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Friday is the day to plant that tree.

Friday is the day to plant that tree. image
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Friday is the day to plant that tree.
J. T. Jacobs is getting up a booming pamphlet.
August Dieterle has taken a position in Wines & Worden's store.
Republicans should remember tbe ward caucusses Friday evening.
There is to be a teacher's examination at Chelsea, on April 27th, 1888.
Grover Cleveland Koch et al., minors, Is the tille of mi estáte in guardianship at tbe prob:ite olflce.
Authors of spring poetry, etc, will please note that drop letters re now 2ct8 each inti'ail of 1 cent is beretofore.
Steffy & Servis hare lound it neeessary alri'üiiytu put Inan 18-horae power baiier in place of tiic 6-boree power now In use. A new iliiciiniy of the oounty is In proces of eonstnictioii. It ia hoped tbitt it will beau ImprovemeiH upoo the last oue. The April Poinolnfrlcal meeting was omltted u this is a very bus time. Ttie May meeting will be held, is tno.-t of the work will be done. You can't t;ilk expenditurei to the present city cooncil. 'l'hey set down on tlii'in like the weljflil r a apile driver on tli e bead ot a spilt'. The priee of fresh pork lias been raised hv our int'Ht market hum front 10c to i[ .,'¦, per H). Tncii'ma coma high, but we iinisl have ir, you Icnow. A tramp named 1) M. tturray lias been sent f.o the connty jai) frons Che Isea for pulllng h revi Ivcr upon the M. ('. brakeDUIQ who bouncttd Iiim off the train. According to tl ie daily Sporting News George Roberts of tlns city, will wreatle -c.ilch-i-aii witli Stephen Brass, of Gaine?, at Milford, next week Friili.y. In notlng the sale of the residence on N. División st. I'roin A. De Forest to II. J. Brown, the con.sideratfrtn should have been lö.OOO instead of $4,500 as stated. Another perplexlng imstake of the figures. Miss NMlic Childa, danghter of V. K Childs, buraed her lm UU very hadly Wcdnenlav evenlng while atteinpthifr to smolher the blnze of a faney sun flower shade that eanglit flre as she was liijliiing the hiiiip. The praclice of poisoning dog is one of the most contemptible Ihit any of the human family Indulge in. Among ihose recently poUoned w;is a valualile canine owneil by Prol -M. B. C loley, of tliis city, tliathe prized highly. Charles M Jones w rites from Wlchltd, Kans i?, that " the fruit trees are in leaf and f uil bloKoin asd the ground covered with a beautitul curpet of the richest green. Our beautitul city continue to boom with o UI time vij;or." We were hnpplly stirprlucd on Mouday to recelve a hamlHoine lanned (teer skin from a relatlve In Thompson, bchoolcrafl cunnty - MUan Leader. Ye local had bis dear skin tanned a week :i}ro last M'iinlay. tiot by bis relativea by any mean. "Onr f i íeuds, the enemy," did it. Mis. Jcnnle li. Fisher, the ooi respondInjf leeretary of the W. C. 'i'. U., informa us tliBt placea 'i entertainment for the ilelegates to the 2d district convention to le lield in the Bapti-t churcb, April :,- 7, are stil 1 wantinr. iNlis Matllda lirown, S. State st., is the lady to cuiifer with. In the Minneapolis E veiling Journal of April llth.isii oompoaltc picture of tbe vaiions republiciiii candidatea, and an article trom the pen of W. 15 Chamberlain, explanatory of the same. Mr. Chamberlain is well known here as one "t the promialnt; journaltta who graduali-.l from tbis University and city. One of tbe St. Pau! papers bas heen intcrviewinir prominent citizens of Minnesota n referenca to the worblnga ot' the lii;h lieense luw, and the testimony is unaniniius in favor of tlie law. It bas reduced the Qumber of saloons, put the business luto the hands ol more respectable men, dlmlnished drnnkennew, and given the state a large reven ae. The Ypsilautian, in lts last issue contains a map of the lower península of this state fet up out of type auU rules, that w a marvel of the typographic art, and shows what can be done lf a pergon "iily tries. The map is for the purpose of Sliowinj; ibe " wet" and "dry" counties of the state. As no eounty hl the opper península has voted upon the quejtion, that part was not ahown. The psilanth.n deserves much credit for lts cnteTprlae. One of the pleasantest events that has WMB place ín Ann Arbor for manya ttoy oecarred at tbe rngideace of J. Ausn S'oit. K,-(., on Var.htenaw Avenue, ¦last Wediiesday evenlng, when tbe ceremony wns performed by Hev. Dr. Ryder wat united the livesot AIUs Mary Hor"BcoM to Mr. Charles Lunt Carter, of ioieUo,üliio,on of themlnlrter of the Hawalinn natlon to Washington. Few were pretenl except relatlvea, but the presenta were vuluable and grand. The couple J" l eommence their married life in ToWo, and after May 1 st thcy will heat "wne In No. -l Paris FlaU, Toledo, Ohio. me tiridal tour Is a profound secret accorUing to the latest demanda of fashion. Iast Satarday nicht a burglary was ('"intted at Cbrietk Carey 's place on JJttroit Street, where fome $25 or $30 worth of llqtior and cigars were taken, "a alao at Oustave Roebm's next door juutli, wherc some $5 In money an.l a w citársete, were taken. An attempt ws iiiso made on the same night toen ter rr. tierle's resldence, on Nortli street, nole being bored tbrotigh the door, but 'ie ''"iglars were acared off before galn2JiwJniMlon. The door of St. Thomas uureb wu f„rced ,„_ blt the villa,M9 't;iul'l lind nothlng valuable to steal, "O0gh ransacking everything. Suspliuna Ijhvc been placed in one or two 4arterii, but gnspicion amounts to noth 1Dg Wlthnnt evi.lenrr.