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1 tí, ,NLÍi ¦ ' ' ' JmtUmr 'lime tibie taking effect Noy, 2Otb, 18SV teatral Klandard Tle. CHICAGO To DETROIT. g SS Sj i J TT a Sao g í:"t HTATIONS. L LL. 5D í SC j" 5 ss ;L 38 II íl Ja.m. í.m. p.a. p, k. p. a "r rr Chicago. .Lv. 1 650 900 310 44OJ815 910 8u Kalamzoo...:i2 17 l.V-,658 95o!l231 L ,5 Battle Creek.. 112 2 27 7 38 1 % 8X!S Jackson 315 4) 8 49 315 4. QramUke.... 8 38 jj, JK Chelsea 359 s ,g Dexler 4 14 660 loS DelhiMIlls... 4 Un AnnArbor.... 4 33 5 30 9 45 4 35 "Ka Ypailanti 450 545 5B 4 52 62412 wayneJunc. 5151 605 5 16 847 lira Detroit. ...Ari 600: 45 1045 600 7jni ut Xt.Thomas 1110 205 950 JSO Falle View _ I 117 e S01 "" N. Falle 221 45 1122 656"" Bnffalo 48517 15 840 optl"" DETROIT TO CHICAGO. g M SÍ &i a. cr, W .oc h"5 i 5" JA.M. P M. A A.M. A. H aTÍ. Bnffalo 11 30 5 So 06 900 ICO N. Fallí. I U45 43 ,15 - St.Thomas.... 42 1000... 1 10 5 " A.M A. . P ". P M. P.M. f.i, Detroit.... Lv. 700 9 10 1 30 4 00 8OOIO15" WayneJonc. 7 41 58 2 U8 4 45 8 87 1066 Ypéilanti .... H (KS 10 12 21 5 la 8581118 AnnArhor.' 8 18 1030 232 530 Inng Delhl Mills .. I 88 5421 Deitcr 8S7 550,932... Chelara 852 805 962.. Orean Lake... 15 6 27 1015 .. Jacksou 945 1136 332 710 1052 ljj" Battle Creekjll 201 112 4 40 852 1212 298 '" Kalarna.o. . . 12 17 1 Stil 5 15 94SJ 1208tt44i Chicago.. .Ar. 54 ti 40 SO I 7Oo 74510a ü. W. RUGGLB8. H. W. HAÏKS G.P.&T. Agent Airt.. Ann Arb Chicago. ToJimüi, Aun Arbor k North Michigan Rail ir aj. TIME SCHEUULK. TOtnke eflfect ;it VI o'clock, noon, on Sunday, Üctober 9tli, 18S7. Truins rnn by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. -I I l h STATIONS. Í ío' Jl C o. s. I "a.1 o A. M. p. . p. .a. . Toledo Lv 5 15 3 15 6 25 6 su Mmiliait'iii 1I11111 tiuii 5 20 3 20 6 40 6 10 Alexis 527 328 655 S6 Samarla 5 45 3 43 7 23 7 ti Monroe Jlllictlon 6 V2 4 05 7 SI H ll) Dnndee 6 10 4 l' 8 06 8 alalia 6 25 4 ikí 8 20 00 Milán 6 36 4 35 h 35 9 M Urania 6 50 4 45 8 55 10 00 PtlMMeld 7 110 4 61 0510ÏI Aun ArlMir 7 15 5 10 9 26 119o Leían I 7 33 5 30, 9 5" 1 H Wbiliniire I.akH 7 46i ü 45 o 11 2 13 üowell 83U62ti30 5l Uurand 9 30 7 20! 9 3U f . u. Comuna 9 ti 7 4t)!tO'S5 .... OwiispO 10 01 7 55 11 00 (iwi.Bso Junctinn . 10 05 8 101106 ... Iiha. a 11 16 9 15 2 s Si. Ltiuiü II 351 9 33i 3 85 Almt 1142 9 41 3 66 Mi. l'leaoant Ar 12 30 10 30 6 Olí p. m. p. a. p. m OO1NG 3OÜTH. 1 Ah STATIONS. jjj i X q-l a. a. p. m. p -. Mt. Pleasant Lv 8 40 6 30 130 Alma 10 15 7 20 2 20 Bt. l.ouis 1186 7 27 ¦! Ithca 12 ó 7 4i 240 . .. Owospo Janction 4 00 8 55 4 02 Owiisbo I 408 9(0 408'!.'!. ""inna 4 25 08 4 16 . Durnud J1S 9 311 4:a.. Hwell 7 4U10 ¦ 5 33 5 l Whumore Ijiki: Kxu. 11 00 16 SO '¦L'lnd 30U H (i.1073ï AnnArbor 7 15 11 SO 5UI10 56 l'l't-flcld 7 26 11 43 7 00UI SO I '"l:l 7 35 II 50 7 10U 66 Milán 7 45 12 04 7 20 12 4 A zalla I 7 55 12 14 7 80 12 46 "undec 8 03 18 24 7 40 1 10 Monroe Janction , S 10 12 31 7 51 1 30 Samarla 8 25 1 tul s 10 2 10 Alexis 8 45 1 (K) 8 3(1 2 45 Miinhiittan Junctlon 8 5) 1 05; 8 37 8 '9 Toledo Ar 9 00 1 10 8 tí 8 15 A. ¦. p.ii.Ip. m. p.m. South Lyon Kranch. NOKTH BOUND. STATIONS. SOL' TH BOUND. Traln (i Traln 1 v m. p. m. 9 50 Lv. Lelands Ar. U 30 10 00 Ar. Wordens Ar. 8 40 li) ai Ar tSouth Lyon Lv. 6 00 Ciinnectlone: At Toledo, wlth rallroadBdivereinir; at .Manhattan Junction, wlth Whcellne K. K.; at Alexis Junciion, wlih M. t'. h. K., L. S. & M. S. Ry. and F. A P. M H. R.; I Mimroe Junctlon. with L. 8. A M. S. R) .; at üoddee, with L. 8. & M. 8. Ry.. M. & O. Ky.; at Milán Junctlon, with Wabasn, St. Linií A Pacific Ky ; at Pitü-fleld, wlth L.s. a M. S. Ky.; at Ann Artwr with Michigan Central K. R., and at Sonth Lo