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"Time table taking effect Nov. 20th, Ist; Ostral Mtandard Time. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. I l t Í5S1J stations. 3 Sa c SC LG „- so 5 ï: 2 IlLSiilüï S' A.M. A.M. P. ¦¦ P. ... r U 7. Chicago. .Lv. 650 900 8 10 4 40 8 15 9 ló 3 Kalaroaioo... 117 150 658 50 1231 -V tv, Battle üreek.. 1 12 S 27 7 88 1 jj 3U7Ï Jacknon S16 4 20 8 49 815 4 50 Vli Grim Lake.... 3 38 tiu Chel.e 85 5! jg Dexter 4 14 SSOUOij DelbiMills... 424 10 j? Ann Arbor.... 4 83 5 3( 945 435 j'g iO Ypsllantl 450: 545 95 4 52 624 10 n WayneJunc. 5 15 6 05 5 15 64711 DetroII....Ar. 6 00 45 10 45 600 T 80 H L0 St.Tbomas 1110 208 9W i80. FallsVlew 117 650!.'" N.FalU 221 4 59 122 6." Buffalo 485 7 15 ... . 3 4Q act.;;DETROIT TO CniCAGO. ¦ L = a k o m= = es ¦- Le9is.iI s_ a ï o j á a' A.M. PM. A t.I,A.l, Buffalo ! 1180 58o e U5 900 100, ' N. Fallo, 1145 3151...' StTbomas 4 210 00. 110 650. a. . . p . PM. p.m. p.m .,'" Detroit.. ..l.v.' 700 9 10 '30 4 110 8 00 10 15' ' WavneJnnC. 7 41 H 53 ï U 4 45 8 f! 10 56 Ypsilantl .... 8 03 10 12 2' 5 13 f58 1118 AuuArr.or.... 8 18 10 80 2 34 580 DIS 1186 '" Delhi MM!b.. 8 ... 542! "" leitT 837 5.VI 931 "' OhelBea 85Ï 606 952 Uias Lake. 15 ¦¦¦ 471015 Jackion 94S11S5 832 7101052 1 3S Kattle Creek.. 1120 I la ) 401 8RS 1212 2i8 " ' Kalamazu. .. 117 1 & 5 I5 4S 13111 .'(o; 4 Chicago.. .Ar. 5 4 )0 'l. .. ! 7 0o 7 45 10 a O W. UUUULE8, U. W. UAïSh. G. P. T. Agent Att.. Ann Arbor. Chicago. l'i edo, Ann Arlmr & Virlli MlchUtn Railwaj. TIME BCBBD0LS. Totnke ctl'fct 1 12 o'clock, nnon, on Sunday, Octotier 9tli, IS'iT. Traint ron by Standard Time. OOING NORTH. I kik b I J Ib Q = g = , ?S -e2 si-ations. -i f o i a A. M. P . p. .[.. Toledo Lv 5 15 3 15 6 25 5 so Miuihaiuu Jum-tioii 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 Aleil 5 27 3 28 6 55 6 35 Samarla 5 45 8 tí TU 7 SO Muuroe Juuction H 02 4 05,7 91 8 10 Dundee 6 10 4 12 IS 05 8 SO Azalla 6 25 4 18 8 20 B 00 Mllan 6 36 ( 8 35 9 30 Urania 6 50 4 45 8 55 10 00 1'iltPlleld 7 00 4 58 05 10 Ann Arbor 7 15 5 10 b ij 1! 30 Lelan! 7 33 5 30 9 91 166 Wuitmore I-ake 7 4 5 45 Ho.12 2 13 Howell 8 SI 6 28 li 30 5 UI Durand 9 30 7 40 9 3U r. m. (,'ornnna 9:5 7 46 11185 ... Urn 10 01 7 5f 11 00 Owceeo Junctinn 10 05 8 10U 05 ... Il ha tl 11 16 9 IS: 2 46 Sr. Loall 1135 9 :; 3 te .... Atoa 1142 9 41 3 55 Mi. I'leaaant Ar 14 30 10 30 6 Ou p. m. r. u. F. m GOING 8OUT11. I-'1 H -l!-85 STATIONS. S' li lf 5 f ï Mt. I'leaaant l.i 8 40 6 :i0 180 Alma 10 15 7 20 2 20 M. Louis Il; 7 27 2'X ]'...[ lthca 12 45 7 4" 2 4fl .... Uwosso Junction 4 00 8 55 4 02 Owiieso 408 9Hi 408 Cornnna 4 25 tK 4 15 Durand 5 10 9 80 4 M a. Howell 7 40 Ifl -JO 5 33 5 1 Whitmore Lake tl.. 11 00 BIB 0 50 l-eland B)llli 6 SOI 7 33 AnnArbor 7 15 11 30 e SmiIO 66 Hlti-fleld 7 26 11 48 1 ll 80 Uranlil 7 3ÓI1Ö0 7 1011160 Milan 7 45 12 04 7 20 12 S4 Azalla 7 65 12 U 7 31)12 46 f'undee 8 03 IS 24 7 40 110 Monrou Junctioli 8 10 12 31 7 51 130 Samar in 8 25 12 46 8 10 2 10 Alexi 8 45 1 (IU M 30 2 45 Manhutlan Junction 8 50 1 05; 8 37 80 Toledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 41 8 15 A. . P. M.p. . p.l. Nunth l.tmi Uranch. NOKTH BOUND. STATIONS. SOU I'II BOUND. Train 6 Train 1 P. m. r. m. 9 50 Lt. Lelaodx Ar. K au 10 00 Ar. Wordens Ar. 6 SO 10 20 Ar South l.yon Lv. 6 00 Connectlone: M. Toledo, wlth rallroadedlverein; at Manhattan Junctinn, wtth Wheellni; i Lake Brie K. K.; at Alexis Juuciion, wi'h M. l'. K. K., L. S. & M. 8. Ry. and F. & f. M K. R.; I Monroe Junction. witli L. S. ,t M . S. Ky.; t Dondee, wtth L. S. & M. S. Ry., M. O. Ky.; al MÍI1.0 Junction. with Wahash, St. Louii" A Pacilc Ky ; at Pittcfleld.wtlh L.. M. S. Ky.; at Aun Arbor wilh Michigan Centra] K. li., and at South LyoD with Detroit, Laixine & Northern l(. K., nd Mlch. A. L ülv. of Grand Tronk Ry. At Humburï wltn M. A. Line Divixlon Grand Trunk B'y. At Howell wilh üftroit, L'inwliig & Nimbern K';. t Durand with C'h csgo & Grund l'rnuk K'y nn.i Detroit, Grand BaveoA Milwvukei Wy. Ai i'whM .lunet. on wiih Detroit, i.rand Haven A Milwan. kee R'y and M chiirun Central R. H Ai Kt ü)oi' wilh Detroit, I .. 