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THB bilí for the admlsalon of Oakot Into the inoii and for the organlzation of the Temtory of Lincoln was considerad In the United State Senate on the 9tn, but no action was taken. lilN were lntroduced for a permanent court of arbltratlon bctween the United States and Great llrllaln and France. and for the complelon of the direct tax 1121,000,000) of 1861. ...In he House the deadloek over the Dlrect-Tax bill stlll contlnued, with no prospect of coming o an end. IN the Senate on the lOth the bill to author7.e the sale to aliens of certain mineral lands was passed. and the bill to próvido for the admission of the State of South Dakota and the organization of the Torrltory of North Dakota was further considerad In the House the entM session was devoted to fllibustering over the Diroct-Tax btll. On the llth the bill for the admlsslon of the State of Dakota and for the organlzatton of the Terrltory of North Dakota was further considcred In tbe Sonate. Bills were pussed to purchase of the wldow and chlldrcn of the late ( Mutil James Shields certain swords at a sum not exceeding 110,000; the Military Academy Approprlation bill. and the bill for tho crection of a monument to the memory of General Joseph Warren, who feil at Bunker HM. Senator Morrlll tVt.) spoke In opposltion to the Pmldent'l tarirt policy and the Mills Tariff bill In the House the deadlock over the Dlreoi Tai bill still eontinued. In the Senate on tiie 12th the bill for the admlssion of the State of South Dakota and for the orxanicatlon of he Territory of North Dakota was further conaldered, but no action was taken. Adjourned to the 16th In the House the opponents of the Direct-Tax bill succeedcd inbreaking the deadlock and In postponing the further consiilenition of the bill unttl the December KCtston. Thehb was no session of the Senate on the lüth In tho House numerous reports of a private churacter wwe submitted and a bill for the payment of a claim of several hundred dollar for tho occupation of certain property in Memphis by United States troops in 1864 was dlscussed at great lenirth. At the evening tession ntty-Hve pension bilis were passed. DOMEST1C. In a quarrel on the lOth at Omaha, Neb., a Oerman naraed Damke killed his wito and fatally iujured hls daughter-in-law. All, the bridges in Dakota County, Minn., had Deen washed away by freshets on the lOth, and in the towns of Waseca, Shakopee and Watervllle much damage had also been done. Mits. Lt.'CY Lkster, of Frederick, one of the wealthiest ard most prominent ladies in Maryland, comniltted suicide on the lOth by hanginfc. Domestic troubles were the cause. Geobok K. Amour and his fifteen-year-old son were burned to death in their house near Cedar Gap, Ma, on the lOth. The Leader and Sunday Dispalch offices in Btnghamton, N. Y., were destroyed by flre on the lüth, the total loss being $75,000. As expert reported on the lOth that the accounts of S. M. Weir, for fourteen years treasurer of New Albany, Ind., were $70,000 short Dahaoes to the amount of $10,000 were on the lOth awarded E. A. Lewis in his libel suit atrainst the Neto and H'rald of Jack sonville, Fla. A movement wís begun in New York on the lOth to send to France a statue of George Washington as a present trom the women of America. A company with a capital of $l,000,00C to manufacture curial ships was organized in Jersey City, N. J., on the lOth. In Union County, Si CL, a firl of eleTen years and a boy of nine quarreled on the lOth, and the boy plunged the blade of his pocket-knife into her heart, killing her lnstantly. K fike on the lOth dld great damage in the business part of Austin, Miss. In a flght on the lOth between striking railroad hands and new employés of the Powell V.illey Kailroad Company at Cumberland Gap, Tenn., five men were killed and twelve others were wounded. A ciclone passed over the southwestern part of Washington County, HL, on the lOth, demolishlng houses, barns and fencea. The authorities of Castle Garden, New York, declded on the lOth to send