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TTASHTENAW POMOLOGY. Fruit Prnspects- Destrnction of Injnrioiis lnscots- The Enplish Sparrow- Strawberry Culturo l'nprolltable. At tlie mouthly meeting of tlic society J. D.Baldwln preitded, J. Gaozhorn benig absent. The oor. sec'v look hi place and read the the minutes of the Murch meeting, and stiited that he had pnbllihed Prof. V. M. Spauldlng'a paper read before the Marcli meeting on "Recent Piogress in tlie Stody and Treatment of I)i¦easetof Plante, In tlie "Michigan Farmer," where it reached the (troatert iiiiinber of those bcnetited by this very intere.Hing trentise. He also lias sent Prof. Mark W. Hitninjron's paper on "Cllrnatal Eflects of Forests," to Senator Pal uur, chairman of the committee which has to report on tlie bill of the Forestry Congress of the United States. The senator in u letter BCarch 31, returned the papen stating Chat he had read them wlth interest and approval, thankinsr tor the courtesy extended. Prof. B. E. Xichols, clinirniun of the cominittee on Fruit Bxchange, whose absence from the meeting was excused by the chair, is stil] at work niatiirini; plans for a successftil rlistriblltion of (ruit and wilt report at the Jun meeting. fruit ritosrE t J. J. Paraball: "Never had such fiattering prospects of a peiich erop. II' nol hiii_' happens J expect 3,000 bushels of ponches. The public shoulil he notlfled that Lord Palmerton aml the Waper l'eaches are huiubujcs." S. MIUo: "Forty-tw years ago spring frosts killed peach bllda, bul slnce that time such a calamity lias not happened." J. D. Baldwio: "Even tlie teiuier . 'iml shy beareri of the peaob fainily are full of 'fruit bud. Sly 10 varletiea of plnms look rtry promlalrig." E. A. Noidman, of Lima: "Apples in our vicinity look veiy promlslDff, if we can only elieck the uoxious insect." H. Sessions: "My pluins never lookcd better. The prospects of a pendí erop i vi tv Kood." J. T. Ellis, of Manchester: -'II ís Btonishiog to see the til r (ft and fruit bilds of all Claweg of í i uit tices.'' 1). Striekler: "V have the paulen of lu tliis vicinily.'' E. Ham: "My pears are not is promlsing m they were last yearabout ibis time. The eparrowa fed on pear buds last winter and rtld mnoh dauiage. Whoever introduced Eayllah spairows Into tb ia country should never be prayed out of purgator v. Q ra pea ure way betiind but I have Beverseen grapeg fail in my experience of 20 years." ]almer, of Dexter: '-The basket erop wilt be eqtial to the fruit erop which in vcry promlsing about Dexter. The culture of strawberries about Ann Arbor was considered unprotitahle and overdone. They can not be shipped to Detroit as the market there is glutted by the strawbeny king, I'arker Karl, o't Illinois, who sliips ;i carload daily to Detroit. Besides Detroit market ftardeneri nd farmerp raise enough to sujjply the demand. INJURIÓOS INSECTS. This important topic was disoussed at the request of Mr. Xordman. The writer last winter addiesied HisExcolleixv, the governor with the request to have a short, popular pamphlet publishedjon this subject, to be placed in the hands of' every farmer and fruit gTOWer. The ifovernor jTomised to lay the matter before the State Board of Agnculture. Prof. A. J. (Jook's "Injurions Infecta of Michigan," is a very important document. .1. I) Haldwin ihoQght, that, inasmnob as Pai iOreen and London Purple are often adulterated and consequeutly inelleetlve in spraying trees, pure anéale should be be used at a cost of 10 cents per pouml, wholesale. Wblle one poaod of London Purple was used for 500 vallons of rain water, 5 or 6 ounces of pure a men ie would be sullicieiit. Great eare has to !e taken in the use of these arsenites. The first sprayinfr should be done when the blossoms tall; the second, two weeks later. S. Mills: "Chop all the thorn bu8hes down ; the are the propngators ot the curculio." E. Baur: "We could dispense with the arsenites is we would use the hand system forthecodlinrmoth, ai d the Haiixim process lor the plum curculio the lirst week in May ; and later on, when the blossoms full, the charing pro¦ cess. It is impossible to do justice to this topic in this report. It is certaiuly a liuinilating fact that these small pests can not be control led by the lords of creation. A cardinal remedy is found in Malenclii 3:10-11. E. P.auh, Cor. Sec'y. "If a woman is pretty, To me 'tls no matter, Be she blonde or brunette, Bo slie llkes me look at her." An unhealthy woman is raroly, if ever, beautiful. The j)eculiar diseases to which so many of the sex are subject, are proliflc causes of palé, sallow tuces, blotched wlth unsightly pimples, dull lustreless eyes and emaciated forms. Women so afliicted. can be permanently cured by using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrlption ; and wlth the restoration of healtli comes that beauty which, comblned with {rood qualities of head and In-art, mukes women angels of loveliness. "Favorite Prescription" is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, unlrtt ponitice guarantce from the niaimractwrers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottlewrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. Most of our misfortnnes are more supportable tlimi the cnmments of our iriends upon them. - Lacon. Cure Yoiirscir. Don't pay large doctor's blllf. The Ie8t medical book publUhed, 100 pagec, elegant colored plates, will be sent jou on recelpt of three 2-cent stampa to pay postale. Address A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass.


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