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. - ' ' I SOME DOCTORS honestly admit that they can't cure i and Neuralgia. Othera ¦ gay they can but- don't. pho-ros says nothing but - cure. That's the secret of its roeoMS. Years of trial have provcd il to be a quiete, taf e, ture cure. Conoonl, N. II.. Sept. 3. 1S87 In myown laiiuly Alhl"Pli'ir.)H wanused au a last renort, the user havinK Riiflere.l s from rheuinatixui forrean umi havloff ; been trvatwi for dnewe ly ilitfeivnt iihysicianH In tuin State mul i i eetta without even tempor; renef. ; I 1 í pon my recommendatioi acore nf p-uple liavi' uní thls remedy wlth the samo kjbuIU clalmixl for it. C. II. Wohon. ¦ Dubuqui', Iowa. Jan. :t. 1. AthlnpïioroH has oompletely nirea me nf I nrvnu lundarln-. anil 1 fil Uiaukful ior all the guod it hun done int'. i Mk LmusK Ohf.hrv. Sencl G eents for tlio boratUU rolorcd picture, " Moorisli MuUli'ii." THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St. N.Y. This is the Top of the Gkn i ine PearlTop Lamp Chimney. Allotheis,siniilararcimitation. TTrhis exnet Label ÍmEp BgJOk is on ench Pcarl jBlSlM MU Top Chimney. PB IHSi A dealer maysay JE 9Uú3 ptr an think he has JmBES&' others as good, yY BUT HF. HAS NC ! . Insistuponthe Exact Label and Top. Fan Sale Evirywhere. Mace only by REO, A. MACBETH & CO.. Plttsburgh, Pa All DrugKÏ'ta., JSOc.. nii $1,00. Preptred onlyby Dr. Seth Arnold, Med. Corp., Woomockct, K. I. CHAMPION CREAMERY. t, f Awardod FIKST %k i' ii i: i i r i "¦ 4' Í. .Viï.s.-ïï evurytbiimr at Jr'ut Hlm TT si. i.oris i iu. I I !!SS ?"" Ha both Surfiin; ml Il7 - ¦ 1 Draw II' btrimmlng II fe ' ' Htt:Kltmcntii. DrawH UB i l IJJ iiulk at ciwou lirat ao liy-rrwd ! din d., R E fi T CIC E AM B U „II J "3 I ciaMon thi'luurket One Jfc= "Uil ltl uüdIi'huW' i-rii-e whci-ü 1 thero are nt) at-'iit. Davls SwIrorChnrn. Eureka aad Bklnaat Bnttac Workers, Nt-sbitt liutt.-r Ptjntera, S:c, &c. DAIKY IMPLEMENT E0., BELLOWS FA1.IL.S, VT. Kstaie of Alma Siinnior. STATfiOlfMICUI(}AN, Conniy ol WabteDw, . At a peaslon oT tlie Probate ('onrl for the Conntj ol Wiwhti-naw. holden ui the Prohnte Dfflce. In tl' cily of Ann Aibor, on WedBFid, the Ifth flJ of Mnrch, in the year one tioiiiund elirlil hundred and elibtjr-ele 't. Present Wllttam D. Uarrlmn,.Iud(;eof l'rohato. In the matter of the eptate of Alnvi Sumoer, dMMHdi On readlne and fllinR the petitlon, duly v.rflc d, of .imnM K. Samner, prayini; thnt idnilnii trailon of eald es'ate ni iy he granted to hniH-ll or Hwine othersnitablc perpon ; Tbereupoo it Ie ordered, that Mondaj, th' day of April next, at len o'clook In the torenoon, he aisitrned for thehemïng nf mld peilt ton and that the helrs at law oi p.ild deceaöed, and all other ptmaibt intereisied in t;(id eetate, are reqnired to appear ai a repelón ol naid court, then to be holden at the Probate Offlce, In the City of Ann Arbor. ai.d Bhon cante, lf any there be, why the Draver of the pe tltioner gbonld not beeranted. And il la farthei ordered, that iaid peütioner give uotlce to the persons interected in siiid entatc, ol tli pendency of sald petitton, and the hearlne tboreoi. b rniihint' a copy of thie order to he piiblislied in thu Ann Arbor Oouner. a newspnper printed md circula ted In iaid county, three succeseive weoks previou tosaid day of hearins. (A true copy.) W1I.LIAM D. HARK1WAN, Judgo. of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Reilster. Bf7-1 HM


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