Real Estate Transfers

Fred'k Stiibler to Geo. Stabler, Ann Arbor 5 Abrani rulver to Kob't Shnrwood, Superior LC0 Natlian W. W'ilcox to L. K. VMilteheail, Mllan 75 Ellna .1. IInry el al. to Slade Lazelle, Brldgewaler 1,200 Betsey T. Holmes, et al. to Slude Lazelle, Brldgewaler I.Ï0O WIlmerLosee lo Henry Snowball, August 433 Albert Case lo Mary C. Wliltlng, Manchester ICO (i. V. Gwlnner to 0 W. & M. P. Vogel, Aon Arbor 475 8arah L. Wilson lo Ann M. Clark, Ann Arbor 450 Lewls Frltz by ex'r to C. F. Kapp, Ann Arbor 800 Celestia B. Dentón to Albert Case, Yorlc 700 Cornellus Cornwell to O. W. & K. S. Hurrell, Ypsllantl 100 Worster Blodgett (o Cha. 8. Hewetl, IJexter 400 J. I). Corey I Kred'k StHguerncir, Manchester 350 J. D. Corey, to Kred'k Staggtmelr, Minicnester 300 Catliarliie Wolf to Joseplilne Naiiniann, Miiucliester 1,500
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Frederick Staebler
George Staebler
Abram Culver
Robert Sherwood
Nathan W. Wilcox
L. E. Whitehead
Eliza J. Henry
Slade Lazelle
Betsey T. Holmes
Wilmer Losee
Henry Snowball
Albert Case
Mary C. Whiting
G. F. Gwinner
C. W. Vogel
M. P. Vogel
Sarah L. Wilson
Ann M. Clark
Lewis Fritz
C. F. Kapp
Celestia R. Denton
Cornelius Cornwell
G. W. Harrell
R. S. Harrell
Worster Blodgett
Charles S. Hewett
J. D. Corey
Frederick Staggemeir
Catharine Wolf
Josephine Naumann