back to Italy twelve boys who were seuc over in destltute creumstances. The Kootenal Indians in Montana were committing depredations on the lOth, anc the Governor had been asked for troops. In an interview in Cnicago on the lOth with Chief Arthnr, of the Locomotive Brotherhood of Engineers, he said the strike on tbe ISurlinton roaíl would not be declared off, and said the engineers were wiUing to walt for üve years, if need be, with the conviction that the Burlinirton road could not be successfully run and equipped without drawing on the Brotherhood for engineera At Atchisok, Kan., the last brewery in the State to hold out againnt the i'rohibition law was closed on the llth by the United S ates Marshal. A QUARTBR of the business seotion of Fairfleld, Neb , was burned on the llth. The teud between the Banks and Monroes broke out nfresh on the llth in Wirt County, W. Va., and in thu tracas three of the Monroe familv were killed. The employing brewers of Chicago and Milwaukee decided on the llth to ignore tbe Brewers' and Malsters' Union as an or(famzation and hereafter to inake contracta with their workmen as individuals only. A. L. Beceeb, a wealthy saw and flourmill ownor at Crandall, Ind., was canght by the shafting of hls mili on the llth and crushed to death. At the annuiü session at the G. A. R, Department of Iowa, on the llth in Cedar tupida lt was shown that the organlzation in the State had 17,64b' meuibers, again of 870 during the past year. In all probability the oldest pony in the United States, if not in the world, dled on the llth at Chili, Ind. , from oíd age. She was owned by Mr. Harrison Gllbert and was flfty-one years old. The barley erop in a number of Ohlo and Indiana counties was reported ruined on the llth by the winter and farms were beinjr plowed under. Clover and Winter v, heat were also injured. The walls ot a burned building at Plttsburgb. Pa., collapsed on the llth, crnshlng an adjoinlng house, kllling a servant gtrl and woundlng seyeral persons, gome fatally. Hioh water in Minnesota was stlll doing great damage on tbe llth. At Hastings, Red Wing, Montevideo, Wabasha, Cannon Fallsand Jordon families had been drlven from their homes, bridges were gone and railways washed out, causlng suspension of travel. Samuel Bboweb, of Wabaeh, Ind., injured the bones of his hands some montbs ago while practicmg on a horizontal bar, and on the 1 1 th both of hls hands had to be ampntated to save his life. John Dodson dled on the llth at Mount Vernon, 111., his belng the twenty-third death resulting from the cyclone whlcb occurred there some time ago. Foiity saloon-keepers at Lincoln, Neb., bad on the 1 lth taken out licences and the forty thousand dollars so raised would be used in building a needed school-house. A KiiiK on tbe 12th destroyed the WUliam Anson WooJ reaper and mower works at Vonngstown, O, involving a losa of íft2.r0,KM) .nul throwlng live hundred men out of Rinployment Mr Nat ElUOIT, a wealthy tmt eccentrie oíd farmer liTing near Lawrenoeburg, Ind, who had no falth in bankit, waa knocked down on Hui llítli within a few hundred yards of hls home and robbed of f 1 . 69Q Two HiMiKKu people living on the flats on the wout bank of tbe Mississippi at St i'aul were drlven from ttaeir homes on the 12. h by a rapld rise in the rlver. As the result of mi extensivo shut-down on the 12 h by the coke-producers of the Connellëvi.le (Pa.) región six to seven thousand men were tlirown out of work. Low prices ïor coke uaused the suspension of work. That pnrt of Oconto. Wis , known as " Frene htown," situated upon the flat, was under water on the 12th, and many families had been forced to move. Eiohtekn bnildings wero burncd on the 12th at Wiimington, DeL, at a loss of $75,00a Davk Walker, the "Bald Knobber" chlef, was convicted of murder in the flrst degree atOzark, Ma, on the 12ih, and sentenced to be hanged May 18. Near Bradford, Pa., earlyon the morninjr of the 12th a passenger train and a freight train collidid, two engines and one hundred and twenty cars beinar wrecked and scveral