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There will be eight or ten less saloons ...

There will be eight or ten less saloons ... image
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There wUI be eiglit or tea less saloons tliis year than last. Rev. Mr. Fisk of J.icksnn, will 11 1 1 tlie Congregatioiiul pulpit next Sunday. Reaent Whttman will toon rival Congressman Allen In the wav i' senatorian tOHea. Tlie Lidie' Ai 1 Si.ciily of the Methodist chureh will have a social Tbursdajr eveninfi. Dr. Raitway will preHcli :i wcoad sermon next Suinlay. on the ''EviUofthe Ton nu e." Tlie city will not payany more wrrnnti drawn "ii funda li ivlng no balaucet in the'bnnk. Gco. Custerter (fo) ht ilayg in jal] Mumlay bet ore Juctice Pond, ter being di nuk on Sundny. Tlüiil. Thompson bas moved back Into liis Iioiim' uu May n:it tl .-!. lic tlicln't linfl t prolïlalile reutlng. The Lulles Poreijtn Mlesionary Society of the Prebyterln churcli meeu Friday aftrnoou at 8 o'clock In the Bliuroh p.-irlors. Kdw rl DePuy, wpervlior of S.ilnic, reporu 31 blrlliA, 16 (leuths, 879 porwnn liable lo miüliiy diity, and 80 old Boldiers. Fourth of Jnly oelbrllonfl are lieinir tnlked up liy smur of the Uve towns of Michigan. I it not time for Ann Arbor tuturtf Bow Isthat Capt. Suhuh ? TUe ni'w high nchool hnlldlng is to Iih a fine looking ediflop. Bret stoiy tob of fnl I gia liic bolden, tli ; scconti story ot brick,irii hinken roof, and uides. Horell Goodrich of Dexter, gaya (bat M old pioneera ol tliia county, have died slnce the 6tü of December list. "'Ihe roll c;i 11 on the othei slune." is rcceiving auuiuuil liM. Tliere will he :i Sonjr S ¦¦rvieo ;it Uk Unitaria eknrch weM Sunday even in gr, witli elidir in nï-, solos, duels. :i n tliems, cliornscs, eu ThUwlll be the laat evening service until ratnmn. All our cotemporarte In surrouir.ling towns are iTviiif; out agalnst poor sidewalks. Let the ral ka be pot In the banda of muukip.ilities the r-üine :is the st reets, .ind tlien they wlll be eareü for. A meeting of the Woman's Forelgn Mnsionaiy Society will be held In the primary room of the M. E. cliurch, Thursday, M:ty lOtli. at :! o'clock, p. m. All membere and frienda Invited to Ije present. Wirt Newkirk, a newapaper man of considerable experuwce hal titken the iosition of lncül editor upon the Register relievtng Mr. Kittredgp, wiio expecta to he absent tor a OOiialJerable time this lommer. Tbumlay next belng Aacenalon Dav tlierc will be tervicea in sr. Andrew'a cliurcli as folio wd: 10-,'!0 ;. m., Holy Cuminunlon and mldresg, T:.ii) p. n , eveniiiir praver and rooalcal aervlces by tin1 Chora 1 Union. A chanoe was effectPil in the manHjtrment ol the Franklin Hone last Frlday, Cuspar Rlnsey snrcrteding Jus. I,. Btone asowner. Itr. Rinaey luis Becurod Mie services of Xatiian II. Drake aa manager, wlio is now in charge. The man wlio prars, "QIt na this day ourdaily brend1' and altsdown and waiu for the Lord to lili hla platter, will Snd hlmself in tiie isme poaltlon in whlch ome biialueaa men will be who expect to lettrade without adrertialnir. - So. Lyon Plcket The salH of thoroughbred und iri-ule cattle by .1. T. Jacobs last Saturxlay, was quite Buccessful though the d,iy was far rrom pleaaant. About l,B00 worth of antmali were diiDoaed of. 'lm higbest prlce tor auy one belng $ I ".". Thoroujrhbred calvea n tnonths old bron. -ia 1OO eacli. Mrs. Saraü A. Vandewa' kt-r. relict of Janob vandewarker, dled Sunday eveni'ig, of paralvsii, aged 07 yeurs, 0 monthl. strvices tliis p. in., Kev. Dr. bteele ofliciatiiig. Mrs. Vamlewai ker had been a resident ol Chis city orer 60 years, and Ii:ul reglded in the house In HliiiL , i... .i:., i t ii,-. -..¦ sne uied, corner of Fiftli nel UUuerlne sts., over 4:, years. Shfl was tiin mother of Frnnk and Sarah V.nidewarkt-r and „f Mr,. II.Tinaii Krupf, of tuis city. ' Last Monday norn a drankea loon nattiMi HalUyan was found in the vault Ht the Sth wand achooL He mi far from sober, and Lr from a prepoaaeeaing look'"(.' Individual when they got talm out. Wow Me got where he" was appears a inv-tery. He made a break for Mie river as sooq as possible and had not been arrested at last accounts. It is undentood nmt he sold out all Mis property j esterday, packcd hu "duda" and departed for a more congenial atmosphere. The arcliitccis Spier & Roèna, have "een in tle city during the week past, iiave presented thelr plans and specfflea"0118 for the new school buildiii?. and me game bave been accepted by the pool board. They are now In tlic m " i ' talldlnjj cnmmittee, Messrs. ei, J"c"hs "I1(l Harrlman, at the itore Mr. Mack, who Is chairm in of the comtniUee. JVrsons dtsirous of Bgurlng opon the erectiou of the bnildlng can nna the necessary data there. Bids will oe receivcd for the cominj? two weeks. Last nijfht barglan opened the onttide "Unas of a bedroom window at. the resiuenceof ChM, B, DavUon on W. Hu ron ., and reachlng in through the window wntefc iwa lett open, took the clothes of ¦ir. Davison, whirh We re hanghifr on the post at the head ol Lis i,ei ïhey "eurched the pocket! taking sonie 928 III uoney, a postal note for a eouple of dolötyond dolían and eenU, by reaaon of w üavinji been a present (o Mm from the bVl , ?' N" :irrests ''ave Deen made so lar, but clues are being UP. il'"l It s hoped some of them Way lead to the thieves