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JpTvT Michigan "Tine taille lukltiK effect Nov. 2'llh, H7. (mimi Htandard Ttmr. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. " I si Si ii TM HTATIONB. L HO. jC L C MH j J5 O_ __ _ ¦L 0' A.H. A.. P.M. P.M. P.M .' Chicago. .Lv. 650 00 8 10 4 40 815 9 10 3s Kalainïoo...'lïn: 150 6 58 50,123'. n6 Hattle Creek.. 1 K' i 27 7 88 1 S5 3181781 Jackaon, 3 15 4 20 8 4H 3 15 4 9 U Gram Lake....l 3 88 513 94 Chelsea 85M 535 9 Dexler 4 14 550llHi DclhiMIlls... 424 10 AnnArbor.... 4 83 5 30 9 46 486 r, YpBilanti 450 5 45 56 4 52 624'lOff WayneJnnc. 615 6 05 515 R 47 11 19 Detroit. ...Ar. 600; H45 1045... . 600 7.ll,'o Ut .Thomas 1110 206... . 950 8 Ui ... FallsVtew 117 bmi! N.Falls 221 45 122 658.. Bnff-ilo & 7 15 ... . 840 ttjj DETROIT TO CniCAGO. STATIÜN8. Lt 4: r c I e &! s ?? s f ff A.M. PM." AM. A H A.. . Knffalo 1180 53i 0(i5 9MI 100' N. Kalle la-15 216... St.Tbcm.. 4 1001) . 1 10 M A.H . M. I" " P M. P.M. P.M . Detroit.... Lv. 7 UO 9 10 130 4 00 8 00 1015. Wevnejnnc. 7 41 953 2()3 4 45 811055.. " Ypiilanti .... 8 113 10 12 220 5 lí 85811;" Auci Arr .. 8IM10S0 2 32 530 912 1185.. lielhi MH's .. 82 542 Dext.r 837 550 9SÍ Cheleea 8 54 605:952... GiaLake. lr H27UO15 Jaekvon 4SU."5 8 3 710,111 RattleCreck.. 11 L" 1 IS 140 RS21S12JS Kalaniazoo. . 12 17 1 5J 5 15 9 45 1 iO 3 0' 4 45 Chicago.. .Ar. 6 41 H 40 80 . .. 7 00 74510 0 W. RUOGI.B8, H. W. HAÏKX. (i. P. & T. Agent Airt.. Ann Atlxir. OUeaco. [Vedo, Ann Arbor & N'orth Michigan Kailnay. TIME HCHKDÜU. To t.ike effect ut 12 o'clock, nnoii, on Sun day, October Otli, 18S7. Traiu ran by Standard Time. OOING NORrn. 1. s = S ï , s g =s STATIONS. ï ïo i d ft. a. "cul . u. r. m e. h.a. . Tnleli l.v 5 16 3 15 6 1 Mlinhattan JuDCtim 5 SI 3 211 6 40 6 10 Alezli 0 27 8 8 ti .v. Ui Sumirla 5)5 3 43 7 i( 7 3U onroe JaBCtlou 02 4 05 7SI h 10 Dumlee 6 10 4 12' 8 05 8 SO Aulla 6 2:. 4 18 8 2U 9 Ou Mllan S6 4 :tr. H K 30 Uiania 8 50 4 4'. 8 55 11) OU 1'iitKlieM 7 lm 4 Aun Arbor...." 7 15 ¦ 10 k 5 Ulan I 7 88 :. 80 9 5 1 u Whilinure l.aki 7 46 B 4") Ko '.! Howell s i 0 -Js i:;W5ui Dura'id 9 30 7 2U 93IIP.K. roruuua 9 .'5 7 48I03&.... Ohob-ü 10 01 7 .V 1! l Owoeso JlllICt1!! UMIfi fi 111 11 ld Ilua n 11 ll 15 -' 4t; ... St. I-ouIb 11 351 9 : 8 SS AJiD'l 114219 41 855..... Mt. r-.easaut Arl2 30 10:l li !?¦ . .. p. . i'. m. p. a GOING 8OÜTH. s-;1 _!.83 STATIONS. M i g ï Mt. Pleasant Lv % 40 'm 130 Alma 15 7 20 2 20 Hl. 1-uulH Il 35 7 27 2 2h Ith.xa 12 2.5 7 4'i 2 46 .... Owosko Junctlon 4 00 8 55 4.H.... Owiwso 4 08 9. u 4 06 Cornnna 4 25 08 4 15 ... Durand 5 16 9 80 4:a.ji. Howell 7 40 10 20 533 511) Whinnore I-aki Kzu. 11 01' 6 11 U-land 6 30 1111 0 M 7 33 AnnArbor 7 15 11 30! 8 ólllO M HrUütld 7)ü 7WH Trailla 7 ai 11 50 7 10 11 50 Milan 7 45 12 04 7 20 12 U AzulU 7 55 12 14 7 31112 46 l'urulL'e 8 03 12 24 7IH 1 In Junction 8 10 12 31 7 51 I :J0 Samarla 8 25 12 46 8 10 2 10 Alexis 8 45 I 00 8 3 2 45 Mnnhiitian J::nclin 8 5H 105:8.37 3 0 Toledo Ar 00 1 10 8 41 8 15 A. -. P. n.l P. M. r. ¦ Soiltll 1,11)11 liraiU'll. NOKTII BOI'ND. STATIONS, sol' III litJlN).. Train tl Train 1 P M. P. M. 9 50 l.v. Lrlord Ar. Ii :p 10 00 Ar. Worden Ar. 20 10 20 Ar South Lyon I.v. 6 00 OoaBMÜMU: At Tolt-do, wlth rallroa("s iml'; at Alanhnt-au Junrtu.n, wllh Whet'lhi & Ukr Erie K. R.; at Alexis J uncí ion, :h M.