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A Live Convention

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Tlie republicansof Mlchtg&n held their first state convention at Grand Itapids Tuesdiy, and it was an entHusiasticgatherlng of the live, earnest, pushing uien of the party, including both old and young. Uou8ing speeches were made by D. C. Page, of Grand Kapids, llon. E. S. Lacey, Gov. Luce, and others. Tlie foUowiOg resoliitions were adopted : The republicana of Michigan In state conventlou assembled lo elect delegates to the National conventlon, hereby reaffirm the principie of the party as lieretofore euunclated by our convevlions since the organl.atlon of the party. Wc rrafflrm our laitli lo the wisdom aiul beneOU of the protective lollcy, under whk'li the country lias fully reeovered from the flnanclal depressior.s rcsultlng from the great rebelllon.a pollcy that quadrupled the wealth of the nailon, rendered the country absolute ludependent, nnii elevated and dlgnlfled labor In every oondttlon and occupatlon. We reafflrm our lalth in the alilllty of our party to In the future as In the past, correct all natlonal evlls and fuster the growth and prosperlty of the whole we hereby arralgn the present administratlon and the democratie majorlty of the house of representativos for lueir ¦eottODal and seltlsh attitude upon the tarlff, and we espeelally protest agalnstthe open aixl illsgraceful slugllng out ot the greal industries of Michigan for Jeslructlou. Resolved, That the republlcans of Michigan, desirlng only the success ol the principies and candidates ol the great party that saved the Union, and renewlng their pledge of loyal fealty to both, but reeogniztng the great worth and strong avallablllty of their generous and nobleheaned fellow cllizen. that gallant soldler-statesman and successful man ui business. Oen. Kussell A. Alger. do hereby unanlmously and most earneHly recommend him as the man who should be chosen as the Standard bearerof the party in iba greal con. test about to ensue, and who, lf so elected, wlll harmonize and unlto the party every. where and lead the republlcan liosts tocer. tain and trlumphant vlctory. Resolved, That all the delenates from .Michigan are rcquested touse all honorable meaos to secure hts nomlnation. Tlie election of delegates at large resnlted in the choice of K. E. Frazer, of Wayne; J. K. Boise, of Lenawee ; W. Q. Atwood, of East Saginaw ; and T. B. Dunstan, of Marquette. The chosing of a chairman of the state central coinmittee was left to the committee itself, which is cotnposed of tlie following gentlemen : Klrst Dlstilct- Henry M. Duffleld and Charles Wright, of Detroit. Hi'cond- T. S. Applegate, of Lenawee and J. T. Jacobs, of Washtenaw. Thlrd- D. B. AInger, ol Katon, and Gen. '. U. Wltblnetou, of Jackson. Fourth- T. F. (iiddings of Kalamazoo and A. B. Copley of Van Buren. Ftrth- william Aldeu Hinitli of Kent and Ueo. W. Webber of Ionla. Slxtb- Charles F. Klmball of Oakland and Otls Kuiler of Clinton. Seventh- A. R. Avery of St. Clair 'and W. H. Acker of Macomb. iClghth- K, ('. Stone of Saglnaw and N. J. Brown of Montcalm. Nlnth - Newcomb McGrath of Muskegon and E. B. Martin of Osceola. Tenth- E. T. Carrlngtou of Bus and D. C. Page of 1 '.in ii i. i - Kteventh- H. O. Young of Marqnette and Thomas T. Bates of Grand Traverse.