with Detroit, Lanelng A Northern H. R.. tod Mich. A. L Dlv. of Grand Trnnk Ry. At Hrnnburí wlth M. A. Line División Grand Tronk B'y. At Howell with üilroit, Lining Ñonhern K'jr. t Uurand with C'hcigo A Grand Trunk K'y ind Detroit, Grand Haven Milwoukeo R'j . Ai Owol(10 Junction whh Detroit, .rand Haven A Milwtnkei- R'y and Miehlcan Central R. R. Ai t Louli wilb lirtroit. LnnsinK& Norihern R. H. and mi1 n Vallcy & ?l. Liuis h'y. At Alma wltli Detro t, (.anslnc i Nnrthern R'y. At Mt. Pieassot wltn Fliut A Pcrc Marquette R'j'. H. W. ASULEY, General Mar-tver. W. H. BENNBTT, A. J. I'AISIKY. Qi-n'l. Pan. A Ticket Agent. Local Agept. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATEOFMICHIGAN.Countyof Wahtentw," In the Matter of the Efttate of Clatk V. Sly, deceaped. Notice it liereby given. that in pnríuance oí w ordertranted to the nnderaipned admuilutratore of tfa isute of eald Clark M. Sly, d-ceee(i. h ibe Bon. of Probate for the County of Wuhlinaw, on the 2lt day or May, A. D. 18-7. there III be sold at public vendue, to the hitrhest bidder, at tho late lej-idence ol'talddtceaed In thf t(wuehlp of Supur or. in the Count of Washteutw. lo iald State, on Tuesday, the flrut day of MJi A. D. 1888. at ten o'rlock lntheforenoonoftbit day (suhjecl tonll encnmbrancuD by mottitu' or otheiwlse exIstliiK at the time of thu deatll "' said deceasi'd) the folio ing dewrlhed roal esut, to-wlt: All of the Kast sixty acres of the Kast half ol th' Bonth-Baft qu tri er of sectlon ni.m'icr iblnjrli i3.;) In tiie towiuhlp of Halrm In ihe Cooniy o' Va.-htn.iw and Siate of Mlchlvan. NATHAN T. 8LY, KOBY P. SLY, AdstnlatntoM. Dated Maich 9, 1888. . Batatt of Henrj ('utclazer. ! QTATK OK MICHIGAN, County of Waebten I O.-f. Ai a neellon of the Probate Conrt for the CoontJ ol Wachtenaw, bolden at the lrohati Office. In the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuenday, the twentjfourlh day or April, in the year one thoosaad eltht nundred and eijihty e');ht.Preeent,WilliainD.Ilainnsan. .Judge oí Probauj. In matter ol the eptateoflli nry O'lclr,iiceai-ed. Willlam Vt'. Whedo the dminlêMi' of said estáte, comes into court und repreeoU ili:it hü ín now prepared to reuder nía aoal K count ai such admlul-trator. Thereupon lt is ordered. Ihat Fridcy, tbe e evenih day of May next, at 10 o'clock In the fore uoon, be a-sígaed lor examiuing and illowiaf bc!i account, and Ihat the h Irs at law of aid deceasod, and all other persons interested In a jj estáte, are reqoircd to appear at a session of w court, then to be holden at the Probate OnVe. in tie city of Ann Arbor, In cald county, and ho cause, if any there be, wLy the eald accenni sboald not be 'llowed. And it la furlher ordered. that said adroiniirtor give notice to the persons intereeted in said estáte, f the pendency ol s.ild account, and the beirtig thercoJ, by Ciiuöing a copy of thls order to be uolished ia theAnnArltrC7nr.nnowipaperprll]tMl and circulaiini; in snid connty, tw succeMive weeks previou tn ail da m nearlni.'. (Atruecopy.) W1LLIAM D. ARRIMAN. .Jndüe of ProoaM. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. 1400-1402. l'iso's Cure for CtmÏSk suniption is also the best H Cough Medicine. M If you have a Cough without disease of the 19 Ltings, a few doses are all H you need. ButifyouneC3 glect this easy means of UA salbty, tho slight Cough KA bi inay becouie a serious El pêf matter, and soveral B tles will be required. THIS"PAPtREl Kcwspapcr Advertlslny Bureau (10 Spm0" ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ VAfil JUln contract iuay Hla Hl VIIKlV. be wade lor lt L liCff I UI"


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