passengers were injured. The ice earriod away a railroad pontoon bridge at Wabasha, Wia, on the 12th, and about one millton feet of lumber belonging to one of the Eau Claire companles. Detectives who had licen investlgating the matrimonial record of W. J. Brown, of Detroit, statnd on the l'Jth that Brown had no less than twenty living wives in different portions of the country. At Montevideo, Minn , thirty families were driven from their homes on the 12th by high water. Sixteen passengers on a gohooner from Liverpool were prohibited from landing at Boston on the 12th under the provlsionsof the Labor law. Gbady, aged sevcn years, shot hls sister Ella, aged three years, in Chicago on the 12th while playlng with a pistol supposed to be unloaded. Thirtt-eioht monuments for Pennsylvania soldiers were located on the field of Gettysburgh, Pa., on the 12th. E. A. Consigny was elected Department Commander of the Iowa O. A. R at its sesBion in Cedar P.apids on the 12th. The New York Board of Trade and Transportation pissed a resolution on the 12th asking the Laglslature to appropriate $1,000,000 to improve tlie canal of the State. The villano of Masseys, Md, was destroyed by Ure on the 12th, only one bui ding being left standing. The employés of the severa.1 breweries in Chicago struck on the 12th because the proprietors clalmed the rlgbt to employ non-union men if they desired to. J. & Simon, the defuulting ex-treasurer of Darke County, O., was on the 12t,h sentenced to six years' imprisonment in the penttentiary and to pay a fine of $48,000. At the annual conference in Salt Lake City on the 12th of the Mormon church Wtlford Woodruff, in behalf of the twelve apostles, read an epistle nrging the people to cease practicing polygainy and to lead pure livea Fobest fires near Falmouth, Mass., had done much damage on the Ktth, andthreated destruction to villages In the vicinity. Mbs. Bessie H. Bulket, only daughter of Judge C. J. Hillyer, of Washington, whose recent elopement with young Bulkley cauBed a sensation in that city, committed sniclde on the 13 tb. The CaUternla House and twenty other buildings were burne i at Depere, Wis., OH the lSth. Loss, $70,000. Four persons were killed and ten injured in a railroad wreek on the 13th near Birmingham, Ala. The L"gislative, Judicial and Executive Appropriaion bil], as agreed upon in the National House commlttee at Washington on the 131, appropriates $20,472,394. Burolarb effjcted an eutrance into the F rat Nation il Bank at St. Johnsville, N. Y. , early on the mornlng of the 13th and piundered the vault of $10,000 in cash. Near Canion, O., John Brothers, afnrmer, was swindled out of $2,000 on tüe 13th by bunco men. The bill for closing saloons on Sundaya and taking from municipal authorities the power to perinit saloons to be open on the Sabbath passed the Obio Legislature on the llith. At Florida, N. Y.. Joseph Bird's dweiling was burned on the 13th, and his wife and infant child perished in the flamea The Governor of Nebraska issued a proclamation on the Kt.h organizing Grant County. At Warsaw, N. Y , Eobert Van Brunt was hanged on the 13MÍ lor the murder of Williiini Koy, October {, 18H(; at Fergus Falls, M:nn., NelH Olson Holong wes hangel for the murder of Lilly Field May 28, 1887, and Chilléis Banks (colored) was execu:ed at Wallis vilie, Tex., for the murder of Martha Penderson June 19 lose Dubino the seven days ended on the 13th there were 1U2 buBiness failures in tbe United States, againsc 199 the previous seven days. The total failures from January 1 to date were 3,3u'2, agalnst 3,492 in the same time last year. Mrs. Joseph Fbancht committed suicide by hanging on the 13 tb af ter a quarrel with her husband at Lima. O. The ice was solid at Buffalo, N. Y. , on the 13th, and vesselmen d d not expect to get out before Maj' 10. The condition of trade throughuut the country was reported fairly active on the 13th. Judge Gordon, Chief Justice of the PennFylvunla Súpleme Court, decided on the 13th that saloun-keepers were responsible for the safety of their