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Ih the Benata on the ïrth billa were passed or public building In Lanslng, Mlch. 0100,000 . Burlington. Ia. rèC5,00ni : Stillwater. Mimi. (150,Ü00); pproprltttlng WiUX fr toe relief of the )mahn trihc f Indiana In Nrbraska, and thlrtyITO prlYatA peniion billa ...In the House b.Us were reported Tor the erectlon of public buüdagl ut BlOOI City, l.i . ;mü Hacine. Wis., and H OM loa tip of u braoOB Soldicrs' Home In irant Coimty, Ind. The debato on tin: MHls Tariff bUI was commenoed. Mr. Mills (Tex.) pialrlng In favor of the meaaure and Mr. I : i'a.i (nalaat, In the Senate on the 18th the bill for the admlsstou of South Dakota as a State and the organlzation of the Terntory ol North Dakota ¦was fortber eonatderad. a bttl was Introduces by Mr. Belmont to prohiblt the coming of 'him'M' laboren mío the I7nitad states. A "ing the bill for the relief of Major Daniel N. lS.i-li, l'a. mastcr Uuiteil Stales irmv, waaraeelved trom iba President. Euloics upon Rosooe Conkllog were. deiivered - In the House tulls were passeri to créate a Department of Labor, and to créate boards of ar)ltration for the scttlcmcnt of controvertios and diffcrences between inter-Stato common carriers and tholr employés. A bij.!, was placed on the calendar In the ïenate on the liïth authori.inff the President to appoint and retire John C. Kremont as Majorieneral Unito.l Statos Army. The bill for the admiaslon of South Dakota a ¦ State as wated by a vota of '-'t) to '8... In the House further ennsldcrntion of the Tariff bill was postponed unlill theSlth, and the sesslon was occupied In diseusslng the Indian Appropriation bill, but no action was taken. Thf. Senato was not in sesslon on the 20th. In the House the Pension Approprlation btll (180,380,00(1) and the Indian Appropriatlon aill (R.lfc.'.ïvn were passed. A bilí was introduced to protect the public from interruption of traftlc by railway strikes añil other causes. At the cvcnini; scsslon twenty two pension bilis were passed. DOMESTIC. Fkancis MuBrHY, the temperanoo advocate, on the ltith induced all the mombers of the LoiüBville JJase-Ball Club to take the pledge. W. H. Hawxet, a Danbury (Conn.) druffglst, on the 17lh iatally shot Virgril Barnuiii, hls brother-in-law, tiurin; a family quarrel. James Arban and danghter, livlnsf near 8t. Louis, were killed by a Missouri Tacitic engine while across the track on the 17tlL lt Waitei:, sheriff of Spink County, I). T., was killed by ligutning at Watertown on the 17th. The drugglsts in Iowa cltles on the 17th resolved not to take out líquor permita under the new la w, and the drug-stores will hereafter be "dry." Thk New York Aesembly on the 17th passed, by a vote of 8U to 8, the bill which substitntes electrlcity for hangring. The Detroit Butchers' Protective Assoclation on the 17th declared war on Chicago dressed beef. A heavy snow-storm prcvailed on the 17th In Norilieru Mchigan, and the straits were solidly blocked with ice. Twenty families at Altna, WiR, were on the 17th driven from their homes by high water. The loss to property was estimated at .f.")0,0O0. A tniDICATI of a dozen Chicago capitalists on the 17th purchased the street railway at Indlanapolis, Ind., for $1,000,000. Ia the Chippewa (Wis. ) valley the snow was three f eet deep on the 17tli. The barn of M. J. Cole, near Ilebrnn, Wis.. was burned on the 17th, and tifty-twro head of cattle perisbed In the Hames. All the Iiurlington switchmen in the yards at Kansas City quit work on the 17th because the company wotild not reinstate a discharged employé. Obto removed the quarantine restrlctions on Cook County (HL ) cattle ou the 17th. Moses FitALEY, the "bear" grain operator at St Louis, closed nis deals on the lHth, loatngaboutflÖOO.OOa At a sale in New York on the 18th of American silks, manufacturad by the Pboenix Manufacturing Company of Paterson, N. J., over thiee thousand pieces were disposed oL The village of Fremont, Wis., wao under water on the 18th, all the stores were closed, the