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An Army Of Patriots

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A% the time for the nomlnotlon of candidates tor the various offices draws near the ranks of applicantsfor poaltlon in the democratie party are rupidly aiifjmenteil by fresh arrivals. It was not onr intention to give a list of candidatos so .oon, bat fearinji if delayed mucli longer the deluge of names would be so jrreat a in entirely overwhelm onr colamng, we have ventur'ed forth tliis week, though we must coniess with much tar and trerabllnff, for you know the fellow who aspire aml finds his name left out la fVarfiilly nnd wonderfully mad about t. 11' any sneli there be we ask their pardon, iind r ui assnre thoni Ihat the oroission was entirely unintentional. The must Important office In the eounty is the .Iiulge of Probate, and there are two or three men who want it bod, but of couree tlii'.v emi't all have it. Here goes for the list : JUUGE 01' TROBATE. W'm. I). HArrlnmn, of Ann Arbor the present lncnmbeiH, woulil llke a fourtli term. .1. Willnrd Babblt. of Ypsllanll, a popular and urowiim man. .Inlin J. Reblüon, of Slmron is not aoandldate, hut has nmny fiiend who would llke to see the dark horse win. Qeo. W. Turn Buil. of ('helnen, oou'd be prpvalled upon to take it, hut la racxfetboOI Mklng. SHERIFF. It is well known that the present ïncumbent ot the sheriffs office Is one of the most cninl, companionable and pleasant gentlemen who has held the office for a long time, but he is too stront; a democrat to go back on his party precedente which are bltterly opposed to third tertns. Tbofe who aspire are: Patrlck O'Hearn, of Ann Arbor, the present very popular ad district supervisor. Miobael Brenner, of Manchester. A hustler and a i'nu.1 man. John Gillen of Saline, the present postmaster of bis town. Me i uot at uli sleepy. Stephen Hutchlnson, of Ypsilanti, always Kinllliik'. He would arrest man and make Dim feel good about It. Jacob Knapp. of Bridgewater. F'ormerly coanty treasurer. Belng a Germán wlll be a strong polnt lu hls favor, as the Hermans are to be coaxed thls fall by the üeraocracy. Timothy MeKone. of Cholsea a good fellow, luit liasu'tt;ot tlieSylvau delegalion. COTOTT (LEUK. For this office the present incutnbent Fred A. Howlett, has made an excellent official, popular wltli the boys and the men alike, there will be no one to contcst the tiekl with him for a aecoud term. RBOISTEK OF DEED8. Mlehael Seerey, of Ann Arbor. the prmanl efficiënt deputy would be glad to have Uu party promole lilm. Capt. Cha. H. Manly, of Ann Arbor. Charlle gotall the glory he wanted up at Lansing and now would llke somethlng witU money lalt Jas. L Stone, of Ann Arbnr. "Genial Jim" has been a falthful laborer In the rauks, lo, these many years, and now would llke to Iraprove hls penmansblp on the records. He basan extenstve acqualntance and Iota of frlenda. He llves in the aecond ward, too, S. Wlllard Beakes. Editor of the Areus. Good man, capable. efficiënt, and just sultcd to the wenk. Hul he has got a hard row to hoe lo get there In tho convent ion. Barnejr Klrk. of Ypsilanll will be there wlth. bot h feet, and overal delégate Autlrew J. Warren, of Saline. K. M. Cole of Superior. Jas. M. Kress, of Iirldigewater. Several towns uot reported. COONTY TREASUUER. For this office the contest is pitlier nnrrowed down to a few, or ele the Imshfulness of candidatos Imve not illoweil tbem to speak up. Wlll Mlller, of Ann Arbor. aldorman of the 4lh ward, and n "sllck" polltlcal worker. Gas. Brehm, of Ann Arbor. The present deput v . Giis. doeim't talk mm-h bul be has u way of getli ng there J ust the same. George Mann, of Lodl, who Is Ihe present supervisor of hls townshlp. Mr. Mann has lost hlsleftarm, but he proposes to hug a nomlnation close. Jacob Blrkle, of I,odl. AUo a one-armed man. Havlng lost lils rlght arm. He buys loves wlth h!s frlend Mann, mentloned above. He bas held soveral townxhlp offlees, and wants to get there jusl as miicb , as the reit. PKOSECUÏINQ ATTORNEY. As the swallowd come in the spring time, darkeninsi all the earth by tbelr nunibers, so lioyer the aspirante for lUis position: Michael J. Lehman, of Chelsea. ia supposed to have a mortgage on the olllce. ThoB. D Kearney. of Ann Arbor. Is nn of the rlHlng young attorneys of tlie county wlth hu.srs of frleuds and would make a goon prosecutor. Frederlek Pistorlus, of Ann Arbor wlll dl. vide the Germán slrength wlih Mr. Lelunan. Frank Jones, of Saline, Is a Uve lawyer, and would keep thlngs movlng. Orla B. Taylor, of Sylvan, bas not heen anDounced as a candldate, but there are inany obances for a bright fellow to take advantageofablg Ilrh!, and come in as a coraproml8e. Frank Joslyn, of Ypsllantl, would make a good man for the place. John V. Sheehan, of Ann Arbor, Is probably as well íltted for the place as any young ni:fn in the county, and hls t'rionds wlll be present In the convention. Patrick S. Purtell, of Northfield. [This is probably a mistake] Michael J. Martin, of Ann Arbor. Ezra H. Norris, of Ann Arbor seeks a tblrd term. For Circuit Court Commlssioners and Coroner8 the present lncumbents, (baring Dr. Jenkins, of course) will uudoubtedly be lenoininated. This is a3 complete a list as we h"ve been able to obtain up to ilute. We hope none have eot away. Later on we shall probably giye the republican candidates.