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The Late Dr. Dunster

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At a meeting of the Unlversity Senate held Saturday evening to take ctton on the death of 'Dr. Uiinster, the followlnjt re8olution8 were pillürt: Prof. Duntter died on Thnrsdav afti-rnooii, May3, at 0:0 o'dock. l'ntil a few weeks ago he was witt) us in the work of the University, and it is only within u montli that his illncsa lia been feit to be alarming. During this college year, becoming memorable, to us with [OHM, again and again the ranka of the Senate are being broketl by the full ol another and another trusted meniber, dropping trom the activity of full professional engagement. But It is quite enough for to-day, in the overflow of our sorrow, that we are now strickeu by the loss of 011e closely bound to us in love, highly gifted to hisemlowments, cininenl in his attaininent8, most capable in his ehosen üeld. Huinbly subtnitting to the will of God wlio orders cvents in the livcs of men, we make record of our loss in simple terins of gratitude for the great worth of service our friend has rendered during the period of the labors of his life. Edward Swift Dunster was bom September 2, 1S34 11 Springvale, Me. He Kradnated In arts at Harvard College in 18ü6and In medicine at Xew York College of Medicine and Surgery in 1859. During the thirly years of bis professional life he. was for üve years in nisdical service In the arniy; afterward tor fmir years in charge of large city hospitals; for six yeari the chief editor of a leading medical magazine; and during twenty years he has Ulied chalrs of obstet rics and the disease ofwomen and children In colleges of medicine. He lias served the Departinent of Medicine and Surgery in this Universiry forfifle IB year9; the Uuiveraity of Vermont from 180S to 1871 ; the Long Islam) Collejre Hospital from 1809 to 1874, and the Medical Department Collejre since 1871. The extent of his labors has been limited only by liis physioal powers. In Harvard College he bore high honor ; In his medical course he reeeived the hilie-t award In hll class; in the army he was a medical offlcer of the United Staies regular staff tliroughout the war, aml was rapidly advanced, beint placed as director of the hospital?, medical inspector and aid In the office of the Surgeon General. As th editor of the New York Medical Journal, (rom 186ü to 1872, be drew forth :ible wolkers, aml showed power of uiethodical condensa tion, institutinfí the regular publication of concibe summaries of contribnttons n the several branches of medicine, with full leferences to the original sources He lmd e ugaged in medical praotice in the city of New York befoie entering the ii m y, uicl, lifter liis return lie regumed the same practico, cblefly In that important branch of medical aid'to which he especial ly dcroted his lile. Dur'mg his residence in Ann Arbor his skill has COlltiuued to be sought in consultation by pliv.-icians of thls and adjolnlng Staten. A a teacher in the study of medicine he was iit home with his classes, clearly delinitive in the order of his subject, lucid and forcible in exposltion, giving life to his theme, a9 he spoke directly from the stores of his lcarninj; and his personal experience. As a coutributor to the literature of his profession he was ataaofaci lot un impailiul und exhaustive collection of actutl evldence9, making: an unsparing rejection of extrinsic matten, reaching conclusions only so far as supported by established proofs, and holding a consistent force in the exercise of his judgment. Among hls many contributions raay be named : "The Relatlona of the Medical Profession to Modern Educatlon," "Tne Logic of Medicine," "The Hiatory of tlie Theory of Spontaneous GeneratloD, "Notes ou Doublé Monsters," "Abbreviation of the Second Stage of Labor," "Oomparative Mortality from Wounds and from Dl?cmse in Armies." "Argument Before the Hmerican Medical Association Against Kestrlcting the TeachInx of Studente of Irregular or Exclusive Systems of Medicine," "The Prophylaxls of Puerperal Oonvulslons." "The II istory of Anathesia." Sorae more extended contiibutions for putilicution in n permanent form are left unlinished at the time of his death. As a physician he was most sympathetic with the aitlicted, kindly, frank in in his announcements, true and uuswervIng in his dcductions, benfactor in iiuniberless liouseholds. In educatioual affairs, as a counselor and an advocate of the intere8ts of the Universlly, he was clear in his propositions, broad in the range of his experience, and vijrorous In his pleadlngs, ever urging the best aims of professional culture. His life of 54 years has gíven good earnest of his direct llneage from Henry Dunster, the ñrt Pres.dent of Harvard College. To us, the members of ihis Senate, he has eudciired himself by the consistent Integrity of his personal relations and a most genial hearing in the occasion of daily Enterarais. As a Seuate, we desire to extend to the family of our departed colleague our sincere and heartfelt sympatbleat white we know that in this time of their most severe trial, consolation and support can only be jflven to them by the Infinite Haiul. At a meeting of the medical f.iculty on Friday, May 4th, the followiug resolutions were adopted : Whkreas:- W'hlle the sense of bereavement Ih stilt heavy npon us, Uod. m Hls all wiHe Provlüence, hatf agaln een lit to remove from our mldst another of our older and most honored associates, Edward Swlfl DunBter, A. M., M. D. Profensor of Obttrlcs aud Dlseasen of Women and Chlldren, and Whkkeas:- Durlng the tifteen years of fulthful service he has rendered In this and other departmen U he has exlilblted a breadth if learnlng und rlpeness of scholarship and a capactty for teaching seldom equalled, aud, whkkeas:- He has ever been an earnest promoter and defender of the cause of advanced and liberal educatioa for Ihose who are seeking to Jolu the rauks of the Medical Profession, and Whkkkas: - üotli la stholary attainments and In private cliaracter lic personally represented In a raarked degree those qualltles whlch combine to forra the honest man and true physlclan, be lt JirtoltvJ: Thai In hls death, apparently so premature, ttiis Iicpartment and tne Unlversity have lost an able educator and a Judlclous counselor, aud we, eacn and all, a l'riend and helper Itetouttl:- That we tender to Mrs, Dunster and family our most tender sympathy In thls greatsorrow with the asüuraoce of our ahiitiuK Interest In their welfare. Retolved:- That a copy of these resolutlons be presented to Dr. Dunster and be glven to the presa and I liat they be spread upon our I minutes. Again the ugly sparrow is at its destructive work on the peach tree bud?. Kxiiininlns: our trees, yesterday, we found whole limbs absolutely stripped of every blossom bud. Now, if city people don t want to pay three dollars per busbel for piaches, they better take measures to rid theinselve8 and the surrountling country of those foreign pests. Thiscould easlly be done in winter, when no other birds ate here to suffer from the poison. UnIes8 somethlng is done soon, the country will be overrun just as it is now in Kngland, to the heavy loss of agrlculturlsts. - Ypsllautian. "The Geological TourWt in Europe" Is the title of an article by Alfred O. Lane, to appear In the June "Popular Science Monthly." It bus the novel purpose of indicailii!; biietly to the geologlst about i to vlsit Europe what formations and museums are to be found in each locality, 1 ïud what books and mapa the tourist will i rind serviceable In liis geological studies.