íroods ha ving been removed out of danger, and many familes were residiug in the uppur story of their dwelliugs. lm intoxiuated Indiana were drowned on the INth at Trempealeau, Wis., while attemptint; to dtag their canoes across a raft of logs. Twelve stores and building-s were burned at Braddock, Pa., ou the lxth, and fifty people were rendered homelesa The losses to lumbermon by the floods in Wisconsin and Minnesota were on the 18th estimatd at $250,000 At Nebra8ka City, Neb., JosephM. Brown, an angineer who had taken the place of one of tho strikers, was attacked and f atally clubbed by three unknown men on the 1 Mh. An incendiary tire on the lUi partly destroyed the scables of Senator Stanford at Palo Alto, ('al., andseveral valuuble racing horses were burned to death or permanenti ¦ I _. .¦% T - ilnwkr umi ly injured. Losa, $'_00.000. It was announced on the 18th that an organized giing of counterfeiters was nooding Eastern Tennessee with Dogus gold and silver piecea The '¦White Caps" floprged Bob Broomfield, James Bellers and Mra Wilson at Engliah, Ind., on the lSth, the charge against them being that they had been gullty ol inmoral conduct The twenty-firat woraan who claims to have been inarried to Mr. W. J. Brown, of Detroit, made her coniplaint hlm on the 18th. The switchmen in the Chicago j-ards ol the Northwestern railway struck on th', 18th because the company discharged two y ardni astera Russell P. Hott, for twenty years secretary and treasurer of the Mercantlle Benent Association of New York, dirtuppeared on the 18tb, and bis accounts were said to be $30,000 short CrriZENS of Lexin(fton, Mass., on the 19:h celebrated the one hnndred and thirteenth annivers.iry of the nrst battle of the revo lutionary war. Four hundred brewerg at Cincinnati struck on the 19th because of the discharge of several unión raen. Miss Bertha Evard, a school-teacher near Fort Wayne, Ind., was burned to death on the l'Jth by her clothes taking tire froin the stove. The entire business portion of Monmouth Center, Me., was destroyed by nre on the 19th. Isaac Kirkpatrick and his wife, both colored, living near Gallatin, Tenn., were Caken trom tuen house on the lülh by a mob, and the womnn w;is hanged and the man was shot to death. They were suspecte d of arson. The jury in tiie suit of David 8. Fotheringham airainat the Adams Express Company ior false impiisonment, oa trial at St. Louis, found a verdict on the l'Jth for Fotheringhain, awarding him dauiages of $ÜO,OOO. Feom reporta received on the 19th by the KorthwesUrn Mttirr lt estimated th&t the thortage in the winter wheat yield, as compured with last year, would be from ighteen to thirty-six mlllion bushels. i LBO! portion of the townof Caledonla Wik, wh Hooded on the Hlh by a breuk n tbe levee on the west bank of the Wlsonsin. FaruiH were also submerged, and he damatre would he great. Cakkeciie. Phipps & Co., proprletors of the Edgar Thomson works at Braddock. Pa., decided on the lOth to resume opentions wlth nou-union men. Th works, whlch einploy four tbousand men, had been elosed for four months on acoount of wage troublea Samuel ('onyeus, at Rockmartb, Ga,, driod a can of wet powder on the sto ve on the 2Oth, and the explosión which f ollowed blew hlm to piecea DuRiNii the Beven days ended on the 20th tliore were 181 buHiness failures in the United States, against lt2 the prevlou Beven days. The total failures from January 1 U) dato were 3,543, against :j,t!