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IN iiie seiiaie me tjona-nircnase uiu wh urtluT Jim'iim!J on the Si, bul uu artlon was aken In the House the Direct-Tax bill was onnidered. and bilis were passed for the re irementof Alfred Pleasonton with the rank of Jolonel, and for tue promotion of oflicers of he arxny after twonty yen of oontlnuoua ervlce in one grade. Is the Señale nu the 4th an amenrtmenl to he H mil-Purchase blll providlng for the colnigeof llverin exces of the present monthly :mitation to take the place ot National bank lotes withdruwn from clrculation wa9 adopted. blll was lntroduccd to test the science of spelling and to provlde for establUhing one lundred schools for thut purpose 10 th House the entire session was consumed in votng upon düatory mottons submltted by the opponents of the DIrcct-Tax bill. In the Senato the Bond-Purchase blll was pasaed on the Mh. and with it an amendment providlng for additlonal coinagc to take the place of surrendered National bank clrculation. Mr. Wllson fia.) spolte on the Presldent's message, and denounced free-trade theories. ...In the House the entire session was consumed In HUbU9tertng over the Direct-Tax bill. A BiM. was mtroduced in the Senate on the 6th to rereal the statute whlch provides that no person who servod in the late war on the Confedérate slde shall hold any position in the United States army. Among the penson blll pussed were the followtng: To tho widow of Crneral Kilpatrick, 1100 a month; widow of !eneral Robert Anderson, 1100 a month; Increasing the pension of the oldest revolutlonary Densloner on the rolls, Nancy Rams. nlnetyslx ycars of age. from 18 a month to an amount not tlxod, but left to the Secretary of the Interior, and to Dr. Mury E. Walker, fc a month. Adjouinedto the 9th....In the House the entire session was consumed in tilibustering over the Direct-Tax bilL DOMESTIC. F. A. Mact A Co., of New York, manufacturers of tunbrellas, (ailed on the 3d ior $iro,ooo. ïhk nrlghton Beach Hotel at Conej Island, N. Y., fotirhundred feetlong. twohundred feet wide, estimated weight flve thousand tona, waa safely movnü baok trom Ita exposed posltion on the beach to a poiot three hundred feet lnland on the Hd. The building reated on one hundred and tweuty flat-cars, running on twentj-four tracks, and waa drawn by six locomotlvea Siitsen young ladies graduated from the Women's Medical College in Culcago on the :: 1 The Chlcajo Base-Ball Club on the 'M (told Clarkson, the famous pitcher, to the Boston club, for $10,000. Thrke men wera murdered In cold blood in Chicago on the Ud- Noy Ni DiUK, a Clilnaman, Eil D. Krelgh and Daniel BrazllL The jall at Friar' Point, Misa., waa set on flre by one of ita lnmates on the 3d, and five prisoners perished in the flamea The great railway Btrike in Chicago was practically ended on the ',i, the boycott on Burlington freight being declared off, aud the elimineert) and switchmen on the varlous linea involved announced thelr intention to resume work. I3urolábs at Marlborough, Mass., entered the realdence of Father Mc-Kenna, the parish prlest, on the 'M and robbed hls safe of orer $1,000. Adam Voi.kotitch was hanged on the 3d at Wllkeabarre, Pa., for the murder and robbery of StanUlaus Bloski lat Augnst Mes. Petkb Bubkk, a widow, wal hot and lustantly killed on the '.ld at Norway, Mich., by Patrick Wade, because ahe refused to marrv hlm. Tbe Comptroller of the Cuirency on the 3d autbor.r.ed the National Exctlange Bank of Kansas Clry, Mo., to begin business, with a capital oí Jjii.T.0,000. steerage passengere arrlved at New York, agalnst :! 