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Time table tnklnu effect Nov. 2oth, )8S7 Central Ntandard Time. CHICAGO TO DRTRO1T. HTAT1OSN. j KO, M Z C - C ï!I 2&ijjS fl _ÍjS_l H r 51 Í_ iï A.B. A.M. P.. P.Ü.'P.X „ 7"" Chicago. .Lv. 6501 00 3 10 440 815 9 ló i Kalaraazoo...;12 17 1 5( 6 58 50 12 3? L CreekJ 1 12: 227 7 33 ¦ i Vl V' ' Jackaon 816 4 20 84 15 Jj J SimUtaJ 88 Í 55 ,L Deulpr 4 14, sSlof! Delhi MtllB... 4 ÖSOi' Ann Arbor.... 4 33 5 31 45 4 35 ¦(o 2 Ypcilanli 4 5(1 546 Bj .4 52 L5 WavneJonc. 616 6 05 515 6? Ii2 Detroit. ...Ar. 600 B4K1045 600 ? 5J t.Thoma 1110 206 '950 i E1" Fallí View : n ,2 N Piills 221 450... . la ï Buffilo 486 7 15 ... . 34Q üg DETROIT TO CHICAGO. i í o I j I Mc Z i : ttioi.8. i ai & f r s li S ÏÏ á ?! I i. II a o o o a { IA.M. P M. i A.M. A. M TT Buffalo 1180 585 606 i 00 ' N. Fallí 124Ö 2u - St. Thomas 4 25 1000.. llos&o a. m . . p m. r m. r.M r u "" Detroit... .I.v.: 7U) 9 10 130 4 00 SUOlóu " WavneJunc. 741 953 208 4 45 8371056 " Ypsllanti .... 808 1012 220 6 ÍS s 5m u i AmiAriinr... 8 1S1O:)O 2 82 530 91SI1S5 Di-lhi Mills .. 828 542... Deit.-r h:í7 550 9sj Cbelae 852 605 9B Ijike... 15 27 1015 Jackson 46 II 86 3 32 7 ÍO'IOW T " '" Bsttle ('reek.. 1120 112 4 40 H r.2 ÍS 12 283 "' Kalamazoo. . . 12 17 15H 5 15 B4A 1 so la: 'l'S Chicago... A r. .140 40 9'.... 7 Oo TjgioS O W. KUOGLJW, H. W. HAYte Q. P. T. Ag.nt Aüt.. Ana Arbor. Toledo, Ann Arbor L Nortti Mlekiru Kailwaj. TIME SCHBUULB. Totnke rllrct Rt 12 n'clook. nonn, on Sun diiy, Octiber 9tli, 1887. Tralus run by SUDdard Time. QO1NÜ NORTH. = S = , I H STATIONS. ï ÏS !j SS íS5,a!Sl I O. "I u rol'-'l Ia 5 IÁ8 1HVSb Manbattan Jonctiou 5 20 3 20 6 40 e 10 Alexl 5 27 :) ax 6 55 6 S5 Samarla " 4.i 3 4.(1 7 2) 7 3u Honroe Junctloij irz 4 05 7 51 mu Duudee 10 4 12 s 06 8 Azulia (i 25 4 ÍS 8 20 II 00 Milán lite 4 . K 35 9 % Urania 50 4 45 8 So to w PIltífleM 7 00 4M0510ai aBO Arlur 7 15 5 10 Ui U Ij'Ihii - 7 83 : SO 9 51 1 56 Whitniore Lake 7 4(i .'. i:, Mo 12 2 I] ll'iuell M 6 28 li SU 5 IV Durand 0 31) 7 SU 9 30pm Corunn 9 .'5 7461035... ÜViwo . 10 01 7 55 111X1 .. clw(.ii .1 iinct ¦ 'll 10 Of) 8 10 II 05 Illia a II 10 9 15 2 Vi .... Si. Louia 1135 9 Si .1 ;6 A.'mi 1142 9 41 3 55 Mi. l'.uarant A r 12 30 10 30 (I Olí . ... l'. . l'. n. i'. ¦ OPINO SOUTH. I-1 Ah STATIONS. $Í ij 1 'i L q.1 . . i. . p . Mt. Plcasant I,v 4(1 (80 130 Alma 10 15 7 20 2 20 .... si. Uniis 1185 7 27 2 2ü Ithsca 12 í 7 4( 2 46 . OWOHO JanctloD 4 00 8 55 4 02 Uwom 4 08 9 'U 4 (W ... ('"¦lllilia 4 2S 9 08 4 ló ... Durand. s IB 9 30 4 M i. I 7 40 10 20 533 610 Whltmore Lake... Kx ¦. 11 im ti 16 6 SO ''¦land 6 l 11 II 8.W7.Ö Aun Arbor ; 7 I5ll 38 í JiW 55 1 i't lli-ld 7 26 11 4S(7 00I1 1 Urania 7 3-i II 50 1 W Mlln 7 45 12 04 720vi Az.illa 7 55 12 14 7 80 12 'rndee x ns 13 24 7 401 1 lo Motiroo Junctiiui 8 10 12 31 7 51 I SO Samarla 2i 12 4( s 10 2 10 Alejili 8 45 I uf s .W 2 ti M.ii,h.-ill:in Juliolimí X vi I (15 8 sn 3 0 I Olido Ar 9 00 1 10 S 4i 3 15 A. 1. V. U.p. m.[p. M. Soutli Lyon Rrauch. NOKTH IÍOUND. STATIONB. BUUTHBOUNP, Train tí Train l i' " P. u. 9 60 I.v. L.l.imlH Ar. 6 su lii mi Ar. WiirdenH Ar. 8 ) 10 SO Ar Sumli Lyon Lv. 6 00 CnnoectloDo: At Toledo, wltn rallroade dWereni?; at Manhattan Jiinction, wlth Wbeellnr i Lakf Krie H. H. at Alexis JunctioD, wlth M. 0. l(. K., L. S. & M. B. Ry. and F. & P. M R. R.: u Monrne Junctlnn. with L. 8. M. S. Ry.; at Dus. dee, with U s. M. s. Ry.. M.Jto. Ry.;aiMll JuiKtion. with Wabash, St. Lonls & PacIJc K; nt Pittsfleld.wlth L.s. & M. S. Ky.; at Add Arboi with Michigan Central R. H., and at South Ljm with Detroit, Lanring &, Northern R. K., ai Mich. A. L. Div. of Grand Tronk Rjr. At Hmhura wlth M. A. Line Üivlion (írand Trauk R. At Howell with Detroit, Linolng A Northern K'j. At Durand with C'hx:gu & Ornnd Tronk K'y auii Detroit, Grand Haven & Mtlwnukw R'y. Ai uso Junction with Detroit, t.rand Uaven A Müwaukee R'y and Michigan Central K. K. Ai M. UmIi with Detroit, tantir.); ¦& Norlhcru K. U. and .