-l! in the same time last year. ut men anrrounded tho Ycsquttas ranoh on the 2Oth near Jirowusville. Tex., nnd binding tbe men and women robbei tli house of nbout $5,000 In money and of :i (pKiiitcty ol ji-welry. í'ivE eloping couplos were married at Jeffersoiivlile, M&, on the 20tb_ N. Ii. Lestek was hnnged on the L'Oth at Lebnnon, Tonn. , for the miirder of LieuteuantJ. T. Lana Aevices of the 'JOth say that eight horsethieves were canght by an armed posse thirty milos from I'urcell, 1. T., af ter a running flght, aud Btrung up. ISái.i, gaines played on the 'JOth at the opening of the National League champion ship season of 1KK8 resultad as follows: Chicago, 5; Indianapoli, -4. Pittsburgh, 5 ; Detroit, 2 New York, Ü; Washington, 0. Boston, 4; I'hiladelphta, 3. Thb houao of Fred Stover at Portland Ore., 'was burned on the 20th, and Mra Stover and her baby were burned to dcath. A blast explosión on tha 20th near Labadie, Mo., fatally injured flve men. '1 iu'.kk men were burned to death and several others were injured by the burning of the Bethel Houso in Bt Louis on the 20th. I'.mma Althouse, of Attica, N. Y., who is subject to trance?, awoke on the 20th from a thirty-three days' sleep, and immediately informed her physiciau that her grandfather was dcad. Singular to relate, th old man had explred at Mumford while the young woman was iu her trance. The 20th was the one hnndredth day of the present session of Congress. The House had passed 425 bilis and the Senate 8:jL Aitogether 20 bilis had passed both houses and gone to the President for hls signature, and 12,568 bilis and resolutions had been introduced - the largest number on record. An entire family named Lathrop, father, mother and three chlldren, occupants of a farm house near Wolf river, at Embarráis, Wis., were swept away by the floods on the 20th and drowned. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Wili.iam McKinley, Jr., was on the 17th renominated for Congress by acclamation at Cleveland by the Republicans of the Eighteenth di9trict of Ohio. In the Fit teenth district General Grosvenor was renominated. üev. Da Jt B. Andebson, for thirty-flve years president of the University of Eochester, N. Y. , placed bis reslgnation in the hands of the trustees on the 17tb, owlng to ill health. Koscoe Conklino died at öis home in the Hoff man House, New York, at 1:50 a. m. on the 18th. He was bom in Albany, N. Y., October iiO, 1H29. In 1846 he entered the liw office of Spencer & Kernan in Utica, in 1858 was mayor of that oity, and in the B&me yeiir he was elected a Representativo n the Thirty-sixth Consrress, was re-elected m L860, 1864 and 1860. He took his seat in the United States Senate March 4, 1807, and was re-elected twioe. In 1881 he resigned his seat, retired from politics and resumed the active practico of the law. He leaves a wif e and one daughter. Mr.i Mancel Talcott, of Chicago, who in the pnst ten years gave to charitable objects $500,000, died on the 17th, aged bíxty-eight yeara The Maryland Demócrata will meet in Baltimore May 10 to elect delegates to the National convention. Is the Louisiana election on the 17th Nlaholls (Dem.) was elected Governor by a large majority, and the Legislature is Dem. ocratic in both branches. Is Washington on the 17th Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood gave notice that she was in the tield again as a candidate for the l'residency. The Democrats of Washington Territory met at North Takoma on the 18th and elected delegates to the SL Louis convention, í ivpIïuhI'k tariff message was indorsed. Db. Agnew, the celebrated New York physician who was tbe first to be called to attend lioscoe Conkline when the latter entercd upon his iinal illness, diedon the 18th from an abcess in the peritoneal cavity. He was in his fif ty-eigath year. Ex-Shehiff B. F. Millek, of South Bend, Ind., died on the 18th, aged seventy-sven vían He was one of the oldest journallsU In tho country, nnd f ounder of the first antisluvery paper, the Pldlauthropi&t, whioh he stnrted in Western Pennsylvania in 1835. The lietmblicans of South Carolina met at Charleston on the 18th and elected delegates to the Chicago convention who favor Senator Shernian for President The Alabama l'rohlbitionists met at Decatur on the 18th and nominated a State ticket, wlth J. C Orr for Governor. The platform denounces the manufacture and sale of intoxicating Ilquors and all forms of license; demands the repeal of the internal-revenue and license laws; requires that Baloon-keepers and others respect the Sabbath, nnd favors residence of twenty-one years for foreigners