cuatomers, and that if a man was injured or lnsulted by any one in a sjloon, or roughly bandled by the bartender or proprietor, he couid recover damages. In Illinois Arbor Diy was generally observed on the likh. At Springtield elght hundred trees were plantel, Governor üa;lesby assistinff, aml at Normal the pupila of the Soldiers' Orpban Hume planted slxty trees. The Red river in Dakota waB on the rarapage on the 13th. At, Wahpeton the water was running through the main streets, while Breckinridge, just across the river, was completely inundated, and great damage had been done at both places. Durino the fourteen days ended on the 1 Ut h the American donation to the League fund in Ireland was $10,000. Fortt houses at New London, Wia, were surrounded by water on the 13th, owlng to a freshet in the Wolf river, and the country roads were wuühed out and other damage had been done. The village of Attica, N. Y., was greatly exclted on the 13 oh over the case of Km ma Toms, a young woman who goes into trances, the length of which she foretella Hhe had up to date been in a trance sino Marchll. At Emeryville, CaL, on the 13;h Louis Hanseu shot and killed his recentlydivorced wife and J. C. Gardner, whom she had married, and ihcn killed himself. The wife and nve-year-old dauïhter of Thomas Uakcr, living near Wellsville, O., were burned to death on the 13th. The cnother was trying to save bel little ones. mrho hart fa)W Into ahnrnln? bnnh-heap, nul both perished. On the lMti two boller used I y the Armlitead Lumber Company at Palahatohee, Kies., exploded, kllllnf four men. At Kon Wayne, Iad., James Dolan went Into the drv-klin at Hoffman's plan ng mlll to sleep. Steam was turned on, and n wu found on the 13th roasted to death. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Mits. Azulia Douulass died on the lOth at the reildence of her daughter In Omaiia, Neb. Had she lived untll her next blrthday, May 8, sho would have been 102 years old.' She wun twice morrled and both husbands died old men. Her mlnd was clear to the last The Michigan Greenback State convention will be held at Lans:ng on the 8th of Mav Both branche ot the Iowa Genral Aninbly fldjournd die on the lüto. The Irtsh-AmKiican Protactlve Tar.'ff League of New ïork o the lOth iMtied a manifestó ugalnut tha adoptfon of tb fretraile principies ond calling on all forelgnborn citizens to oppose fres trade. The ArkansaH Republicana met on ths lOth at Little Koek and elected deleítate to the National conventloa ln Chicago. Hon. Ezba B. 1'ati.oh wal renominated for Congreas on the 1 lth by the Republloans of the Nineteenth district of Ohla Hon. Cari, Bchubz and famlly started. f rom New York for Europe on the llth. The Oregon Republicana met ln convention at Portland on the llth and elected delegates to the National convention. The platform favor a free ballot and a fair count; protists against further Chinese immlgration; favor liberal pension; denounues Cleveland' actlon in reiturnlng the rebel flaifB, and denounce the tarlff pollcy of the Democratie Administration as "a plece of unraralleled politica! dtshonesty. " Thb lllnsss of Roscoe Conkllng, tn New York, took an unfavorable turn on the 1 lth, and hls recovery was oonsidered extremely doubtfnl. Hon. Joseph G. Cannon wa renominated for Congres on the llth by the Republicana of the Fifteenth district of Illinois. The lower House of the New York Leglalature on the 12th adopted a resolutlon providlng for submlttlng to the people a prohlbition amendmen!. All the Demócrata voted atralnst lt Iwentt-fivk yeara afro, at Frankfort, N Y , Willium B. Oate, of Chlongo.and Georga W. Gntfls, of Oshkosh, Wis., (bro;her). wero married. On the '2lh they celebrated thelr silver weddlnjf at the same plaoe, tha clergyuian whu married them bolng ln attendance. Tri Kantucky Prohlbltlonlsts met at Loutsville on the 12th and elected delégate to the National oonvention who favor Green Clay Smltli for President. The Republicana o( the K.eventh district of Ohlo on the i:uh renominated A. CL Thompson for Congressman. Anotheb