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For nearly half a century Ayer's Jherry Pectoral luis been the most popair eoujrh rtmiedy in the woild. Tlie onstuntly lnoresftlng demand for this euiedy provea to be the very best specilic orcolds, coughs, and hM diseases of tlie arout und lungg. The Great Wealth of Alaska- The Never Endliigr Supply of Valnable Skins. "No one will ever be ble to tel I tlie eiil wealtli of Alaska," aaid a furrier lits morn'ing to a reporter. "It consista f the abandalice of its skiimed animáis, 'he Russiana used to valué the country 'or its furs. and it wag mainly for tlie tira that this country acquired t fioin íussia. The trade has growii vt'ry inuch nce its annexatioti to thU OOUOtry. The lilpment of sea otter and fat sealskius lone have more tban doubled during he pa9t ten yeam, and now avemge atiually $1,500,000 n valué. The list of ütí prodaced in that iiart of tlie country s a long one. The land fura coruprise tlerv beiiver, brown bear, black bear, red ox, silver fox, blue and white fox, mink, Mitin, poter b(;ar, lynx and ninskrat. {abblts, iiiai inotH aud wolverines are ilso common, bnt their skins are retal tied y the natlves. The animal valué of the urí, tea uiid land, now obtained from Alaska is estimated to average $3,000,000, nd there is no slgn of decrease in tlie 'ield. The competition of the traders ortklni has stimulated tho natives to "Teater industry in liunting, and tlie rices now paid to the hunteis are from our to ten times more than vrc current uring the Kussiau rule." Wbnt you need is a medicine which is ure, efficiënt, rellable. Such is Ilood's íarsapnrilla. It possesses peculiar curaive puwers. What a Woman Nerer Admits. Thiit slie is in love. That she ever llirted. Thai slie lacea tight. slie is tiredat a ball. That she ia fond of scandal. That her shoes aro too sm.ill. That she caunot keep a secret. That it takes her long to dress. That she has kept you waiting. That slie uses anytliing but powder. That ahe says what alie doesn't mean. That she bluehed wlien you nientioneil t particular gentleman'a name. Ladles Who Bloat. Wliat a irreat miinber there are; how mcomtortable it makes them; it isalmost mpossible for tbose atllicted to enjoy iré. In iny private practice 1 have always fouud Sulpliur Bitters to be the best euiedy. All who ure tima troubled liould u-e It. Alus. Dr. Ciiilus, Boston. Kindness is tbe languag;e whicb tbe lumb can epeak, and tlie deaf can uudertand. - Bovee.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News