before voting. Rev. Dr. Isit.iEi. W. Andbews, ex-president of the Marietta College nt M.arietta, O., nnd a teacher there since li:ii, died on the 18th at Hartford, C'onn. Hos. E. a Williams was on the 18th renominated for Congress by acclamation by the Itepublicans of the Third Ohio district The Georgia Republican convention met on the lsth at Atlanta and elected delegates to the National convention who were regarded as supporters of Sherman. The Ohio Itepublicans at thelr State convention in Jayton on the llith nominated joseph P. Bradljury for Supreine Courfc Judge and Daniel J. Ryan for Secretary of State. Governor Foraker, Governor Foster and Congressmen McEinley and Butterworth were chosen as delegat -s-at-large to the Chicago couventíon. Instructions for Sherman were adopted. The platform denounces Democratie election frauils; demands protection tor American industries; censures Cleveland's free-trade message; ootmnends the adminlstration of Governor Foraker; demands a just and comprehensive pension bil], and pledges support to the Soldiera' and Sailors' Home. Fob the seventh time the Republicana of the iSixth Indiana district on the 19th nominated General Torn Brown for Congress by acclamation. The Republicans of the Fifth Illlnoi district met nt Geneva on the 19th and renominated Congressman Hopkins by acclamation. The Eighth Indiana district Republicans 3ii the liJth nominated Jamos T. Johnston for Congresa Conventioxs were held in each presiionnl d's'rict In Indiana on th !!th ior the seltctlon of delégate to the Natloual Republioan convention, and the result was a vlctory lor General Harrlson for President Thomas ('. Hanoe, a native of Maryland, died on the Iitth at Macedón, K Y, aged one hundred nnil li years. Mr A. K. Abei.i-, iounder and proprietor of the Baltimore Sim, died on the l!)th, aged elgbty-two years. He leaves an estáte valucd at nearly $20,000,000. H. Dewart, a prominent Democratto polltlolan and a member ot the Thlrty-tifth Congres, died on the li)th at Sunbury, Ta. aged slxty-eight yeara Thk Demócrata In the F.f th Indiana district on the lüth noininated George W. Cooper ior Congres At a meeting on the 20th of tlie Ohlo Ropubllcan League in Daytou Judse John A. Caldwell. of Cincinnati, wan elected president V. Hicks, a yeteran of the war of 1812 and die Blnck Hawk wr, died at Boodhoune, III., on the 20tb, aged ono hnndred years. }Ie never rode on a railroad train, and though he could not read or write ha amassed quite a fortune. The Green back-Lsbor party of West Virginia will meet at Charleston on the 'M of May to nomínate a State ticket Mis Makt ('oli.ins died at Darllngton, Wis., on the 'JOth, aged ono hnndred and ten years. Willlam B. Ddísmobe, president of th American Express Company, died at New York on the SKMb, aged seventy-eight years. Funeral services were held at ten o'clock on the morning of the 20th in Trinity Chape!, New York, over the remains of Roscoe Conkllng. At twelve o'clock the casket was placed on a special train and taken to Utica, where the interment would tako place. _________ FOREIGN. The Brltish steamer Vena was sunk on the ltith in a collision off Rotterdam, and ten of the persons on board lost theU Uves, Sir Donald Smith, president of the Bank of Montreal, on ihe lOth gave $1,000,000 for the endowment of the Boyal Victoria College for Women at Mon'real. The chief olerk of the treasury was arrested at Athens, Greece, on the 17th for embezzling $1,000,000 of the public funda. Martial law was declared on the 17th in three of the provinces of Cuba - Havana, Pinar del Blo and Matanzas - as a ineans of dealiug with the crime and disorder that had ran riot for several months. The Russian Government on the 17th ordered the immediate expulsión from Russlan territory of the foreign-born Jews lnhabltating the province of Kherson, of whoin there are forty thousand. A HEE on the 17th on two plantationi near Matanzas, Cuba, destroyed 170,000 bales of sugar cana In Malinas, Mcx., slx thousand sheep wera kille 1 in a