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Miss Xettle Ames is visiting friends n Detroit. JopStiinson lias gone to Laeey to see - wel!, no mntter wlio. Mr. Condón, of Houshton, bas been n the city for a few dayg. John Harpfer, of Detroit, visited old friends here over Sunday. Mrs. M. K. Seeger, of Fenton is in tlie city for a sevural weeks stay. Miss liebekeah Heneriques te home after a long absence u Europe. Mrs. K. M. Barker, of FUnt, is in the city with her brother nnd Bister (eo H and Abbie A. Pond, Mrs. N. Chapín has retornad home nnd herdanghter Mr. Wilson is witli her, inteiuüng to ápend the summer here. Among thosp atrendinsr the School - masten' club lut Saturday. was PrincipM Fred T. Wright, of the Coldwnter High School. Miss Emma Banfield lias l)cen granted leave of nbsence for the balance of the vear, and leavaa snon for Kangas and Xciimska to speed lome montha wlth friends tliere. Mrs. Prof. Stowell we are glad to nnnounce continúes to Improve. Hersister Mrs. Cooper and her liusband were visiting at Dr. StoweM's at the time she was taken ïll. Mrs. Cooper wil] probübly remain for sometinie. Mrs. A. J. Sutherl-ind is again in Ann Arbor, after spending some time witli lier daughter Mrs. O. E. Haven in Evau ston, and on lier return pawlng a few daya in Grand Kapidp, where her husband is engagcd In bnsiiir. B. F. Watts, G. H. P., went to Detroit last Saturday evening on an invitation of Peninsular C'hiipter, No. 16 K. A. M to witnesstlie exompllfylng of Rnyal Arch Work by ülanchaid Chapter, Ño. (i, oí Buy City. who appeared tliere Sö strdnj; on special train, each man wore a Prince Albert CAU und black silk tile. Mr. Wattl reports a grand time. The new departments just artilecl by A. l. Noble ara " dandlet. Moaday! rain lielped everyt liinrr won. derfully. lt wmjuM u Imt wat geeded. Piani nul spcciiicatioiis for (lio Hew bulldlngt on State-st. ars beiiii; perfected BuperrkAi O'Hearn hm the basement for his new hoiiie on X. Thsyer st completad. Dr. Allen luis litted up his hiwn and walk, oor. Jtfferson and Mayuiird 8ts handsomely. J. D. Diinoan v.s built i larjre a.ulition to the house No. 38 Maynard s-t., that he bought thls spring. Librarían Rnymond C. Duvisleft Monday for a few inomh's abaenoa in Europe lixpci'iin-f io retara in Ootober. Joatloe Fmeauffaent Wm. Uaroplon .Ir. to Ilie Ioni:i work house tor slx montha lust Monday, for bei Dg drank. Mis.m Gene liMiirs, of tliis elty, who teaching :it PJnckney, has been V.-ry sick at th:it place with the mea.-lc. The Dew house of lvlumml ('I incy, No 3 Lüwrent.' m . is now oofflpleted, uu! is oneofth beauti of the city In tint line. Burrhor Bruin of Aun Arbortown reporta 38 old loldlerg, 16 deaths, 31 binhs, ais linb Ie to military ilutv, mid lüiotio, cnite a lurio crowdof people, tnotli IlUÜfillU, went l the M. C. depot .Mon tiay at il o'eloek .i. ni., to welcome Bootl and Barrett Mlaa Clara Dlllingliam ha gone u Aun A 1 1 .i i r, to lend her urtUtlc lerricet to pltntographftr Krueger lu i-Htouchioa nctatlv.-s.- Coldwnter SiiikI.iv Lile. Olil Myl Bowthick they are geltlns These fellowa who walit office. Tin v wlll oatDumber th delecaten rooh. Xm jreat uoiMiuotiun i;i tbe républloan lank-, liowever Tliere is ooiiflderable (-"1111.111111 iibout tin: cual clndera un Ui phiy grounda ut the l.