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Land Of The Setting Sun

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Hi:ii..m)s, Cm.., M.ii di 86, 1888 Edttob Cot kii.;i:, Ann Arb r Midi:- Will .vul give a traall apuse In jour pnper for me to answer in any letters to frtends In Michigan tliat Me ai nng nbout California? Wiki siionlii i.iy uw. iv ? Southern California is to-day looked upou by peupie of all and all seclioni ot tlie east a Merci wheie nmy bc found a chance ld live without the Ulre necesilty ot frcczuifr lo df.ctli in winter and roating in the summer and pagslng moot ot the bala in-e of llie yi-ar betwecn a Ahiver and smother. The dclectable prospect ot limling an abiding place where life endurable allures thúnmntls of pcoplc liither who have no inore iban the meuus necewary lo transport tlwm to tliia cowntry and who trust to kak to lind a guld mine, or at least a metliod ol earning a good living immeiliatcly upon thelr arrival. Tlionaanüs of guch adrenlurerx, many ot Uicm eren witiiom any trade or prufession, arrive eveiy week, ainl lis a natural consequenee m.iiiy dt tliem lind tliat llieie is heie nothlng at all tor them to do, except to writu a letter to tlieir homo paper, K irouncing the conutry, wbeu ttnv reaHy have oniy tlienisi Ives to l)lame for üieir lack ot lioise si'iiM' While the better clan ol ?kllled labor(i% teldotn havi1 atiy trouble lu ettinj; teady vrork at good warrs, we do uot hüVü-e even BOClj lo leave good pltfCtfí al the east and cumo bere meiely tor the purpose of yettlDg einployinent. It sacado come, lei them come with enougli niuney to py their ezpe&scs fora time, in case tliey .-hond uot rimJ wolk the day of tlieir ai i iv. il. Poor woikinen in any time siiouid pot come at all, II tbey depeiid oniy tl pon their labui lor thelr daily bread The cuuiitry is ruil oi these, ud Hiere is uu possible use lor them. Bi)okkei per#, elerks and professional men siiouid uotconie bere for business, nnlvas they have arranged beforehaad for an opening. Men h.uiisshonld nol come e.pucting to lill'l a line biisine-s Opening in the flrst i ily or Iiiivm they reucb. Xu body should corae bere for business, witn out busimss abilily, sutlicknt inoney to work on, and pleuly ol goud, hard aente. Witll tlus C ipital lor a stalt it WOU ld be difflcult to lind a country offtuiog acgrrat iiKluceuitnl as Öuutbern Callfoi nia In the mean linie I in 13' nniaiU the truth of the is beooRllrig pretty wcll knowti and the time has aboUl passed wlien the tiantic effortS ot' the the ti-aveling cbuBip and the Mribbler ean do lunch real lia: in In ihis land ot sunshiue, the most üesirable country wliieh eartb has for man to live iü. There is plenty of ruom foi good, eaergetic men ot meaiis to do weli. A man who will come into this oraBge bilt and purchaae Itve acies, the coat ot whicb will be Irom J200 to $1,000 per acre and et it ont to orange trees ut ft eacb for the twee, and lou lo the acre, and let liim tab good care of il lor live yi ir-, and the II uit ot each tiee will net Iliin trom 9'i lo ifö, h nel will inerease in amoiint for the next n'Hcen yean witli but linie labor. Now is a hi lier linie to parchase lamí thuii when I enne here, Jan. lst, lsSfi, tor miuiy have liouglil, tunde one suiall pauncnl expcciiiiM ,, cl an advaniv, hiiÜ it dld uot come, md are obliyed to ,-ell. It is a Uligtake Unit all th"Se who r mi ¦ bere and went linnir mul diil nol -ta al home in the h.-l 1 ice. lfail aucll bad been met ,,l llie station wil II a coach and wltli a band of imi-ii: and been made a bank president at a large snlary, they would be loudest in praise ot dimate umi Hik


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News