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f royal f so';s ji POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powder ncver vides. A in irvc! of parlty, th and tfomene3. More economical Miau ibe ordiiiHry kintls, and (ui ot lie solí In competid n wltli Ike maltltnde of low test. short wciht illum or th sptifile P"Wderp. Solrt nnly in cans. KoYAI. B KIMO POWDBR CO . 106 Wall St N.Y. _J '¦ afrightfulskinTdisëasë Sullt-riiit-M Intenwe Hcad nearl.y raw. Hmt) renncl jlli Norm. liriil ly tlie nüi'iira lt im . JIcsp, Stkvkns & BHDSMB, MonriM', N. U. Dear Strê.- Abonl two moo-thi ai'", cm vuur re cinimeiidation, 1 houj?ht a bol 1' ui ('iricuitA RsaofaVIRT, one bos CufieunA Balvk, mul nne (¦!;¦ of CUTICURA SoaI'. for iny son. -L'en thirleen years, who h:ts heeu aftiicted with rzcma for h lom; lime, and I mi i pi. "wed to eay thit 1 belleTe Iba remedida have cured him. nis raffaringj were itriii-ic, his head befpg neirlv raw, hin e:u heinir gime fir-ept the Lrltle, and h( bod w.n c-.i ered wilh soros. Hiscondttlon was frlghful to l)"h ld. Pli'1 sores hare now all di-nppfiar d. bis nkin it hculthy. eyet Driht. cheiMMil In djapmltloo, and iï workji evan div. My nelgbbora arewltii'-sen to Ihi- ri-ni irkablf ruro. ñd dOObtlrg noe are rfijU'fited lo cali ur riie to ni'1, or üiiy or niy neiííbborp. WM. S. STBPHEXON. WlNCHKSI Klï I'. O., I'.MIW (JO.. N. C. TlIK POTTKH DhIO A!I C'llKMICAt. ('O: ,¦ n'h mm,- Mr. Win. S. Stephcnoon of thlf couuty broutfbt h's éoa to rown to-dny to let uh sec him, and to sbow us wh.t iVuitiu HkkkDiks had (loneft)r hhn. Thi is the caR ref rred to ín our letter to you some titila u-'o. To look at hhn now one w mM suppie tüaf there had never heen anythluji the matter with h in,- 8eem- to 1 k in iierfivt heulth. We have written and bareWL'h lpcloM what his fHth'T to nay abont the matter, - -rote it just as hc dictated. We are eellin qnitt a qnantity of CDTicnnA BucsntBc mid h":ir nothi' a b il prnUea tb m. We r. fird the CVTIfl'RA iiEEi l[ the be-t In the m nket, and shall do all we can to proimte lheir eule. Yonrs l'mly, STEVBN8 & BRl'NER. DmírílBtf1 and l'haimjctH. CiTiclUA, the itrcat skin cure, and CrncURA tOAP, [nejared frum it, extemnlly. and OU'ltTKA Iesolvhnt. ibe new hlood purifier, Internally, ar. a positiva cu e for every formof skin and bloed discascs from pimple-t to crofala. Sold everywhere. Prlce: CUTicuBA,50r. ; Soap, 25c; Hksoi.vknt, fi. Preparcd by the PottSB Dhitu & Cueicai. 0., Boston, M'W. {3?"Snnd for "Flow to f'nrp Skin Dleasea,"61 paes, 50 illustralions, and 1UU testimoníala. PI M PLES, black heads, red, rou? h. chapped asd il IVI oily skin preveutcd by CuticUKa miai'. Sneezing Catarrh. Tbe distresBlnff sneeze, eneeze% sneeze, the acrid watery dHcharifes from the eyea and nose, the painful Inflammatlon cxtendlnK to the tbroat, the swellfDff of the mucoiH llning, caasln? choking sensatlons, congh, rinein? bolsea In the head atid splitting headaches - how familiar these symptoms are to th"nHnds who toffer perlodlcal from head colds or Influenza, aml who live In ignorauce of ttcmlanrou rel. But thls treatment in cases of ïimple C'a'arrh given bot a faiut iden of what thi remedy will do tn the chronic forras, where the breathing ís ob-tnn-ted by chobingputrid mucous accumulatlons, the hearini: effected, smell and tate pot. e, throat ulr.Ti.teil and hck intr coui:h graduully lastenin itnelf upon the dehtlitated tytton. 'l'hen it is tha' the marvellous curative power u[ SavfohdV Kadkai. CritK in mile-ts Itself in instantaneous and iirute:ul re'ii'. Cure bejriüs Irom ihe tlret applictition. It is rapid, radical, permanent, economical. and safp. Sandpokd's Radical Curi conslsts of onc bottle of the Radical (,'uke, oue hoi of ('atakkhai. Soi.vkvt, and one Ixphoveu Imialek, II wrapped fn one pa-kne. with treatl'e and dlrectiotif, and sold by all qniKKtatl for tl 00. POTTÏB DllUO AND ClIKXIUAI. Co., ÖO8TON. PAINS ail -WBAEI18SE8 or tejíales Intantly relleverl by the C'iitirura uit - ¦ in 11- ter, a new. moai ayreable, Icatantanflooa and infalllble pain-killin?plafter, especlally adaptetl to relieve Femile Hains and WeaknesBes. VVarranted vastly superior to all other planters, and tbe mo.-t perfect Antidote to Pui ii. li flanimtition and Weakness yetompiHindecl. At all druijïis'-. 'J."j genta ; 5 for tl 00; ir, Dontatfe tree, Of PoTTBR UBUO AKD OhKMICAI. Co„ Bobton. Mass. THE ANN ARBOR SATINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transaots öeneral Banking Business. CAPITAL, $60,000. Oreanlzed nnder the General Banking Law o( this State, the stockholdors are indlvldnally liable for an additlonal amount equal to the stock held hy them. thereby creating a Guarantee Fund lor the benefit of Depoeltors of $100,000.00. Thrce per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Savin'i Deposité of one dollar and upwards, accordlng to the rule of the Bank and interest compounded ieml-annually. Koney to Loan on unlncumberud real estáte and other (jood securlty. DIUECTORS: CHRI8TIAN MACK, WM. D. I1ARR1MAN, W. W. WINE8, DANIEL HISCOCK, WILLIAM DEDBEL, WILLARU B. SMITH. DAVID UINSEY. OFFICKR8: C. MACK, Prea. W. W. WIN ES, Vlce-Pres C. A. HISCOCK.Oaehler. iliiianiMi aii h:is revolutlonlzed the world TWTlt'lUTTnW 'lurliiií the last half ceotury. iel lUll liUil Not leaat amoog tlie wonders iniiniiin t lnventlve progres 1 a methml and Rystetn of work tliut can be p'rformed all over the country without nep rating the workers from thelr homes. Puy Illierul ; any one eau do the work; either sex, young or old; no special ahlllly reqalred. Capital not needed ; you are started fr -e. Cut thU out and return to us and we wlll snid you f ree, omethlng of great value and lmporiance to you, ttmt wlll start you In buslDCM, wblch wlll brlng you In more raoney rlght away than anythlng clse in the world. Orand outfit ree. Address True S Co„ AuKUüta, Miimii'. Bet yonr PriDtini at the Conrier.


Ann Arbor Courier
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