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The bid of the Courier office has been acoepted by the Omega board of editoia. Prof. Ferry wishee to speak to each of he seniora in regard to ttieir "credit.1' A gpedal examinntion In Arithmetic s to be glven iu Hoorn Xo. 2 next Wednesday. The appointments for the coming trr.nluating exerciseB will soon be announoeil. Oeo. M. Hosack took a "header" the other lay while learning to rlde a bycicle and the resulc was a broken arm. Delta Epsilon will discussthis question thla week, Friday evening: Resolved, That a university for its best interests ghould be placed in the country rather than in tlieity. The old habit of last year has aftain been renewed, that of "eutting the corners" ani) thereby spoilinj; the lawn. Those who have become accustomed to makin this short cut shonld try and use ournlcestone walks instead. The following appointments were made filis a. rn„ for commencemeut exlilbltion: Hannah M. Anderson, Greene, Ia.; Wm. BUlr, Ühambersburg, Fa.; Lizzle M. ]5;illcy, Ann Arbor; Nellie Cutler, Fisher; Donald O. Douglass, Ann Arbor: Ausfin C. Gormley, AniArbor; Hattie V. Havilunil, Ann Arbor Walter J. Kent, Dnndee; Fred C. Kent, Dundee; David MoMorran, Port Huron; Matilda A. M. Neumann, Ann Arbor; Roba l'uleipher, Ann Arbor; Frederick B. Uyder, Ann Arbor; Al. Eloise Walker, Sc. JohnB. To really enrlch the blood try vvnrkin g in the garden or yard. Natliun Stanger formerly with Wines & Worden Í now with Kch & Henue. We are inbebted to tlie Detroit Tribune for its admirable "acore Book1' of national league gnmes for 1888. It is valuable from the fnct that it is a score book and not an adyertUing dodge. Allen, of the Baticroft Advertlser. ran for office at the late election, and failed to get elected. He dlsmisses the matter by logically renntrking, "God cave a man from his frlends. He oan wntcU liis enemies." Amen! The program for the 12th anuual conventlon for the 2(1 congressional district of the V. C. T. U. is out. Tlie meetings are to be held at the Baptist churcli, commencing next Wednesday and closing Friday night. The sessions are at 2 ar-id 7:30 o'clock p. m., and report of work in the various depurtments, of local unioiig, ot addresses and general discussion of important topics will coii8tltute the work of the conventiou.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News