wlnd-storm on the 17th. Thb Britlsh House of Commons on th 18th passed the bill to legalizo marrlage with a deceased wife's sister. Adyices of the lSth say that the riota in Roumania were spreading, andsoldlers had been sent to thirty vlllages to restore order. Robbery, murder and other outrages were being committed. Beblis dlspatches of the lHth say that the condltion of Emperor Frederlck had changed for the worse, and hls llfe was considered in great danger. Fiftt meters of rallway between Gossensass and Schelleburg, in Germany, were destroyed by an avalanche on the 19th. M. Poixikoff, the Russian rallway king, died in London on the 1 Oth. Hls fortune was estiraated at .$30,000.000. An explosión on the l!Hh in the St Helena colliery at Workington, Eng., killed seventeen persons, and several others were lnjured. Hhocks of earthquake were feit in Canada on the 19th at Ri viere du Loup and St Panl's Bay. Advices of the 20th from tha Philipplne Islands say that the town of San Fernandi, in the Province of Pampanga, had been partly burned, causlng a loss of $1,000,000. While on a train near Wiesbaden, Germany, on the 20th Mr. Pendleion, ths American Minister, was stricken with apoplexy, but he was not dangerously ilL LATER NEWS. The exchanges at twenty-six leruling clearing-houses in the United status dunne the week ended on the 21st aguregated 9088,490,284, against $830.700.439, the previous week. As compared with the correspondía? week of 1887 the decrease amounted to 10.3 per cent The Union Labor party of the TwelfU distriot of IUlnois on the 2 lst nominated 1. N. WiBe, of White Hall, for Congresa. A ctclojje struck the southern limite of Duquoin, HL, on the 22d, demolishing fences, barns, trees, outhouses and dwellings. Several persons were injnred. The last funeral services over the remains of the late Boscoe Conkling were held in Utica, N. Y., on the 2 lst. Thomas Sullivan and Henry Vondergotten, both advanced in years, committed Buicide on the 21st at lndianapolis, Ind. No cause was known in either casa Advices from China received at San Francisco on the 22d gave details of a series of earthquakes in the province of Yunnan extending over a month, by which over four thousand people were either killed or wounded and nine-tentbs of the houses wholly or partly demolished. Pred Hei.d. a farmer at Le Mars, Ia., shot and instantly killed his mother on the 21st In a quarrel over land. The levee just below Ryan's packinghotlBü in Dubuque gave way on the 2 lst, and the wuter mshed in upon the flats, tlooding thirty houses and doing much damage. The business portion of Winona, Miss., was mostly desuoyed by Ure on the 2 lst While in a frenzy on the 'Jlst a man naraeil I.ikins killed his little boy and gir with an axe and then cut hia own throat at Cabool, Ma Owino to the new liquor law all the saloons in Cleveland, 0 , were olosed on the 22d. Josiah Boutwell, treasurer of Orange township, Hancock County, O., left on the 21st, taking with him over f4,000 of the public funds. Amono the deaths on the 2d were: ReaxAdmiral Charles Stewart Boggs, ageJ eighty years, at New Brunswick, N. J., and Brigadier-General Dwight, at Boston, Thomas White, Minister of the Interior tor Canada, died on the 2 lst at Ottawa. The safe in the store of Botts & Quisonberry, at Santa Fe, Wis., was broken open on the L'IM and robbed of $7,000 in notes and $500 in cash. Dexter, the f amous trotter. died on the 21st at the Btable of Robert Bonner In New York. He was just thirty years old. There was no sesslon of the United States Senate on the 21st In the House the greater portion of the day was occupled in discusslog the River and Harbor liilL The bill creatlng an American copyright in conjunction with the international scheme for the protection of authprs waa f avurably reported, and the bill passed by the Senate grantlng Dr. Mary Walker a pension oi twenty-flve dollars per month for services rendered by her as an army nurse was un'avorablv ri-tiorted


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