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Minnn fto Iict lit'lu boy). "Now, l?entilc, il jrou'll be "'ooi and sro to slrep, miimniH'll give yon one of Dr. AyerV nioes Bptr-COtttvd Cnllinrtic Pilis, next time you neeü medicine." Ik-nnie, smilinjf swi'i' ly, dTopperi otl' to sleep I once Vaiiity nnil pride liltTsin so elw m alümice as to be nlten instaken fureiuh other.- Oladstone. Bucklen's Árnica Salre. The Best Salve n the world tor Cuts, Bruiscs, Sores, CTOcers, S:ilt Klieiim, Fever Sores, Tettpr, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns. and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is puarantet'd to jjlve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. I'rice 25 cents per box. For Sale bv Eberhach & Son. THEY DD IT. What? Cured among others the following. They write : 849 Central "Ave.. Clncinnati 0.. January 4th, 1888. ( Athlophoros PiUs hftva cured me of liver compulnt and dyapepoia. I Rare ten or lsu to f rinui who in tnjubled wltli imliinvtiou and ba Uas ïmproveu wuuderf ully. F. H. Kowikamp. 16 Rosette St, New Haven. Ct, { February loth, mm. Athlophoros Pilla worked wonder in my cac of dyapepsia. Kmma L. Clarï. Atli-lo-pho-ros Pilis are small and pleasant to take, yet wonderfully effective. Invaluable for kidney and liyer complaints, dyspepeia, indigestión, constipation, headache, etc. They'll take away that tired feeling giving new life and strength. 49Send c rents for the beautiful colored picture, " Moortsh Maiden." THE ATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall St M. Y. CREAM lts superior excellence proven In mllllonsjof homes for more thao aquarteroracenlury. H Isosedby the Vn Heil Status government. Endorsed by the healH of theUreat UniverRlties as the Strongest, Purest, and inóst Heallliful. Dr. Prlce'g tneonly BakiiiK Powder that does not con tal n Amiuonia, Lime or Aluin, s.ild only In cans. PRICE BAKIN(i POWDER CO., SEW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. ISbT I II MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamera. Low Rates. Tour Trlpf per Wek Setwem DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 8t. Iarnaoe, ChboTrn, Alpvna, Harrlavilie. Oaooda, 3nd Beeh, Port Huroo flt. CUir, Oakiand IIoum, Manue City. Ivory Wek By Betweea DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Byocial Sunday Trips durinff July and Xuf uat. OUH ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS BU nd Ilounlon T lek OU will b f urnlsheil by jour Ticket Aont. or iddna E. B. WHITCOMB, G.n'l P.ii. Ag.nt, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. HRflft Wea WO exlst In tbousands of r r rfol;m8;but areurpaed by the mar MMUi vis of Inventlon. Thote who are In need of proStable work that can be dnnewhlle llvlog at home should at once ¦end thelr address to Mallet A Co., Portland, MHhie, and reoelve free.full Information how elther sei, of all agwi. ean earn from tfi to $25 per day and upwards, wherever they live You are tarted free. rpltal not requlred. 8ome have made over $50 In a single day at thls work. All succeed. OR. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE JÊh f contains no Opium or dan St. S k't'rous drug. Can b taken Mnufl "¦ any "c at nv time. JMmim The latttt and best Dl. MBttñM. 111 roTerj BE1DACHE. Vilfeüfl NrlHOI SNKSS, Sl'ASMS ¦ SLBL'PLESS!rÍB88, FIT& NflW M SEXF1L WKAKstsg, om iold by Druggisls. Sample Bottles Freí


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