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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Th Is powdernever varios. A nnrvcl or purlty, HtreDiith 'nul whoiesomenesp. More economlcal than Ue ord'.nury kinds, nd rsirnt he sold in i-ompetiti n with the multitude if low test. short weight aluin or ph sphate powders. Sold oñly in can: Koyal BíKinci Powiikk Co , 106 Wull St., ÁTrIGHTFUL SKirTÖfSEASE Villorines liic.n.r IIiikI uearly ran. Kody ruvrred wilh Noren. 4'uretl In lic Cutlenra RpmeIle. Me?8rs. Stïvkns & Bki'Nik, Monroe, N. ('. litar Sim. - About two month a,ro. on yot:r ïrn mmendation, I bonght a bot Ie of Ci:ticuka Kkolknt, om1 box Cijticura Salve, and one cake of CvTiriTKA Soap. for my pon. 'iffedthirteen 'mfv. who hH been utllided with eczema for a onir time. and I m plensed to say tint I believe ri-iiuiiifrt bavs cured him. Ilis avffarisgi were iatetiftê, hls head being nearlv ruw, hit ears belnir ( rxiept the Krlstle, and hls bod. was coiered irtth-sorer. Mis conriitlon was friphtful to boh ld. Tho i-ores have now all dNappearod, hls i-kin Is healthy. oyes hriiiht chpcriul in dixpoltion, and is wurkli'K aven aay. My Delgbbors rewitn wet to ihl remtrinble cure, and (he diitMi g nneg are reqUL-sted to cali ur write to ma, or auy of my ne'hbvrs. WM. P. TKPHRNON. Winchrstkr P. O., Union Co., N C. TlIK POTTF.K DbUC. AND CllKMICAI. Co : Qfnilemen,- Mr. Wm. S. Siephenson üf Ihis County brought h'f mui to lown tn-day Ut let lis Me him, and to show ui wtrnt Ci-ticith Keu;. dies had dom: for him. Thii is the CRe ref rrcd to in our letter to you snme tima aero. To lonk at him now. oue would Bappose tiiat there had never been anything the matter w'th trm,- setins to be in perfecf heultb. We have written aml bArewiib inclose what hiw father ha- to aay about the matter, - wmte it Just au he dictated. We re eellint; quite a quantitj of Cuticl'ra RcMBtTVe and bear nothtne bat praises for thi-m. Werííiird the ('i'tici'ka 1{kikdiks tht: bol m tho nurket, and -hall do all wecin toproniotetheir sale. Vonrg Truly, STKVKSS & BRIINER, Druerirlsts and Pbainucists. (itici'ra. the ereat skin euro, and ('uticuka oai', preparad from it, i-xtorr.a!ly. and Cüiici'ka íksolvp:nt. the now blood purifler, internally, re a positivo cu e for every form of skin and blood dlseafles from pimples to gcrofala . Sold every where. Price: Cuttctjra, 50c. ; Soap, Sc; Rksolvhnt, $1. Prepared by the PorrBB Uruu & CiiKMi.ii Co., Boston, M --. fiT-Send for "Bom to Cnre Skin Dlieaées," 64 agos, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimoniáis. J IlilPLES, heiulf. red.ronifh, chapped and I IVI Mly ekin preveutedby Cuticltka Soap. Sneezing Catarrh. The dMtretming sneez -, sneeze. sneeze, the acrid watery dlrtcharges from the evos and nose, the painful iiiflamniatlon extondinx to the throat, tho suelünc of the mucous liniua, causlni.' chokiiig HonsiitioTis, cough, rlntfin? nobea in the head and spüllInK headachiB- hnw famtlinr these symptoms are to thnusands who suffer perlodlcal lrom head colds or lufluonzi, and who live in ignorance of stantaneoti rt!t ''. But tliiB treaiment in cases of simple Catarrh Kive but a laiut ido.i ofl wliat this romofly wiil do in the chriiiiic forms, whero the hreathlnif la ohftructod hy chokinx putrid mucuus accumulatiuu, the hearing effocted, imell and taie oie, throat ulceruted ana backini: cough gradti;tlly lastenin tiseir npon the debllitated system. Then it i that the marvellous curatlve power of SAsroKD's BaoIOAL CfitK m milest Iteeif in instantanooui and patatal re'laf. Onro heelnt lrom ihoflrat application. ït is rapid, radical, permftn-nt, t-con tu i ¦ il. av.d safe. Bandvobd'0 Radical Ci'ke consists of one ImHtle of the Hadicai. Cuhs, onu boi of Cataiikhal Soi.vbnt, and one Iuprovkd Inkalrk, all wr'ppvd in one paikiiL1;. with tteaU and dir?ctions, and wild by all aragfftsta for f 1 00. POTTCB Ultllll AND CUkMIOAL C'O., ÜO8TON . PAINS and WEAKNESSES OF FEHtAtfes AÉ. lntantlv relleved by the ulirura 'iii LW Anll-Pain Plter, a now, musí ÁgKn aiíioubif. ti ílatitinioiis and infrtllible flRT'K paiii-killmir planter, especially aduptod ÜyiT to relieve Femóle I'ains aad Weak Deaeaa. Warranted vadtly superior to all otNcr piasters, and tbe murt perfi-ct Antidolo lo f' (lümmation and Weakness yet compon nded. At all drugL'ist!-. 25 oenta ; 5 for #1 0(1 ; i r, Dostaire trie, of Pktiek ukumamu UaaaiOAL ('o., Bouin. Mass. TüE AM ARBOR SAYINGS BANK, ANN AKBOR. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $60,000. Oreanlzed nnder the General Banking Law ol thie 3tto, tbe atockholdore are Indlviduallv Hable foran addltlonalamouut equal to the stock held by them, Ihereby creating a Ouarantee Fund for the benefit of Depoaitors of $100,000.00. Three pr cent. Interest la allowed on all Savlngs Deposlts of one dollar and upwards, accordlng to the rules of he Bank and interest compounded eml-annually. Koneyto Loan on unincumberud real estáte and other good security. DIRECTORS: ('IIItlHTIAN MACK, WM. D. HAR1UMAN, W. W. WINKS, DANIEL HIttCOCK, WILUAM DKDBEL, WILLARU B. SMITH. DAVID RIN9EY. ÜFFICKR8: C. MACK, Hrei. W. W. WINB8, Vlce-Prea t' it. HISCOCK.n.ighler. IIUBUHIKII ha revolutlonlzed the world [U UPTUTTniU 'iurlng tlio lam half oentury. iil Vuil èliUM Not leait among the wonderH 111 ' ¦""""of lnveutlve progresn la a raethod and systein of wort that can be performad all over the country without sepiiratIiik the workers frotn their homes. Pay liberal : any one cando the worH; eltheraex, yonng (ir ild; DO special ablllly required. ('npltul not needed; you are started fne. Cut thls out and return to us and we will end you free aomethlnK of great value and importance to you, that will start you In buslneH, whlch wtll hrlng you In more money rl(jlit away than anythlng else In the world. Grand o'ilflt free. Address True & Co,, AuguBta. Malne. Get yonr Printinu at the Courier.


Ann Arbor Courier
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