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Three Graves

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Hnw (lid he Uve. th Is dead man hero, Wlth the temple atove hls grave, He llved as a grent one, Irom eradle to bler, He was mirar. I In luiory. train ed In pride, When llie wisli was bom It whb gratlned ; Without thanks lie tocik, without heed lie gave ; Thp i nnim man was to hlm a clod From -l i lie was tw fr nsii demlgod. llis dutles T To see thut hls renl were puid. lila plnasure? To know that tlie crowd obeyed . lli pulse, If you felt It, tbrobbed apart, Uitn a seperate s trok e Iroiu tlie people's heart. mu wiiniii did be love, and whom dld he bless T Was tlie Ufe of hlm more than a rnau's or lessf I know nut. Be dled. TIn-re wu none to blame. A lid iis few to weep; and these marblel carne I'or the ti ¦nipli! Ihat rose to preserve his mime! Hnw dld he Uve, that other dead man, F rom tlie graven apart umi alone ? Asagreat one, too? Yes. this was one Wlio lived to Labor and sliuly and plan ; Theearth's deep tliought lie loved to reveal ; He liunded tbe oreasts ofthe land wlth ateel ; The i hread of hls toll he never broke; He fllled tlie cllics wlth whcels and smoke, And workers by day and workers by niulit, Kor the day was too short for hls vlgor's fllght, Too firm was he to be feell ntí and givlng; For labor, for galn. was a life worth living. He worshlpped índuHtry, dreamt of uer, sighed lur her. Potent he grew by ber. lammis he dled for ber. They siiy he lmprovetl the world In hts time, i ii:i his milis and hls mires were a work sublime. When he died- the laborera rested and i-lghcd. Whlcli wuü lt- because be had llved or dledf And how illd he Uve, that dead man there, In the country chun-liyard lald 1 Oh, he? He camu from tlie sweet ñeld air ; was tlred of lown, and lia took no prlde In ll fHshlons or lame. He returned and dled In ilnce he loved, where a chlld lie playad With tliosc who have knelt by hls grave and prayed. He ruled no serfs and he knew no prlde; I In was one with the workers. slde by slde. He hnted a mili and a mine and a tuwii, Wlth t hel r fe ver of mlsery.struggle, renown ; Hecould never belleve but a man was made loi n nobler end than the glory of trade. For the youtli he mourned wllh an endless pity Who were cast II ke snow on the streets of the city. He was weak, maybe, but he lost no frlend ; Who loved lilm once, loved on lo the end. He moarqed uil lolflsh andelirewd endeavor; He uever Injured a weak oue - never. Whin ceunure was passed he was klndly diililb; He never so wise but a fault would come; lie M never so old that he talled to enjoy The games and the drearas he had loved when & boy. He erred, and was sorry ; but never drew A trualing lieart from me pure and true. When frlends liok back from the years to be, Qod rint Ihey muy say such thlngs f me.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News