1.100 tor the same time last year. Charles W. Babbï, a noted forger, was captured in Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 3d. and lt vu said nis arrest prevented a awindle on at least onc hundred banks. The trikers on all the railroads centerIng In Chicago except the Burlington returned to work on the 4th. The strlkerg of the Edgar Thompson steel works at Braddooks, Pa., refused on the 4th to accept the co-operative proposals of Mr. Carnagie, and tliat gentleman ordercd that the enttre plant be closcd untll January 1 next TUis decisión throws üve thonRand men out of employment About one thousand men who had been idle several montbs declded on the 4th to go to work again at the Readlng (Pa) ironworks at a reductlon of 7'-j per cent in wagea A 8A6H and blin faclory, an orgfan faotory, an electric light works and undertaking ware-rooms at Potsdain. N. Y, were burned on the 4tb. Loss, $100,000. At Jackson, Mich., on the 4th Edward Horuu, an aeronaut, dropped from a balloon at an elevatiun of two miles wicli a parachute umi lunded safely. A BEVEBE wind-storm slruck Farlbault, Mlnn., on the 4th, doinL much dumage to church roofs and sieeples, unrouflng several buHiuess blocks, levellng telegraph pol es, etc. The total loss was abont $100,000. Lutheb Shaffeb, aged twenty-two years, was hanged on the 4th at Lock Haren, Pa., for the mnrder of lsalah Colby and hls wlfe last August J. IIowe wbile drunk on the Hh at Foit Collins, CoL, killed his wife and kicked her body into the street hoon afterwaxd he was captured by a mob and hanged. ( 'ii Bassett was killed on the 4th at Phcen.x, A. T., by the dirt roof of an adobe house falling In and smothering Llin. He leares $750,000 and no known relativea Het. Abthub Simms, the pastor of a Methodist church at Norwlch, Conn., announoed on the 4th that he would renounce Methodlsm, owlng to ita rules for aaaignment of pastors to churches regardlos of the wishes of either. The business portion of Vukhut, Mich., was almost destroyed by tire on the 5th. Katie Doyle and Mary Mcflain, supposed to be from Mount Pleasant, Pa,, blew out the gas In a room In the Grand Hotel In Beaver Falls, Pl, on thp 5th, and were suffocated. Matob Roche, of Chicago, issned an order on the 5 h that after Hay 1 no llcenses wlll be lssued to saloons withln two hundred feet of churches and schools, and that all saloons must close at midnlght The steamer General D. H. Rucker, en route to St. Louis wilh a yaluabls cnrgo, burned to the water's edge on the 5th at Point Pleasant, Mo. At Sleeths, Ind., a wlnd-itorm wreckad severa! bouses on the 5th, and a frelght train was blown from the track. James Parmons and hls daughter, Mri Ynnkee, of Centerville, Mich., were sirnck by hghtnlng and instantly killed on the 5th. The cclebrotlon to commemorate the one hundredth annivorsury of the lirst ettlement of the tcrrltory nortbwest of the Uhio rlver, from which were carved the States of Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan nd Wisconsin, commenced at Marletta, O , on the 5th. A passesííeb train on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul road jumped the truck on the 5th while crossing a bridge neaf New Hamptun, Ia., and tbree coaches plunged into ha riging river. Five pertong were killed and nearly thlrty otheri were injured, some fatally. I.IOHTNINU Hred an oll tank on the 5th ownd by thn Nutioinl TranHll Compinj at I'arkir, Pa. , unit tliirt.v-tive tl ousand barrels of oll ere burned. Root, Btbono & Co, wholeiilers of dryfoods at Detroit, failed ou 5:h lor f 1 OO.Ot Hl The villaje of Aniesburv, Muh, was almost wiped out by tire on the Btfc Loc, (1,000,00a A tornado demulUhed severa', buildings iu Sioux City, Ia., on the uta, and onotber i'loud an hoiir later tore up the IlllnolsOentral track at Manu, Üfty miles datan'. The three young chtUlren oí 1 rank Dent, of Sprlnirneld. O., dlnd on the 5tb from the effect ol drinkinjr water from an old well Into whlch rats polsoned wi'.h arsenic had been thrown. Sn men were fatally burned on the !5th In the Delainater iron-worka in New York City by tno!tm iron whlch was accldentally poured over theiu. Dr. Bvjídt'h son and three young men were drowned at St. Ausgur. Ia., on theSth. At the closlng sesiion of the National Woinan Buffrage Auxociation iu Washington on the 5th it was voted that a memorial be presentad to Congress and the States, asking for tho remo val of the politie il disabillties of ornen, and that delégate be sent to eacb of the pollcicul partlea asklng for the recognlllon of their political rtjrhta During