia Uk ra loization whlcli will win in any con te) In wliieh the privilege of TOtlog i fresly enjoyed by al] classes of citlzena It "umloubtedly was the vote of the uu il under -2" which elected Jackson llarrison, Polk, Taylor, Lincoln :ui (¦raiit. Jackson's record as o brave aiu laecettful soldier in battlinjf against lus loiintry's foes won hiin hosts ot support sri among young men who wouhl have voted for Ailaius if the demócrata ha -. lected any other man than the bero o i Orieana. Military services was the dominant inlluence wliieh arrayed tin voiiii" men of the country on the side o Usrrison and Taylor, Whigs- the one ii 1840 and the other in 1818- and eleeted l i i - 1 1 . The nc)t conepicuous illustration ii Amerioiui histoiy of the noteucy o young men in politics was that furnishei In 1SG0. The men of the mklJle ani oUer period of lile, for the most part bound by party prejudices, traditiouí anc frlendshlp, reiaalned In tho organJzaUona wilh wbicb they liad been Identitied duriug their prewui manhood. The younj men, bowerer. knowing nothinc of sucl Influences, and coaa qaentiy befog inore re.ulily bronght into sympathy with BO] new nioveinent wliieh deserved support (juickly recognlzed the moral grandeur of the cause whleh the Repnbliean party chainpioned, and trioBnphaaÜy electec Aliraluiin Lincoln. After the death o Lincoln the regard and nffecüon of tbl young men centered on Grant, the in - most illustrious and exalted ligare of the mar period, and made hiin President Graut, however, sueh a general fav orite tluit hc probably would have Ijeri chosen even it half the young men hac voted for liis piineipal opponenta In tin Mnrassea In wblcb he BUCceKively p appeared. in the present división of scntiinen throaghotlt the country neither of tlit two gieat pai ties can claim a prepondv nee of the ablégate vote. J n the Can .i.-sol IS84 C'leveland's plurality on thi pojiular vote over lilaine wasonly 8 on a total of 4,S4S,334 given to lilaine while he J23,000 fewer votes than ne, Butler and 8t. .lolin combined The ri'sult, indeed, hingis on the 8tat( of New Vork, in which Commonweallh If (00 of these who voted for Clevelanc had cast their ballots for IJluine Instead the republieans would heve been trium phant. The paity whieh would make it elf assured of success in the coidIdj national canvas must noininate ¦ euiuli date and proelaim a policy which wil win the support of the majority of the yonog men of the country. Urganizutiou is uecessary to tnooeM and it cannot be too tboroughly attendei to. The Detroit base ball atfirregnlion s nota bnlliant and unqualitied suecess so far. Jolin K. Boise, of JIikImiii, is being gpoken ol as one of the delefcatea t large to the Ch'cago con ventlon. This distric oilght to have one of the fouraiul lie is a good man fot it. Conjrress having appropriated $30,000 tur au Indlaii sdioul in Michigan, Woodruffof the Vj)siiantl Seatinel, is kicking ¦boul it. He tliinks he sees "a job." A '¦job" under a democratie administra! ion ! merciful gracious ! ! ! The Free Press carried Hliode Jsland for the democracy bcfore election, bul come ay failed to "lnfluenoe" the peoplu ol tliat state, and thev elected the republican ticket by 2,000 majority, and cliusc a repiillican legislature, tlius sccuiin i repobliean successor to Senator Chace. Little lihody lias not lost its heiul yet. The next republican state convention lias bren ewlled to meet at Hartman' Hall, Grand Rapjdft, Tuesday Maj 5, al IS in. Tb Is wlll be for the parpi cbooslng dlegatea to the national conVCntlOM to Domínate the tWO men who will be the iM'Nt president and rloe-prelde:.t of the United State?. Prot Hogin, the Jacksnn baloonlst. drop. ped nine thousmul fcet, wltli lils parachute iffedneaday, injustlhree minutes, alu-htlnt; and mit iijureil. He ouijlit to make i Kiod oandldate for tlir prendenoy on the democratie ticket.- Foutou Independent, The Idea has boen loggested tlial it Is some one who can make a big flrop without injury. From tlie Xew York Mail and Expresa: "The New York State Metbndtet Conference tbat has just ended t V wrburjii had a very lively ReuiOD, Half of its CommUtee on Teniperance pretented reporl commitüng tbe Methodlil ehnreb absoluttlv and entiiely to the support of tbe proldbition party and its Oandldatet. Lucklly the pattor of t h. Waablnfrton Squ Cburcb In th3 city had the oour:ie and the good sense to protest against dragging tlie ehurch into jiarty politie, and Hu' report as presentad was not adnpted. 'I'hcre are plenty of Methodists uin believe in itippreMlng the lupior traffic, but who awo bel leve thst there are othor Isauei demand poliücal ac I ïiiii , ai'd who wonld reseiit being foreed by a confVrence to vote for the candidate, loeali State and national, of any one i)litical party.'1 Bepobllcaoa are tntereated in the cali for a county conrentlon in tiii'i lisae.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News