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Dr. Nichols has 1,700 pear trees which w...

Dr. Nichols has 1,700 pear trees which w... image
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Dr. Nichols has 1,700 pear trees which will bear fruit tbis year. A new II toot gutter is being paveel with stone io front of the Ailington house, on Fourtli st. Dr. Eddy of Detroit, i expected to fil the Presbyteiian pulpit next Sunday morning and evening. The inciease of chattle mortgages doe nnt denote good times n the mom-v uur ket. or in the line of business. Unle.-s present calcalatloot are at fanl a tine brick block will be erected on the site of the burned building! on State st. The ladies of the lat B iptit churcl will hold tlu'ir animal Borní festival on Krkliy afternonn and even ing May Ith A resident of our city, Mr. Marble who Heides un S. [ngalls st.. is pretiden of the Ciucluoati, Jackson A Mackinac R, K. With tlic ( pllmenti of Fred. F. Wal lace eomel a neat pamphlet booming Ohattauooga as the Key to the Qrea South. The lirst repnbliean eonveu'Jon of the eanpalirn la tuis oounty was tnll oi -nthu-dam and .-pirit, asd a good beglnninj for the eampaljrn, Aniong the pensions granted lately we noUw these: David Steere, Aun Albor; Chas. S. Hewkt. Dexter; Sarah A., widow of John Bowles, Ypsilanti. J. 1. Miner, seeretary, tel Is us thai sealed propoaali will be reëel ved ly the Wwbtenaw coonty agricultura! ani horticultura! society for the parchase of their grpunda up to May 14th. Aecorditig to the new tire ordinance no frame barn nor veneered brick buildings can be erected on the lire liniits, either in the business part of tovvn or on State st. All brick walls must be 12 iucheg thick. Last cptBlog at about il o'clock a cali caine to Baumgartner's seare thal Mr. S. Baumeaitner's barn was on lire. He hatened there to lind it a hoax Perpetrators of sucb '"jokes" ought to be brought to time in some way. Jacob Weidlich, who is cbarged with assault with intent to kill John Weid inaiin. in PlttsfleM a few weeks ago, has requested Mrs. Whiting to defend him, and she will probably be appoiated by the judge. The prlaoner had no attorney In thn justice conrt. Montlily meeting of Washtenaw Pomological Society fith of May. at 2 p. in. in the C'ourt House. Top'.Of: Repmts of Committees on Transportation and Fruit Exchange. New Varieties of Peahes, by J. Ginzhorn. Kxhibit of fruit, preserves and flowers. Christojiher C. Deuress seeks a divorce from Gcrtrude Deuress, on the gronnd of desertion. Christopher is from Ypsilanti, and chiiins thiit about six weeks after tbey were married Gertruile deserted him and never lias come back again. Her home is In Nika. Rev. J. T. Sunderland will speak next Sunday morning at the Unitarlan churcli on "Matthew Ariiold." In the evening Mrs. Sunderland will give the closing lecture. in her series on the bible - subject, '-The Acts, the Epistlep, and the Beginning of the Cbrlatian Chiirch." Last evening sneak thieves stole an overcoat and bat of a young gentleman while he was caUIng at Mrs. B. F. Beckwith's, No. 23 K (Juivertlty Ave., and a lik umbrella belonginsf to n young lady who rooms there. The anieles tren stolen from the lull before h iif-past 10 o'clock. In the circuit court Monday John Howard was idmittad to citizenship, a motion requinng justiee to make furilier return in the OMe of Albert ('-ise vs. Andrew M. heonard; an order was granted In the case of Win. K. Bell vs. Jonathan W. Harrisou, setting aaide 'lefault; and on petition of J as. F. Clark an order was gnmted dlacharglng a mortitage. Ajain the old saying, "Tlie course of true love never runs smooth," is proving Helf true, for we lenow of a young typo who, whlle lic admita that the "father O's not like him," and the mother says "he sliall not have her daughter," still continúes to sit up a preater portion of the night with the one he adores, and admlobter iee and otliei preparatlooi to "er feverish brow. Sundiiy niglit at about half past nine o'clock, James, who lived by nimseff in a houpe in the 3d ward, was f'iund dead in bis bed. He had been on wie streets Saturday eveiiintf, and must have died during the night or Sunday. He was a man about 70 years of age, and m autopsy held by Dr. Darling, nndcr orders from Coroner Claik, reveaied neart disease to be the cause, bis heart oelng about doublé the natural size. A Union Sunday School has been orIfanlzed at the stone school house (Whiti"K district) Pittsrield, and it is in a very jlouriglilng condltion. An organ has heen bought for the use of the school. ' rayer meetings are held on Thursday evenlnga, and socials on every altérnate ï Hday evening. Entertainments of varlou kinds are frequently held. Next week Priday will be a "hard times" social, everybody wearing their old clothes. The descriptive catalogue of Holsteln ï"reiefian Cattle issued by J. T. Jacobe tor hls sale of May 1, contains cuts of niiny of Ann Arbor's principal build'"gs, and lias been sent all over the country. Some to New York, Pennsylvanii, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, lowa, Wis'j01!'", Minnesota, Canada, etc, etc J. I". is a boomer when he takes a thlng hund. His great sul oecurs May lst, and it will cali a great many strangers to Ann Arbor who have never been here 'more. It wouldn't be a bnd idea for our people to ee that these strangers are nown about some and made acquainted with the strong polnts of the place


Ann Arbor Courier
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