the aoven days ended on the Oth there wnre l!i bnR neRS f allures in tha UdIUhJ States, agaiust 17!) the prevlous seren days. The founding of the Grand Army of the Republic on April 6, 18ö, was celebrated on the evening of the öth at Dscatiir, 111., by a reunión of Decatur Post, No. 1, the tirst post ina'.ltuted. The Walter Haywood chair factory at Fitchburgh, Mas?., was Inirned on the üth. Los, $150,OOU Foub men were killnd on the (th by a dynamlte mili explosión at M illcr'H Station, I mi President Cleveland on the 6th signed the bilí arrantinj a pension to Mrs. John A. Logan and tbe act increasing the pension of Mra Frank r. Blair. Tbe President on the th sent to the Sonate the name oí Brigadier-General George Crook to succecd General Terry as Major-General. A National single-tax conferenoe will be held In Chicago July i to discus the abolition of taxes on all kinds of personal property, includlng houses, machines, growinn crops, etc., and theralslng of all public revenueí froni a single and direct tax on relstive land values. A. riEE on the 6th in ths lnmter yard of Brown, Clark, 4 Co., at Williamsport, Pa., destroyod tive millton faet of lnmber. Loss, f100,000. Tbf. banks of the river at Rook Falls, Ia., overflowed on the tith and carried away a mlll-dam, a barn and thres houses. Thk Oblo Legis! ature on the G.h passed a law treating a State Board of Pardons, which Is to be appointed by tbe Governor. Amelio oí Yoanna, manager of the Italian bank Avellinese, in New York City, decamped on the üth with $30,00a All the deposltors were poor and ignorant Itallans. A flood in tbe Cedax river at Waverly, Ia, had on the öth submerged one-half of the city, causlng great damage. Owisu to a falling off in business causad by the strike Uve hnndred frelght employés on the Western división of the New York Central were suspended on the tjth. Mant bouses on the flats at Mankato, Mina, were on the Oth tiooded up to the mlddle of the Windows and the river was still rlslng. West Mankato was submerged. Liohts'ino on the öth struck the new $10,000 soM.ers' monumentrecently erected in Mount Hope Ceraetery at Logansport, Ind, and badly shattered it The National Houw Comm ttee on offices on the Gth completed the consideratlon of the Post-ofhoe Approprtation btlL As agrreed upon lt approprlates $U0, 133,340 agalnst revised estlmates by the Postmaster-General ol $60,220,840. Rt. P.ev. Bishop Ireland, of 8t Paul, addressed a large audienoe at Central Music Hall, Chicago, on the evenimr of the Gth, bis subject baing"The Saloon," which he sald waa the evil of the century and the curse of mankind. The Bishop sald the remedy was to be fouod In law, a restrictlre lioense and relltfious instruction. Fiunk L Wii.son, a clerk In the Boston & Providencs ïreight office at Boston, contoaaed on the Üth to einbezzling $10,000 of the compnny's funda. While Mrs. Mary Suiith, of Wanemac, Pa., vas making whisky on the 6th her clothing caiiirbt tire aud she was burned to death, and her three children, who tried to save her, wcre fatally burned. Mr Buhl, one of the oldost and wealthi est mercüiantH In Detroit, Mich., was fleeoed out of $10,000 by "bunko" men on the 6th, A CICL.OSB on the (ith devastated eight mies of farming country near ConnersTille, Ind. , unrooling many buildings and mvepping fences and timber away. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Thr Naticiuai Woniiin Suffrage Assoclation convention coinmimoed at Washington on the 3d, Mm Elizabe h Cady Stanton pre¦iding. Thk Illinois Demooratic State convention will b held at öpringüeld May Ü3 to nomínate candidatcs for Presidential elector and State ofüceri. At the session of the National Woman Suffrags Associatlon in Washington on the Ath oüioera were elected for the emulng year as follows: President, Ellaabeth Cady Stanton; Vice-President at Larsre, Susan B. Anthony; Chairman of Couimitteo, MjitUda Joslya üaifa The Prohlbitionista of the Eleventh Indiana district met at Marión onthe4thand nominated P. L Iieoker for Congresa Thb Michigan Bepublioan couvaatlon to select delegutes to tiie