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Bailad lias cleatied u her cemetery. Peach buds reporled verv numerous Iliis y ear. Ypsllanti is to have a u w $25,000 M. E. Clmrcb. Chelaea is tu expMd $100 for fire protection til ts year. They go fishing on Sunday orer at Whitmore Lake, so said. The l'inckney Dispatch has liad an egg S'oXii nehes laid ou iiatable. Mrs. Wm. Jí ill, ot Hambur?, lias gone to Omaha, Neb., lo visit friends. Henry Wilton of Lima, was nuirrled recently to Estella Parke, oí Owosso. Kniest Shavcr Of Che 1-ea, ha a book 271 yeairi oíd and aiiotlier 152 vears oíd. Milk consiimers at Saline have to pay only four cents per quart for thc lacteal fluid. Mrs. Wiileninaini hM relurned to t lie (írove house, at WhltmOTO Lake for the sumuier. Jas. Monolian, of Whitmore Lake, is now employed at i lie bendmg works in Owosso. !r. II A. Crr, t former resident of Lima, died in Lipeer Co., receutly, aged 06 years. The editor of the South Lyon IMe.ket believes iu capital puiiishinent for llie fraternity. Mra, Kll:i Lemcn, of Whitmore Like, Lr'Hic to pvvosso, wht-re her hmtfaira has a positlon. Ainong tlie rüCeilt pensioners Is the name ot Jultis Elle, of Ypsilanti, a Mioan war sin vlvor. The district lodge of Waslitemiw eounty mt-e'.s with tlie I. O. O. T. lotice of Mnoreville May ISth. David Black me r, for manjr year a refident of the MHitb part of the eounty, died Ht Milán recintly, Iged 84. And now corn planting Decuples the firmerg. Too biisy for tish stories now. Nc.t iiiou tli look out for suake ítories. The oíd business linn of Hurkhardt & Aldrich of Saline, has diss lved partnership, Mr. Rurkliardt (oiitii uing the bminess. The Obierver says that someoftlie baliM scliool kids llave iirganizcd a bae - no, a tiu-pau-band, and the njusic is just lieaveniy. John Monohan of Wbitmora Lake, poes on the new división of the T., A. A. fc N. M. Ky. to work in a few weeks. - South Lyon l'ickot. Eli Ward of Sylvsn, has comprooiUéd hU sult against the M. C. II. R., and has rrc.Mved $l,(K30 datnae. It was all on aocount of a bad crowing. The Ypsilanli rpotta are in great lee. List Wednes'lay erenlDg two colored men, Dot OolHfM inl KI. IIíi}'- Imd a pri.e tifrht there, Ilayes bting knocked out. The nei;hbri of John Taylor, of Mooreville, purprised them a few days lince, tlie men folks plouglllng bis land and the ladies preparing a pupper for them all. Chelees bas three base ball clubs, one social club, one republicau club and one democratie olub.- aerald. To say nothin}C aliout the clubs held In walting for the editor. The bell In the Baptist church here was purchased and preented to the society by Mr. David Blackmer. Last Friday the bell was tolled for the death of its donor. - Milan Leader. Busine9 at the cheese factory is boominur and ',0u0 lbs. of milk are dally rerecelved - a much larger amount than at corresponding periods of former years. - Uundee Reporter. Improveineiita are being made everywlicre about the vdlage. New palnt, new outbtuldinrs, new felices and no felices, niakine the villaire have a thritty appenrance. - Chelsea Herald. A contract has been pubmltted to the CityCouncil by threccapitalistu of Boston, lookhtg to the establishtnent, inaintenance and operation of water work in Ypsilanti. - Commérel il. This being leap year tlie Saline young ladies go around serenading their gentlemen fiiends. The editor of the Saline Obscrver was a delighted fortúnate in this respejt the other niglit. The growlnjr wheat, since the recent rains, bas taken a new lease of life, and the prospecta lor a fair erop is most enconraglnsr. However, there is now and then ii field too far ({one tor resu?citation. On sorne farms the plant shows a stout and vigorons growth.- Herald. Carpenter Post, G. A. R., is inaking extensive preparations igain this ycar for suitable observance of Memorial Iay, May ;!Oth. The City Band, Ypsilanti and Aun Albor Líght Guarda, and V. B. C, are expected to assit. The t-chools of the city are also invited. - Commercial. M.'ssrs. Ilci-schcl Whitaker and J. II. Bissell, membersof the state tlsh commlssion, and Prof. ltobinson, principal of the Detroit schools, carne out here, Satarday, to indulge in a llttle sport attrout tishiñí. .1. II. Brotle polntod them around to the variou3 streanis, and they expressed theiiü-elves aa highly pleased with the prospecta of good trout lisliin growndl in the waters liercabouts in a few ycars. They took home with them one llttle trout as the rcsult ot their days sport, but it cost them 25 cents to buy t of the boy wbo hooked it out ot the croek. - Saline Ob-erver We seliloni pass along Adama streel without uoticiug the two noble elins tbat arcli the entriince to Pierson street, at the uortlieast corner of Cleury's tiew ooilege mij wondering who planted them. TIn other day wc Inqulred. of Dr. Kexford it lie knew about the plantillo; of them. He s:ikl, " Ves, quite well. It was in 18i2or '4a. That was a commnn, and Yusilaut was a finall villas;e. Wu had uot oiuch lo oocupy our time, and we uted to play ball tliere a good deal. One day it whs proposed to plant trees upon the frround, as it wiis designad for a park; and so we all united in plunting those and a niiinbi-r of others. The soft maple on the west side of thnt lot is one of them. I would be impossible to say who phinted any particular tree, and Judge Joslyn is the only otber participant now remaining. Ve dus a "'e neftr wlerc Mrs. Canüeld's house now is, for water to keep the trees alive, ind cut a sloping trench down luto it to dip up the water, and so we made them grow. " The recollectlon is wortli preserving, as are inany otherg that the Doctor's fertile inemory liolds. Tho two elms re m:ipnitlcent trees, and it ia to be hoped that no vandal buch as ilestroved the crand oaksof East Cros


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