change for the worse in the oondition of Roscoe Conkling was reported from New York on the 13th, and there wa great anxiety among hls frlenda and tb doctors ln attendance. FOREIGN. A fire on the lOth devastated threa large estatea at Matanzas, Cuba. Wiixiam Millman, for the murder of Marv Tupi ing, was hanged on the lOth at Charlottetown, P. E. L It was re port e i on the lOth that the lat Emperor Wllllam, of Germany, left the aum of thirty mprks to every iuvalld soldier of the war of 187(X An exp'os on in a dynamlte factory at Grenoble, Frunce, on the lOth killed nine persons and others were seriously lnjurcd The first executton ln Madrid, Spmii, in live years took place on the llth, when a glrl, her lover and an accompllce were garroted for murder. ('anadian farmers were on the 1 lth emlgrating to Munitoba ln large numbers. Bt the buratlng of a boller on the llth on the San Lorenzo estáte, province of Havana, the engineer and tireuian were killed and sixteen other persons were lnjured. An explosión on the lüth in a powdermlll near St. Petersburg, Russla, killed Keven men. The American Exchange ln London, wlth a capital of $5.000,000, was cosed on tha 13 tb. by order of court. l.ATER NEWS. I.oscüE Conkling was unconsc ous all dry on the 1 ."th. The doctors sald there was no chance for the worse, but all others coming from the siok-room reported that hls strength was falllng and that there was little hope for hls recovery. "Gbandmothkb" Piuce died at her home at Kllmore, Ind , on the 1 lth, ln the one hundredth year of ber age. William O'Bbien, the well-known Irlsh member of Parliament, was arreated on the 11 tli in consequence of a recent speech and taken to the Luoghrea jall. Aiiviies of the 15th from China say that the damuges cuused at Dacca by the recent tornado amonnted to 100,000 nipees, and that 112 bodles had been reoorered from the ruins and over 1,000 lnjured persons were ln the hospital. Nobel, the Inventor of dynamlte, died at Cannen, Fr. nee, on the 1 ith. At Baldwin, Kun., and ln the adjolning territory mad dogs had on the 14th bitten many cattle and horses, and two boy and one man who were also bitten had died of hyilrophobla. Iba A. LowE.Ja BoRton cattle dealer, falled on tbe 14th for $200,000. The exchanges at twenty-six leadlng clearlng-houses ln the United States during tbe week ended on the 1 lth aggregated $935,700. 4Ü9, against $1,040,908.800, the previous week. Aa compared with the correspondinsr week of 1887 the decreaae amounted to 18,7 per cent Wiiii.e tearing down an oíd hospital In the City of Mexico on the llth one of the wulls feil, ktlllng three workmen and lnjuring twenty others, some fatally. A boom near Fremont, Wis., contalnlng fifteen milllon feet of log, was carrled away by a tlood on the 15ih, and tha logs were scattered over an area of over two miles square. Fremont was lnundated, the people being obllged to travel about ln boa's. A pbaikie lire on the 14 th near Hnron, D. T. . caused much loas to farmers. Sknatob Mciikili., of Vermont, celebrated hls seventy-eighth blrthday ln Washington on the 14. h by a brilliant reoeptton, at which a large company was entortalned. The twenty-third annlverxary of the death of Abraham Lincoln was obeerved at Sprlngtield, 111., on the 15th, by exerclses at the cemetcry which contains the lincoln monument. Fobest tires ln the Crows' Fork district near Fulton, Mo. , had destroyed six miles o! valuable timber on the 15th. There was no gession of the United States Senate on the 1 lth. In the House the followlng bilis were retened: For the relief of soldier and sailors who enllsted and served in the army and navy during the rebelllon under assumed naines; to relieve purchuser8 of and to endemnify oertmii States for swamp and ovcrtlowed landa; granttng inoreased pensions to aoldiers who have lost both handt, grantlng pensions to ex-soldiers uud sailors who are lncapacltated for munual labor and providlng pension for drpendent relatives of doceaged soldien and sailors.


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