1 .-11 Lr Nonhtru R. K. and Mijl nawVallry & Si. Louis h'y. Al Alma Dtlro t, IjinsinL' & Northern R'y. At Mi. Flt-anrut lih Flmt & Pere Mjrquette R'y. H. #. AH LEY, General M.masfr. W. H. BKNNETT, A. J. PA1S1KV. Qen'l. Pa. A Ticket Agent. Local Agent. Eatate of Darins Pierce. STATK OK MICHIGAN, County or Waahtean 8. At a Keaeion ol the Probate Court for Ihi1 Countj or Washtenaw, holden at the Probate ofllre In ibe city of Ann Arbor, on Tueday. the 20ib dy oí Maren in the year one thotigand eight hundred and glfrbty-elght. Preaeni, Willlaiu'ü. HarrioM Jadee of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Darlus Pifrrt, deceaed. Nathan Pierce, executur of tho iMt wlll and testament of 8aid deceafed, comtt into court and represent that he Is now ureptred to render Iüb tlnai account as such ex-culur. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tm-eday, the eventeenth day of April next, at ten o'clock in th I'noon be assigned for the examinin and allowtm; of such account, and that the deviiee, 1'jiw and li(-.iri-at-lrtw 01 eaid decea;ed, aud all titlu'f Prp soné Interested i) aid estáte, are requtreii to ppf at a session of said court, then to be holden at tha Probate Office, in the city of Adii Arbor, in o county and showcause, lfany there be.whyüi sald account shonld not hetillowed; And it is iurther ordered, thai sald encotor give uotice to ihe pernons interested in eaid eitllf.oi thependency ofjaid acrount.and the ttL-ariiietbt'rf of, by causlnp a copy of thle order to be publinDffl In the Ann Arbor ','ourler, a newpaper prluted no clrcolHiiriL' in said county, iwo ucceMiTf weel previous to sa'd 'iay ot hearine. A trui' copjW1I.L1AM D IUHKIMA, Jild,'eof Pmhslf. WM. O. DOTY, Prohate R..ster. 1'üW-l _ Real Batato Tor Sale. CTATBOF MK!HIGAN,Coonty of Washtenaw. In the Matter of the Estáte of Clark U. Sly, deceaeed. Notlcc is hereby glven. that tn pon-nici nl n order t'rantedto the ntdcrs.'ed administraron) 01 tlie estáte of sald ClHrk M. Bly, deceased. " Hon. Judgeof Probate for the Connty of W ninaw, on the 3lst day ot May, A. D. 18-T, iherf Jlll be sold at public vendue. to the hlehest bidder, at the late residence of eald decea ed 1 11 thetownshlpof Suuenor, in the Cousty of Washtenaw, 10 sald State, on Tueeday, the flrst day or MJJ, A. D. 1888. atten o'rlock lnthe forenoonof tbi day (snbject to all euciimbrance by mort_Te w otherwiae exlítint' at the time of the deatn "i sald deceaeed) Ihe desorihed real me. All of the Bast Bixty acres of the East half ot th Soutb-Eust quarter of section nomher tblrty (%) In the towojhip o( In ihe Coonty 01 Wasbtenaw and State or Mtchiiran. NAT11AN T. SLY, ROBY P. SLY, Adminltrtor. Daled March 9,1888. Piso's Cure for Con3 sumptiuu is also tbo bet C4 I Cough Medicine. If you have a Congh without disease of the 9 Lungs, a few doses are all 9 you need. Butifyouneglect this easy meana of 'A safety the slight Cough Gfl 4 iu:iy become a serious wA ¦3 matter, and soveral El 13 tle.s will be required. THIS PAPER Zlri Ncwspaper Advertlslng Bureau (W Bpru 6treet),wheTeailvi'r. ¦¦¦¦¦¦ IIOV tlsliiRCoiitriic-tMinny MP1 Ml 1 Jlllti Ut nmilu for U Ui il fc ff ¦ ¦¦¦"¦


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