Í!. Ii. Ii., L. S. & M. S Kt. nd K. A I'. M K. R.; al Mnnroe Junctlun. ith I.. S. MS. Uv.; at bondee, wilh L. S. je M. m. Ry., M. 4 O. .lunvtlon. with Waliash. St. .V 1' I at Pitffleld, wlth L.s. ,t M. S. Hy.; at Ar ¦ whk Michigan Central R. li., and at South L)ou ith Delroit, Lancine A Northern K. H.. and Mich. A. L Div. of Grand Ironk Ky. At Rmhorir Ith M. A. Line DivMon G-mui) Trn-k R'y. At Huwcll wlth Delroit, I, .nll)K & N nbern K J. M Dorand with ('h c-igo & Grand Irunk H'. u D.'iroit, Grand Haven MHwnukee R'j . A tio Junction wfih Detroit, (.rand H iven A M kee K'ji and M cliifMn Cent'al R. l(. Ai M. Loo!" wilh Detroit, L-ire'ng 4 Northern R. li. nnd .-gi na Villejr & Si. Loira h'y. AiA'maii DiiMt, Lansint' & Nnrtbern R'v Al M'. Pl-us Dt lik Flint A Pre M irqoct R y. H. w. H8HLBY, General Miüisar. W. II. BKNNKTT, A. J. PA1HI1T. Geu'l. HanH. & Ticket Agent. Local itei-t. Estale r Ddi-ius Plere. STATS OF MICHIGAN. County ol V „-hiem At a sension ol Ihc Probate Cnurt lor th.1 Cou"? 01 Washtcuaw, holden at Ihe nffl.-e in IW city of Aun Arbor, on Ti.e-dav. the -II h il ' March In the year thouanil eljfhl hundrfil aml eiKhty-elght. Preaeni, Willlam l). Harnwi Judiie ol Pri in the miitier of the enlate of DnrlUf P frt'. d cea-ed. Nathan Piercu, execntor ut ibe II wlll iii.d tectament of said deceaied, rwiirt into court and reprettenta tluit he i ruw prejurtd 10 rendorhla flnai account a pnch ex rnt(r. Tliereupon t I ordered, that rmwiay, me I"' te(Miih day (jf April nest, it ten o'clock in iotriioon i88itfiied lor Ihe t-xainlnltiir and il1oi'i o' h account, and Ihui ihe devirfeef, l'i1'' and h'-im at-law ol wild de eajed. umi all il fon? tnierenieti in Maid estate.are re(uirel Icipïw'it at a Besitin of (aid court. rhen lo 1)" holden al M'p Probate OfUce, In tbe city of Ann Arbor, in '" c unty and show cause, Ifany tliere be. hy u suiii account thould not beallowcd: Aod it ij furtlier ordered, ihai satd wctl' eivenotice to ihc peroun tnterested in ?ai(! ¦ I IhepeDdcncj of aid account and Ihe lieariiiif tbre of, by caimito; a copy of tliln order 10 be uubiiw in the Ann Arbor i'ourier, a nuwi-paperprlnteo' 1 rlrcnliC'nL' in salí) county, two wtmt previou to saiii day 01 hearin. Atraccopj, WU.LIAM D HMHIIMA . jiid-eofP'nh'1"WM.(i.DOTY, Probate Rintr. IS96-ia8__ Real Kslutc Cor Kale. OTATE OF MUHIUAN.Couniyof Washteu . In the Matter of the Eetatc oí CHrk M. Sly, dVcuared. Notice Is herehy dlven, that In puiu ordei 'L-ranledt the ir dcTM".:neda!minllrat(K)' the cetate of aid Chuk .M. sa . dcces.-ii. ¦¦ Hon. Judücof Prob.ite rot Ule Oiunty of !: naw, on the 2Nt day 01 Ma, A. D. IS 7. 'h'-re " be sold at public veudne, t 1 the hlïhel MM". at tho late iiwidi-nc of aidd. c-.-in-d in th'1 '"'¦ ehipof Super or, in the CuO(i) oí Waílitein. "' ii.1 Stat,-, on Tueeday, thr'nrrt dy "I '{ A. D. 18S8. at ten o'drtck In the roienoomrt day (snhject to uil encumbrance by roortjaee or otherwlse exiítiní at the time of the """" ' aald deccased) the follo.vlng dencrihcd real csWKi t '-wit: . All of the Kant xty acres of the Kait half" Boulh-BHtt qnarter at aectlon ni.mVr tDinji 11) In the tnwoshlp ol Salí m In me L'ouniJ ' Washtcnaw and ïiia'e of Mii-nivaii. NATHAN I' SI Y, hOUY P. SI.V, Adminiítrítor. Dated March 9. 1888. Piso's Cure for ConCa suuiption ia ilso tbe best ra Cough Medicine. If you havo a Coutfh ¦without disease of tlie Lungs, a few doses are all l?j you need. I 13 glect tliis easy meana of tA safety, tho sliglit Cough Qfl fcj ni.-iv becoine u scrious TA m matter, and several Ej w tlcs will be required. Newspaper Ailvortlalng Bureau (10 P1 Mi. ¦¦pilf iffIDif tlalngrnntrnotamay MKMf TlllflVl le luuüe ior lt lU II bil I Wlv


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