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A 'arrow Escape. Mrs. L. S. Plckerell, of Midtllebury, Ind-, liad a very nsrrow escape froin the ÍD8ne assylum. For years she was subject to headachp, palpitation, spinal pain, sleeplessness and nervous prostration. For three years ahe had convulsions, often as many as fifty in a night. Able physiclans Killed to help her. At last fter taking that wonderful remedy, Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervlne for slx weeks she was entirely cured. It is a recent discovery by one of the greatest of living phypiclnna, and is workhijf wonder?. Trial buttlu free at Eberbach and Son's Drug Sttore. Danville Brecze: A "straight flush"- the maiden's check that is not painted. New Haren News: A marine accident - w lien a schooner contalns more beer tlian foam. A Sound Legral Oplniou. E. Bainbrldge Mundy, Esq., Counly Alty, Cly Co., Tex., says: "Have wtad Electric Bittere with most happy resultó. My brother also was very low with malarial fever and jamidlce, but was cured by the timely use of tilia medicine. Am satisned Electric Bitters saved nis life." Mr. 1). L. Wilcoxson, of Hors Cave, Ky., adds a like testlmony, saying: He positively belleves he would have died, had it not been for Electric Bitters. Thi8 great remedy will ward off, as well as cure all Malarial Dlseases, and for all Kidney, Lirer and Stomach Disorders Hands unequaled. Price 50c. and $1, at Eberbach & Son'g.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News