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Lroyal Bsaííj 2 B IS POWDER Absolutely Pure. EVERY NIGHT I SCRATCHED I Htll tke mUÍii u - raw. Bod y covered wiili scült'N 1 i Uc ftpof h ni ín rí ai-. 4'nred b I be uliriira lOintilh n. I uní goiogtotell yon of the ixtraordinary charge your Uüi n 'I'ka BXMkDlM pirlouii -d on m -. Ahontthc örst of Aiiril Ust I noliceü H(mö red pimples like c mii'g out a'l over my boay, hut tliouL.'tit DOthlznt oflt anilla m ¦ t m later on, wïhd It begin to look lik" spots oF m Jrtar tpatfed on, í'il whfcb (Hiiif if in Layare, aocompaaled with itchii g. I woold KSni Cb every Qfgtll until I was raw, iin'n the next iiight the a, belog fOraed meai.wíiik', were BCraichod olí' igin, ín rain did 1 cunult all the (loctorn in tbe country, bui without id. Aftel ir iv ir i; np aH hope ot recovery, ] happcm'il to Me au n(]viTtitt in-ut in ib e i ewspaper ¦bout your CüTiOTTEA iíKMbDi K-t, niid purchasfd them f'tnn my dniggist, and uhtained a mort fin lu.'diíite reliel. I inrgan to no'ire tliat tuc PC'jily eruptioi'S gradually ttropped iff aad dUmppeftrea nne bj oiiu, and hav beVn lul y cared. 1 nad thíi íli-'.'i-c tbirteen :n m tu befoire í bgti feiklng the ('nu i ka BKMKDiBsmtd In toar or iív -¦ w ek w ts eiuiieiy curad. My diseat' w i ect-in i and ptr) atif. I roomin nd d t'r ík tka i; i:mi ; all iu my viciinty, and i know trf a yn-at in uis u lm have tHKen them, amt thaiik nlfl lor tho kuowlee of ihcin.efpecialiv ni vwr wiiu bare habed mita ¦Calj eraptfobs 'n iiu-n ht-ad- ünd bodiea. 1 cannot expresa Ín word? tlif to yon lorwuit thM dtiCüka Kkvkiuis bavebe n tome. My body w.i covjred witn peale-, nd I was un awint Bpectacle to behold. Xow m tklo U a.- Dice and clear m a bab V. GEO. COTEV, Merrill, Wia. Sept 21, 1887. Feb 7, 1SS8.- No! a trao whalsoever ol theliscase from which I Hutr.-red han nhown itíelf fine; my cure. (EO. COTKY. We cannot do ju-tice lo the esteem in which l [Tu i;itA. the great Skñi Oure, and OovicURA Soap, au etzqnirite skin Beanttfl ir, prepared (rom it. and CUTnntA Kk-.oi. i;nt, ihe new Ulood Purifler,arefaeld by the upon thonsandi wtio.e Htm bare been mine happy by the care of g mtslrg, huiniitatlDg, iichtrg. #ealy and pimply di6asoi óf the Hkïn, scald and blood, wilh lOM of tuur. Soldoverywhero. Price: Cüticuba,50c. ; Soap, 15c; RksÓLYKNT, tl. Pu-part d by the 1'uttek l)ii-a & Chemical Co., Boston, &1:jsb. "Öend for "How to Cure Sktn DUea8ea,"6i paeii, 60 illustratum, uud IW testimooialt. 3 Rl PLBS bjack-heade, red, rongh, chapped and II IVI Jily Bkiu preveuted by Cuucubi Soap. Catarrhal Dangers. To be freed from the dungrs ot sufTocation wblle lying down ; to breathe freely, Bleep soundty and nndisturbed ; to rlse refrenhed, head ciear, braiu activo and from pain or ache; to know that nopoisonous.putrid matter dellira the bruath and rots away the delicate maehinery of gmell taete and hearing ; to feel that the system does not throngh ït veins and arteries, auck up the polson that m inre t( anétemitne "tï deetrov, iw indeed a blvatios bejrwnd uil other human enjoyment. To pu rellane ininni'áiy from such a fate wíiould be the objeel nf al (Dictad. Hut ihone wtio h'ive trled m;u y retnedtoa and phyaiciane denpair ol' retiet or cure. Sanfokd'k Radical í'urb moetn evrry pbae of Catarrb, irom a limpie head cold to the mout loatliaome and destructive itagea. It is local and coMsimiuunal. Inwtnnt in rWievinu, permanent in enrían, tafe, economlcal and never failing. Sasupokd's Radical Cure consÍRta of one bottle of the Radical CVBV. one bor of ('ataiirhal Solvbnt, aud one Improvbo Imialek, all wmpped in o-e paefcag i. with treatiae uud dlreeUoi, ;ind aold by all arnggista tor f 1 00. PüTTCU DUÜO AND ClIKMICAL Co.. HOSTON. NoRheumatizAboutMe IV OME ÍIIXITE v í The Cutlcnra Antl-I'ain Rf Plantel-, relieve KheuuiHlIc.B-jlah Jf tii , iiddcn, Sharpand t'aln?, l jmf struin and Weakneniei. The tlrut g r-M& iily pam-killiiiK piaster. Niw, original, In-taipanuotin, InfaUlbld A mTVllDi A"tiil'ile to Pain, Inflammalion and WmkBM. Dttatly anlike and vaBlly tnpertor r all oiher piasters. Al all dnnnristi", J ic. til; flve Tur f 1.IKI; or, posmue fne, o( PoTtf.k Diu:u & Cuimoit. (o., Boston, Mase. THE ' ANN ARB08 SAVIHGS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN. Transacts General Banking BTisiness. CAPITAL, $80,000. Oresnized nnder the General Bnlng Law ol thlsSiate, thestockholdors ar indlvidually liable for an additlonal amouut eqiial to the stock held by them. thereby creatina a Onarantee Fond for the benefit of Depositors of $100,000.00. Ttaree per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Sívídkb Deposité of one dollar and upwards, accordln; to the rules of the Bauk and Interest corapounded eml-annually. Mouey to Ioan on unlncumbered real estáte and other good eecurity. DIRECTÜRS: CHRISTIAN MACK, Wm. D. UARUIMAN, VT.W. WINKS DANIEL III8C0CK, WILLIAM DKOBKL, WIIXARU B. BMITH. DAVID RINBEY. OFFICER8: C MACK Pre. W. W. WINES, Vlce-Pre C. K. HISCOCK.Oaiihler. l'lliaillIKU '- ii'vululliinl.eil Ihcwiirkl TUlTrWTTmU .nirlnu llie Iaat hair cenmry. iil lUil llÜll Not lc;iKi among the wonder il !¦¦! ¦¦ of lnvelltVe progress la a methorl and svstciu ol work tlmt 'aii be performed all over the country without separaiIiik the workiT.s trom iliclr bODM. l'iiy llrslianj' one eaado uie vrork; ltbsriex, youijg or olil; do special Hblllly requlred. CHplUil nol oeeded ; you are tarted fr. e. Cut Uil out and return to us Hi.d we wlll m-ihI you fre,-, riiiinci hlnii of great value and Iraportance to yon, tlmt wlll start you lu busldsm wblob will brlni; you In more monej rtght nw.iy ttian ftnythlng rlse in the world. Orand ovljU ree. Addresx True & Uo„ AuKusta. Malne. Get your Printina: at the Conrier.


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