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Memorial Sunday Service

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The Commtinder In Clilef of the G. A. R , John P. Ren, has issued orders for the observance of Memorial T)ay, and in , accordance with the usurI custom, recomraenda the holding of services on the , previouB Sübbath, using these words: .Vh5r5Yer Practioable. }o.ts are dlrected to atteud divine worshlp In bodleg on the Salbath precedí nr Memorial Uay. The cleray are Invlted u facilítate such attendance and to bo order the services of tbe day as to promote general public Interest In the comliii annlversary. l,et all known graves of men who fougnt for the unlon, on land or sea be inurked by the pure blossoma of spring wnlch In all longues speak the language of gratitude and love. It the peoplí be atembled for special memorial service where eloquence and song shall unite to teach and exeinplif tbe dutles and rewards of patrlotlsm; audsomaythe better angels of our I nature touclilng "Uie tender chords of memory wlnch stretch Irom every battle field and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthslone all over thls broad land," so swell the chorus of the Unlon thaf no dlscord shall everagaln mar us glorlous harmonies. Boma days ago Rcv. Mr. Earp, of 8t. Andrew's church very generously sent the followitiit kind invitation to Col. ][ S. Dean, who is the committee of Welcli Post of this city to roake arrangements tor thi9 Sabbath service: m n AfiN Akbok, Mlch, April 18. 1888. My Dear Air.- I understand that lt Is custoinary lor the (rand Army to Worshlp loKetlier on some Sundiiy near Decoratlon Day ir such Is the case and lf you hav made no other arrangement, we should be moRi happy to welcome you to 8t. Andrew's church and make any provisión that wlll serve tORlve Interest to the occasion. Very slncerly Yours, Bami-el Kar?, Rector. To which Col. Dean responded as lollows: r n „ Ann Arhor, April 1Í, 1881. f ",J?{ar, ¦9tr"7In.í'eply to yur klnl "ote of the 18th. Inst. I wlll say that lt is the custom of the members of the O. A. H. to altend divine service lu a body on the Sunday precedJjiK Memorial Day, which fulU upon May 27, They do thls In tender memory of thelr nMMiHui'N ueaa, ana in humble recognltlon of themany blessings God lias vouchsafed to thera nd theiroountry. At thls last meeting my comrades asglgned to me the duty of arranging wlth ome one of tbe olerjsyiaea of the city for such a service on the day named, and your kind lnvitation forthem to attend services at st. Andrews ciurch has made my duty a llght but very pleasunt one. In behalf of my corarades of Vech Post No. m.G. A. T 1 accept the Invl atlpn It is proper or me to state that au lnvitation has been extended to J T Jacob's Camp.Sons of Veterans, and Co a' Bi' vTvtoJ"'" wltl1 the - 'n tlils service whlcb lnvitation I trust, and belleve wlll hè accepted. Thanklns; you for your kind remeinbranceoftheö. A. R. lam Yours Very Respectfully H. 8. Dean. These letters sufflciciitly oxplain themselvee. .). t. jacobs' cami', son8 of v ktkhans no. 90. The oiiraniz ition of tliis camp of the Sons of Veterans which took place in tbe Q. A. R. hall, on the even ing of Apr. 18th, under the direction of Slate Commiinder. Col. M. E. Huil, of Hlllsdale, deserve8 more thsn passing notice. This camp was mustered with 29 charter members hs foliows: R. M. Heatli, II. C. 8t. Clair, J Paul, Frank Gardner, K. C Keru, M. O. Paul. C. P. JlcAllaïter, A H. Seyinour, Clias. P. Stone, E. E. Hallett, V. E. Bayless, W. J. Stanton, H D Welden, D. O Donglass, W. H. Dorrance, E. O. Come, G. I). Cox, J. L. Cox, C H Cox, tí. II. Allmendinat-r, W. T. Johnson, VV. O. Thomas, F. C. O'Ñcil G. H Fisber, Wm. Fislier, W. Krapf, É. J. C. Ellis .unl J. 0. O'Neil. The offleers and "t.itl are us t'ollows : Capt.- W. J. Stanton. lst Llent.-E. K. Hallett. ¦M Lieut.- C. P. McAllister. Chaplaln- H. (;. BayllSM. !st Sergent- M. O. Haul. QuartermasteriSerg.- 1). O. Uouirlas Color Seig.- A. H. Seymour. Bergent of the Üuard-E. O. Come Corporal of the Guard- VV. H. Krapf Camp Guard- c. Cox. Plcket Ouard- W. O. Thomas. Chlef Muslcian- W. H. Dorrance Camp Counsel-H. C. St. Clalr, F. A. Gardner, c. P. .Hlone. Taken as i whole this camp is as fine a collection of young men as conld wel] be gut togetlier. And there is reason why it should be so, they re all gons of Uuion soldiers, and for the benefit of any who niay nol understand the nature of thi9 organization, we will state tliat it is a national orjraolzatlon, composed entirely of the sons i.f fathers wlio fouglit in the Union artuy In tlie late war and noothers canjoin. lts objects are to forever perpetúate lile htruio ilt'tiln uf tho futhcro and to take the place of the G. A. H. whose members are silently but rapidly passing over the dark river to Jota the hosts on the other side. It is an orgauizaticm noble and grand in it nature and one to wiltod every son of a Union soldier is welcoiue and thonld join. The camp isalways named in honor of some valiant Union ofik-er or soldier therefore the appropriatene; of the J. T. Jacobs, camp.


Ann Arbor Courier
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