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An Iniperatiye Necessitj. Whal pure air is toan unhealtliy localitv, wliat spring cleaiiing is to the neat lioiici-ki cpt-r, so s Hood's Sarsnparilla to evt-rybn ly, at tins seasoti. The body i,reii! lu be tlioroughly leuovated, the blow! puritlrü anil vilalized, the IfrJilU ttf (JIkim dc-ftroyed. Srrofula, Sall Klieiim, lid all otlier blond disorders are eurtd liy Hood's Sarsaparilla, tlie most popular and successf ui spring medicine. Love Dfi human heilig purcly ;.ud wanuiy - llicliter. A Tremendoiis SensaUon wnuld have been ereated qne hiindred vear jjp ly the sijilit of one ot our modern ezptem traína whixzlnjr iilone ut the r.ic ot sixty milos an hour. Jut tliink i (iw mr jiratldfatiiérH wouM have Urcd ,it siich a speotac'e! It tak-s a ifood iIhhI to nstonish people nw-a-djs, hut seint: of th nmrvi-lnus cures of rtilisuinpti"ti,'rouelit by Dr. Pierce's Go den Medical Discovery, Imve creatcd wide-spiend amazement. Consumption is ut InM pronounced curable. The '"!olden MuMm1 Discovery" ia the nnly ki."wn nmi'ily for it. If' Ukt-n at the rihi tinte - wliich, bear in mind, U not wl.m the lungs are nearly gone - il will (fn rijjlii to tlie ceat of tbr diseape nd bc (Mimplisli ts work as nothinj; rlsë in the woild can. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Khcuin, Kever Sores. Tetter, Ctiapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptlons, and posltlvely cures l'iles, or no pay refiuired. It is Luarrttiteed to ftive perfect satisfaction, or monoy retuuiled. Trice 26 cents per box. Kor öale bv Ebprhach & Bon. -fUU. W E GfN ppPRICE's CREAM gAKlKg fOWDEp lts superior excellence proven In mllMons of homes for moreihan a quurter of arentury. U la iistd iiy ihe Unltpil stati-sgovernnient. Kndorsftl ïy ttie headM of theUreat UDlversttieB bh the StrongeMt, Pure8t.,and miwt Healthful. Dr. Prlcu's theonly Biikintr Powder Hint doe not oontain Ammuiila, Limo or Aluin. .Solii only In runs. PKICE BAKING POWDER CO., NKW YOKK. CH1CAOO. ST. Is. LtTMBERI LUMBER! LÏÏMBEU! It you contémplate building, cali at FERDON Lumlter Yard ! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sta., and $re our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our owu Lumber and Kuarantee VERY LOW PRICES 4fc-Gve ua a cali and we will makc it to youc Interest, as our large and well raded stock fu 11 y ¦ustains our assertion. Telephone Connettiont with Office. F. I. KKKCH Supt. JAMES TOLBHRT, Prop MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Ratea 'our Trip per Wek Bttitfn DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Itrnaoa. OhttboTran, Alpna. Hftrrtivüla. O.ood. 8nd Booh. Port Hurou. 8t. CUlr. Onuad Iloui. Muui Oltj. ¦very Week Cy Betwmn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND BpoUl Sundar Trip durlng July nd luiu.i. OUH 1LLUSTRATCO PAMPHLETS ül and Bxouralon Tloket will b furnlthed bj jour Tlokt liut, or Kldrw E. 8 WHITCOMB, Q.n'l Pmi. Ag.nt, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH.


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