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Resolutions Of Respect

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Heaikiuarters Co. A., lat Reif't, M. S. r. Whkkkas, 'it lias pleaaed God lo move f. om our riinks our most ealeemed and wortliy comrade, Mergeaut Jobu J. Burus, and Whkkkam. We have learued of lus sudden and unllmely deatu wlth profouiid sorrow belt Jiesolved, That we bear testlmony to the inauly charaeter aod t'urlstiau vlrlues of our departed lrlemi. Hlsatiict In tegrlty of charaeter, hlsmarked fldellty to duty, hls palrlotlc zeat and cheerful uiutssuniliiK marinera have endeared inm to all wlth whum he assooiateU, and liave made hun oue wbose loon wlll be keeoly feit by U8. To hU bereaved parenU and sisters, whose brlgluest hopea uow droop like ladina flowers on hls breast, we exteud Uieassurauue of our warmesl sympaihy. Though stiicken down In the full tule of early manbood, cut uil from all 118 hup, aapt rationa and vlclorlea, we yet feel tbal hls Ufe waa a complete auccesa. Retolved, That ihe exemplary condnct and charaoter of our dsparted comrade, bus lefl a deep iinpri-sMiiui ou our mluda and that we wlll alwaya cberlab the memory of hls noble and honorable Ufe. líetolveJ, That, aa an expression of our sorrow thi.s oompaoy wear the usual emblema of mournlng lor a perlod of alxty daya. Rttolved, '1 hat a copy of these reHOlutlons be preaented lo the family of the deceased. Pasaed by tbe unaulmuas vote of the cumpany, April 23, 1888. A. E. UüBHAUDT, ) W. J. Tate, V Commlttee. U. F. Denqler, ) A parly of relatives gathered at John Boylan'd last Thursday, the occasion beDg his mother's 80th birthday. Thry were lïom Pittstleld, Brlghton and Aun Arbor. Mrs. Boylau U one oí Aun Arbor's early pioneers. Will C. Hollands, formerly of the Courier biudery, was married Tuesday evening last to Miss Mamic Tinker, of Jackson, at the lióme of tlie brule's parents, under a floral hor8-slioe, wHh lols of pre8ei)ts aud all tlie usual parapherualia. Will has iniiny oíd frienils liere to wi-h liini and bh bride niany years of bapplness. VVhen people are found dead at thelr bornes, or even elsewbere, from natural causes, it is stretching tlie law beyond coninion decency to liold un inquest and have an autopsy ordered. Where tlitre is susplclon of foul play it i quite a different thing, aud tlie law is meant to cover stich case?, but when there is no questiou but death was tlie result of disease, it is Loing too fur. I f a coroner must have bis fees in such cases there are plenty who would be willing to chip in and pay liim, but tlie i'eelings ol the relatives must be pared thc muUlation ol the bodles of thelr dead.


Ann Arbor Courier
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