National gutherlnf will be held at Grand I ipids May a After an Illness of several months Benjamin Hurris Brewater. Un ted States Attorney General during President Arthur's adniiniKtration, died in Plnludelphia on the 4th, aged seventy-two yeara He was one of the oldest and most prominent meJibers of the Philadelphta bar. At the election in Rhode Island on the 4:h the entire liepubücan ticket, with Boyal C. Taft ior Governor, was eleoted, and the Leglslature will be liepubücan in both branches. The proposed amendment to the constitution glvlng foregn-born citlzens the suffrage upon the same terms as native-born was defeated. Yermont Bepublicuns met in State convention at Burlington on the 4lh and elected delegates to the National convention. The platform charges the Democratie party wlth lmperiling popular government by nullifying the purity and honesty of electlons, favors protectlon to American industries, liberal pensions to soldlers, expresses ¦ympathy with the prohlbltion cause, and sondetnns the Pres dent for disregarding oivll-service reform. The Democratie State convention of Oregon met at Portland on the 4th and adopted a platform lndorslng President Cleveland, advocating tariff for revenue snly, and the elect:on of United States Senators by tte direct vote of the people. John U. Gearln was nominated (or Congresa The Mississippl Republicana met In State convention at Jackson on the 4th and chose dele?ates to the National convention. Reeolutions were adopted denounoing the Bete of th lnl Ijrislatur rnlntive to Reparats ai -mtmlitlon 1 rHlInmd ir.ilim for whil i mi roU.r 1 KPle ""l.the l'oll-Tux . John M. Talmer. ex-Ooveruor of Illinoi, vthh murr.r i ou tie 4th ht Spnugfleld, I1L. to Mra. Hunna i L Kiroball. The room la s,v. my ye;,iR oí age and the bride ¦ tbree. . Wn.i.iAM o I.usk. a pioneer of Texas, dled on the B h nt Rusk, aed oue huadred and one yeam W'isconhik Repnbltcns wlll meet at MadfBon on tbe ítth of M y lo eleot deli'gates to the National couvention. The l'r.ihibitionlsts of California met in San Francisc o on the 5th and eleoted delegates to Iheir National convention. The resolutioiiH favor woman suffragi anddenounce the prostliution of the grape Industry to tliu manufacture of lntoxicaUluf. Uquora Thí Democratie couvejptlon to elfct two delegues to rfl-rt-íent tija Dtlteit of ColuinMa at the Nutlond convention was held in Washington on the 5th. A vacancy ainonjr the Major Generala of the army was created on Vh 5th by the placing of General Alfred H. Terry upon the retired llat The New York Demócrata will meet in New York City May 1 5 to elect delectes to the National convention. Jacob t-'HARP, notoriou for hls conneotion with New York streetrallway schemes, who was under a sentence of live years' imprisonment for briblng aldermen, dled at hls home in that cicy on the 5th, aged scventy-one years. Fuli. returns on the 5th from the Rhodo Mand election gives Royal C. Taf t (Rep.) for Governor a niajorltv of 1,984. The euffrage amendment has 571$ over the neces ary three-flfths vota. The Senate stands: Republicana, ür; Demócrata. t; no election, 5. House: Republicana, D l ; Uejnocrata, 10; rrohtbition, 1; no election, 7. FOREIGN. Advices of the ad from Berlín say that seventy-nine Germán villaifoa, with a population of thirty thousand, were submergfed by floods, and it would requlre months of labor to draln the flooded dlstrlcte. The watera ol the Vístula were still spreudm?, and covered an area of fourhundred and nlnety square mllea There would be no harveat lu the rlchest land in Gerroany, sprint oultivation belng iuipossible. Advices of the 3d from Massowah state that the Abyssinlans had captured the vlllage otMalential, the lnhabitanU of whlch were frlendly to the Itallans, and had maasacred all the men, woruen and chlldren in the place. London advices of the Sd Bay that the derrishes of Tatilet, Marocco, liad proclalmed a holy war ugaiunt the Sultan. Advices of tbe 4th say that in a bull-fighl at Celaya, Mex., the buildings was set on flre by one of a party of convicta that had been taken from