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Of J. S. Murphy the Uavenworth, Kansas Piess remarkt: " The announcenient of the approach of thi.s able actor In I the eharacter of '-Slinuu Hhue," in the Insh comedy of tliat name, lilled the Opera House to ita utmost capacity last nlglit. It Is a ïousing good piece, laughter-provoking, vivacious and ful] of 'repartee. It 9 useless to add tiiat .Mr Murpliy wasgood; in tlie delineatiou of Irish eharacter he Is Inimitable, and as a vocalist he possesses great power and leeliiiK. Mr. Murphy was well supported, especially so by the ircntlcmen who took the parts of "Donovan" and the Domlnle." V " Juüus C;i'sar,"as rendcred !y Mosn HoDtli ani] liarrett, at the ¦rrand Opera House last Monriay e VOD Ing, is said t0 have been worthy of mnch praiM by those who were tliere. . The San Francisco Alta remarles: "Tlio attendauco at tliis Uieatre 1,-ist ; evenlng to witness tLo represen tation of ; "Shaun Khue" was so great that stauding room only could be obtained Tlie play isaverygood one of ts class- full ' of humor, pathos and and ; sensationalsituations. It affoñfo an evening of excellent amusement. In the principal roll of Larry Dcyiovan, Mr ,T S. Murphy ha a oliaracter that flte alt varied abilities. He does not fatl to render the character in a thorouglily aceeptable manuer. The snpporting cast is v Last Wednesdny ven Ing two three persons took positlon at the box offloe of the opera house and remalnea all night to be the flnt ones on hand at the salTof tickets tor Bootli and Harrett, to oommence at 9 o'clock Tluirsday. At :f o'clocl a. in., tliey werc reinforced liy about a dozen more, and at 5 o'clock the rccruils were numeious, at 7 o'clock the line reached down itito the street It probably tlie greatest rush ever known here. The opera house was üllod last evcnhi"iiy .i laqre aiuilenee to witnrss the play "Sbaun Rhue" nd lanffb at the keen wit and repartee of J. S. Murphy. There are many btions situations which add to the success of the pleoe, but the one rreat attraction is the character of Larry Donovan, who keeps theaudience alinost continually in lauxhter, and Shacui Hhue, "who came down .'!0 miles," is a faithfiil portrayal of the "Far down," and ihe rich brogue is as natural as eau le bond n all Irelancl. Mr. Murphy is a pleasin comedian. He is never still whlle on the stage, hut constautly indulging in rame by-play that directa attentlon, and causea the audience to forjjet the actor and upon the original. Mr. Murphy lias with him the onc rcjit inciMitive to aucceág, a first-class company. The "Shaun llhue" is a better piece than "Kerry Qow" and is destined to prove a urente r


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News