-jl iih V illt y .t 8t. Lóala h'y. At Alina ltli Detru'l Ijninir & Northern R'y. At Mt. Pli-uiint W Flllit A Pcre Marquette IÍ'y. H. W. ASHLKY, General Munai-er. VV. H. BENNETT, A. J. PAISIKY. Gei.'l. Pauw. A Ticket Agent. Local Agent. Ertate of Henrj Ci)Iclazer. STATK OF MICH1OAN, County oí Wwhtenu At a seasion of the Probate Court for the Conit! 01 Vi'aebtenaw, holden at t he Prohut ¦ Olllce. íd il City oí Ann Arbor, on Tn-day, the twentjftjuith day of April, in the year one thniipand eitbt hnrdred and eiphty e'sht.PrcsenuWllliamD.llíiH man, .ludm' ot Probau;. In the matter of the eotateof Uinry C..lclalIe,d ceared. William W. Whedon the idmlnl(Wt of naid estáte, come! Into court and repcwwu tbat he is now prepared to render bis BOil coimt ae such admlnistrator. Thereuuon H i ordcred. Ihat Frldcy. tW e'eventh day of May next, at 10 o'clock In toe fort noon, be aigned tor examiuini; and allowlaf snci account, and tbat the hilrs at law of mU " oeavedj and all other pltpohi intert-iiled In W entate, ure rtMinired to appear at n'Bt'ion of bio court, then to be holden t the Probate OIBce, n thecltv of Ann Arbor, in caid connty.and bo caue, ir any there be, wl.j the said accoupt fbouia not be i llowed. Aud it i rnrther ordered, thatíald admlnlílrlW give notlce to the praonalntareatad in eald tale, of the pendency of said account, and the bearn l thereot, liy cauaing a cópy of thl order 'ol''?í liíhi'd in thi'Aini rlorrorir,anewf paper prlDtefl and circulatine in said countjr, two euccew1" weeks preylooB to aki dav or hearine. (Atruecopy.) WIIJJAM U. UARR1MAN, Judire of Probuf. M. G. DOTY, Probate Regisier. 1400-B-_ Real Estáte íor Sale. OTATEOFMICHlOAN.CoontyofWaíhteníw In the Matter of the Estáte of Clirk M. Sly, deccaeed. . Notice is hereby given. that In pnrittncem " order eraoted to the undersiirued adminiitraton ' the estáte of eaid Clark M. Slv, deceated. !; '' llon. Judge of Probate for the Conoty of "". naw, on the lst day of May, A. D. IM, then i win be aold at pnbllc vendoe. to the hlsheit bldöw. at tbe late tesidence of eald deceatfi Itn tnc to snip of Superior, in the Couat of Wwboir." eaid State, on Tuesday, the flret dy of JJ. A. D. 1888. at ten o'dock intheforenootoruw day (snhject toall encnmbrance by roortjiSJ . otherwise existintr at the time of the ""' snid deceiujed). the rollo.iiig descrlbed rel ul ' All of the Kast aiity acres of the Kat half oltJJ South-B.isi nn-irn-r of sectlon num'wr tblrtj-" (8R)ln the townshlp ot Balein In ihe U)""1 " Wahtenaw aud State of Michigan. NATHAN ï. SO, HOBY P. SLY, . Adminlitrito"Hatod March t, 1888. , . uu above ala i poatponed until Storoy, ¦¦ IL'IH, 1888, at the s;iiih' l.our an" place. .ATI1AN T. SI.1. hOBYrSLYAdmio..Wtor.. Datad May 1-t, UU, Piso'a Cure for ConB sumption is also tbe best H 9 Cough Medicine. J{ you liavo a Coueb B without disease of tbe Ej Ltiiigs, a few doses are all 9 ynu need. IiutifyouneGD 3 lo-t this easy means of d safety, the sligbt Cough W tSé inay become a seriou Q J muiter, and soverai botMj m tles will be rx)tiired.


Ann Arbor Courier
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