-t w.ud tchooL If a yomigster falle down on these groandi he i very api to toar olí' lartfe patulles ot cutirle, uslde from tearing lila clotbe, and it ia awiul 011 shoes. Oonflrmation oceund SunUay nt Hi Saletn's Germán J.iitheran cliurch in Ocio, at Wlilcli tliere was an Immense attendanM from ihis city and vicinity ot oiir ( forman citizyns. It was almost ímposslble 10 procure any son of a reblóle that day to rlde in. Momlay mornlng a large nigii 011 the fn.'iit of the CoCRUR buildin; becanie loosened by tlie wlud and aime tunibling down on tbe walk, juut grasing tira arm of a man who was Dassing. The man looked at tbe object tliat liad carne so near Injnring hiin tor a mouieutaud theu walked 011 as if notliing liad liappened. Aan Arbor Typograph cal Union, No154, at its last meeting elecled the followin{ oflleers to serve for the eniuln year: V. l'res'l- Kred W . SobDlZ. Hec. ainl Cor. Sec'y- K ui C'. Kern. l'nmiu-ial Sec- ieo. P. Stauch. Kergeaii Wm. (ruoin. Board of Directora -Adiun Uoetz, Edgar S. .Muuyon, Wm. Jou a es. In the asslgiiment of Henry Osborne, of whkh John J. Kubisou is assignee, au agrteiiK'iit has been )erfected by whieh the credlton take'JS i)ercent. in cash and for the balance a note isgiven payable In foaryears, 25 per cent. eaeli yeur. The matter will be satisfactorily closet! up this week, creditor signing the agreeuieut. Services in St. Andrew's cliurch next Sunilay U tollows: 7:30 a. in. Holy coraniunion and lltany; 10:30 a. m., niorning prayer and sermón ; 12:0U ru., Bi ble class; 12:00 in. Sunday scliool ; 7:00 p. m., Continnatiou ciass in the Chapul ; 7:30 p. in., evening prayer, oouflrmatlon and sermón by B. J. llarris. A veiy delightful evening was passed on Monday last by tbOK who listened to Mit-s Thoburn, as she spoke of MUslonary work in India, She has been aetlvely engaged in work there for many reara. Her brother. Dr. ïhoburn was In India ten years before she began her lubon there. tihe is a very IntCKStlng lady. l.izic T. Inman vs. Iicnj. F. Ininnii is llir tltle of a divorce case entered Mooday, upon the grounil of extreme cruelty. Tlie parties have been married bnt a short time, having procurcd their martinga Iliense J)ec. 22d, and were married Dec. 29th, by Justice K ra n eau (f. loman' aire was given as 50, and Mrs. Orawfoid's (now liiinaii) as Ü8. The course of true love liever did run smooth, soine way. There was a fair attendance at Fireman'l Huil last Friday eveuing at the meeting cal led to oigan ize a society for the preveution of cruelty to aDimals. A temporary organi.ition was efl'ected bv choosing Itev. b. Karp chairman and V. S. Perry secretary. After soine discussion as to the desimbilily ot perfecting sucli an organization in the city, a eomuiittee was appointed consisting of Zlna P. KlEur, W. S Perrv and B. K. Nicliols to draft a constitutiou and bylaws and prepare a forin for permanent nrganlxation, The meeting tben adjourned for two weeks at the same place and huur. It is to be hoped that inore interest may be taken in tlii society, ns it is a necessity here. The case of Jacob Weldleich, on trial the past week, on a charge of "assault with intent to commit murder," attracted Considerable attentton. Theassault was made upon Mr. Widemann, and had been considerad by the public as an aggravated and ugly deed with little or ni defensa, The piosecutinjr attorney had Mr. Klinc, one of onr hright young lawyers to assist bim, but eveu then was uiiable to convict bis man. 1). Cramer, as8Pted by Mrs. Mary (Jollins Wliiting condueted the defensa and convinced the jury that the prisoner wus not ghilty of the charge and they returned a verdict accordingly. (nite a scène occurred during the trial by Mrs. Whiting denoiincIng the I'rosecuting Attorney for bis lack of bravery in objecting to her makintr the opening argument. As the prisoner bad DO counsel in the justice court, and as the case appearcd to be so dark agalnst Iniii the result was quite surprising to the public. "Had Mr. Kline been alone la that case," said a gentleman who beard the trial, "a different verdict woiild have been rendered."