prison to aee the eport, and elghteen peope were killed and many othera were badly woundad, Ths Chinese Government lsued an order on the 4th forbiddlng steamers to trade at Chun Klung. The edict had caused great exoitement at Manchester, Eng. Avalanches In ltaly had done mach damage on the 4to. At Welssenbach a house was buried and four women killed. Four thousamb Irlih emlgrants salled from Queenatown on the 5th for America. Advicis of the 5th say bandlta were holdinsr h gh i'urmval In Cuba, and murder and ktiluapinu' flourished unrestrlcted. Mk. Mathison and hls Bixteen-year-old son, ol Oil Sprlngs, Can., were drowned in the Sarnia river on the tith by the npsettlng of a boat Advices of the Gth from Zoolos say that flghtlng recently broke out between the Hpanlsh gurrlson and Zoolos natives, and tuut ten Spunlur.lH and one hundred natives were killed and many wounded Sir John A. Macdonald expreased himself on the (3th as beinsr "i favor of commercial raciprocity between Canada nul the UniUxl States. A Fbekob Auarchst named Morelle was arre3ted on the 6th for tryinff to blow up a church near Paria wlth dynamite. Cardinal Thomas M. Martinelli, one of the Bix Cardinal Bishop, died on the 6;h at Bomo, ltaly. LATER NEWS. Tjiei:e wub 110 sextsion ui Iho Uutt ' States enato on the 7th. In the l!u e t' o entire session win a-jam consume ii HUbustering over tho D n'C -Tux ti 11. A tornado on tlie 7ih diil gjruui Uanuiife to property in the nativo quamt of l) eva, ludia, mul uiueteeu (. ihouh wrra kl.lud Hans Ktackkild and his wifi-, 1 vin? in greutpoveriy in New York, rounnittt: [ nulcide 011 the 7tn by laking powou, aud dieil wlthin an hour of eacli olhoi. of starvation was the cause. Lkiters received on the 7th at Augusta, Me., stated that James O. Blalne aud fatnlly woald arrivo in this country about Üie end of June. Lewih J. Wii.liams, a iu lícal director of the Unitod States navy (retired), dlod at Baltlmoie, 5[ l, ou the Mh The trouLilea on the BiirlinLtou road In Chicago wcre on the 7th agam declarud ut an end. the reont dUturbunce not tjeing a strike bnt simply a disiucllnation to work on tho part of u {ev yaxdmastira. Thx loss of the stéainshlp Uio Janeiro was ri porti'd on the 7th at Montevideo. Sbe had one hun Inul and twtniy pusaen(fers on board, all of whom wore auppoaed to be lost The princip 1 business block at Cherokee, Kan., was destroyed by flre ou the 7th Losh, $ HM), 000. Thk cent'nntal unnlversary of the settlement of Marietta, 0., by General Rufu Putnain and olher pioneer was celebrated on the 7th. Senator Hoar, of Miisnachuetts, was the orator of the day, and Gover¦or Foraker made the 8peech of welcome. HlOH water had on the Sth caiwedmuch damae in the lower portions of Del Molnes, Ia., and vlcinity. In Iruland on the -h erious riotlng occurred at Kilrush, Kauis, Kinturk and other places between the pohce and the people over the a'tempt of the latttr to hold National League nieetinfTB, aud many persons were injurvd, eome fatally. On the Eria ruibroad at CrolgvlUe, N. ï., the boller of au engine exploded on the 7th, killirifr Engineer John Bodine, Conductor John Clnrk and Hreman Boyce. A tobsado on the 7th lu Union snd LItlngston counties, Ky., wreoked mauy buildings, swep away large foreste and killed one man. Thk exchanges at twenty-slx leadlng clearlng-houses in the United States during the week ended on the 7ih ag-greirated l,040,90fí 8Ü0, i gainst $7ltH,!tlö,15l, tha prevlous week. As compared with the correspondáis: week or 187 the increase amouuted to 5. 7 p;r cenu 1 ¦Minus and u water-spout pasaed over Peeth and other partR of Hungary on the 7th, causinií a loss of 1,000,1)00 florín. (-¦ttoi.i kn rivi'r and sreain In Minnesota had on the 8th caused the ereatest (lood known theie in seven yeurs. Kvery creak had become u r. ging torren t, and thousands of acres of land were ovi-rfiuwi-d, cattlü hud been drowned, MdKW wished uway, and r;.i!way tl; file w 8 8unp jndo-1 in every directlon. .V in ]i ..-rsoiiH h .d i e n c mpelled to fl ' OilK'B fOl' f V


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