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Michigan1! delpjration shoultl be Aigsr tu t lie core, without a skip or break. Alpen. i has done a thing tbat proves lier people amona the most sensible of any n tlie State. Slio has just, vóted $in,MK) fur tlie improvement of hlghu a I, 'fie last school Moderator has a list of the sniall lakes of the stite by couiiücp, anü this tnight well be considered a state of a thoiisand lakes, (tosay nothlng abont thc ponda). Wlio will be tlie next president of llie United States? An easy question my son, an easy question. His name is ItusKl] A. Al;cr and be liails from Michigan. (Jivc lis aometning bard. Sonic of tlie state papera suggest tliat bereafter the27tb instead of tlie 20tb of April be cbosen ;is Albor Day, In honor or Ibe menioiy of Gen. Grant, who was bom on that diy. Not a bad idea. liiamarck appettn to have been veiy successful in rearlng kings to bis liking; hut ala! Kings can not rear a Bismarek. Whcn lie coes wbere is the man in (crniHiiy on wlioni bis mantle, can fall? Uow veiy gick some oí the cities ure who leut tlienicelves to the advertisini; dodge ut the Ga'e plow works. Tlie Lutlng l'epublican thioks that city will never gut bit iffain tbat way. Oeod reaolra. Franco be'.ter keep her IJoulanger ander lier tliumb unlil after Hinnarok steps otV the stage of aclion. II is keen oíd eye and intellect are too much for a Boulanrer yet, though backed by all Franee. The frionds of Gen. Sherman claim to have pledged to him ;ld of the 111 delegatei necessary to a noniinatiou at the national republican oonventiou. Aireastiet are ai cheap In oiiio as elsewliere, evidcntly. ïveiy dolljire wortli of goods impoi tcd froni England takes that dollar from the laborer here and gives it to one in Europe. Our factorics and laborers pay taxes here and spead their moncy licrc, while the Enjrlish doneitber. Wlnch ha(l r. ai AmerlcaM, ougbt to favor No matter how tnuch genius or ability a man bac, tbere is only onc thing that will liiin liini succe8s, and Unit ië bard work. This is as trne of politics as any thing elae, and if the republiean party wouid lacoeed it must ut a little more enery into the work of Wliatcvfr niiiy be said of Mr. Dickinson's political maneuvers, lie appears to be poabing tlie affalrt of his department somewlmt after tlie nninner of üld Z ich when he took hold of the department of the Interior. Wlientver good limber is wanted Michigan can supjily it, for any rarty The H)ir showing of (be Detroit base bnll club in its openlag gamee is not so murii the limit of tlie playera u the directors. Any s-e.t of meu who woul'l hire a playcr after writing sueli letter as White wmte, must be in their dotage. A more complete way to demnralize -i team could not be thoiijlit of. The order lias gone f'irtli from Washington, it is Hid, to nomínate Wellington R. Buit, of Kast .Saginaw for governor. Mr. Burt Is a man with u barrel and appears willinj: to Up it. lt' Mr. Breen is nomiiiHted tor lieutenant governor, the republicana wil! have to knock out the B. battery, that's all - an esJ thiog tbla year. A recent copy of the Indianap 1 i - Jouriiíil is (tavotod Hliiiost excluslvely to Gen. Ben. Harrison's presidi'iitiul Ciindiilaoy. But one of the stronifest Hieles in the paper is from tbc St. Paul Pioneer Press, telllnjrhow Arew York and Indiana maj' be cariied by the republicaus, viz: by iioininatiiis Uepew and Hurrlson. Now liow would Alger and Depew answer? There are heaps of reasons why raising revenues by direct instead of indirect tax, is the better w.iy, in fact, tliough we ?hall seldorn otne to it. - Ypsilanti Seutinel. Ye, as we have frequently rem.irked, fiee tradu and direct taxation travel hand in hand. There are those HDong bis party who have more contidence, bowever, in its accompllubment Ui ui the Sent'mcl uian Ins.


Ann Arbor Courier
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