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Rich and Poor, Prinoe and Peasant, the Milllonaire and I ' .iy Laborer, by tbeir couimoa use o( this reroedy, attest tlie world-wide reputation of Ayer' Pilis. Leading pliysicians ri oiuiiifticl these pilla for Stomach and Liver Troubles, Costiveiii'ss, Biliousness, and Si. k Headaihe : alio, for Rhenmatism, Jaundice, and Neuralgia. They ure sugar-coated ; conlain lm calomel ; are prompt, bnt mild, in operation ; and, therefore, the very lest medicine for Family Use, as well as for Travblers and Tourists. . " I have de.rived great relief from Ayer's PMs. Fivo years ago I was taken so ill witb. Rheumatism tliat I was u nuble to do any work. I took three Ixjxes of Ayer's Pilis and was eutirely cured. Sinre that time I ;im never without a lx 'il tliese pills." Peter ('hristrnsen, Bherwood, Wis. "Ayer's Pilis have been in use in my family upwards of twenty years and have completely veritied all .that is claimi'd for them. In attacks of piles, from whioh I suffered many years, they afford greator relief than any other medicine 1 ever tried." - T. F. Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. " I have used Ayer's PIUs for a number of years, aud have never fuiind anything equal to them for giving me an appetite and ünparting energy and strength to the system. I always keep them in the house."- R. D. Jackson, Wilmiugton, Del. 11 Two bozes of Ayer's Pills cured me of severo Headache, from whicb I was long a snfferer. - Kiniiia Keyes, Hubbardston, Mass. "Whenever I am trouMed with constipation, or suffer froin loss of appetlte, Ayer's Pills set me right a;ain. " - A. J. Kiser, Jr., Rock House. Va. "Ayer's Pills are in general Iemand among our custoiners. Our sales oí them exieedthose of all other pills rombined. We have never knoivu them fuil to give entire gatisfaction." - Wright & Hannelly, San Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pills, FREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer le Co., Lowell, Mass. 8old by all Dealers in Medicine. ppPRICE's CREAM gAKlNg - - - lts superior excellence proven In mlllionslof homes for more than a quurter of aoeniury. It i used hy the Unlteii.Sinlesgovernmeut. Endorsed by the heads of theGreatUniverKlties bh the Strongest, Purest.and most Healthful. Ur. Prlce's Uieonly Bakmu l'owder Ihat iloes not contaln Ammonla, Lime or Aluin. Sold only in cans. PUICË BAKIXO POWDER CO., NKW YORK. CHICAGO. 8T. I.OUIS. MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palaoe Steamers. Low Kates. Tour Trips per Week Betwoen DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 8t. Ifnaoe, Chboy(ran, Alponn, Hamsvilla. Oood, 8and Beaoh, Port Huron, fit. CUír, Okiand Houbs, Marine City, Xvery Week Day Botween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Bpocial Sund&T Trip durinK July and Aouat. s Our illustratcd Pamphlets Kfttea and Bxounion Tioket wül be fumlahed b j y out Ticket Af ent, or addrM E. B. WHITCOMB, Ü.n'l P.ll Ajmt, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICM. DR. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE Êa A contains no Opium or datv ÊSSfm gerous drug. Can be takeq íkhH "y &uy onc at any limri J3ESUS ''"'tie Idtest and best DisJiSBS roTCrr for HKADACHK. m W-MU NKBVOISNK8S, NI'ASHK T' ¦ MTTI SLEEHLKSSNTS8. F1TÜ TjHWiM Hl 8KXCAL WEAKES8, am ÜWBSW fïBTOrS DISEASK8. Sold by Druggists. Sample Bottlcs FrM ¦ IIMII Revrarded are tliose who read ÜTPDT Vthis and then act; they wlll find ¦¦¦¦ I employment thal wlll not take thera from thelr holnes and families. The protlts are large aud uure for every Industrlous person, many have made and are now making aeverul hundred dollura a month. It lx easy for anj one to make$S and upwards perday, who is wllllng to work. Elther sez, young or oíd; capital notneeded; we start you. Every thtng new No special abllity required, you, reader, can do It as well aa auy one. Wrlte to us at once for full partlculars, whlch we mail free. Addreas Bilnson Sc Co., Portland, Malne.


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