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Council Proceedings

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A special meeting of tlie Common C'ouncil was held last Mondny eremttff every niember beiug present except Alderman Barker. A comraunication was received from C T. Parshall, clerk of the board of.Ami Arbor township, reoitlng a resoiution paseed by their board wherein he ftM ordered to notify the city council not t' deposit dead animáis from the city, within the township Corporation. The nutter was referrcd to the General Fund Committee. A rommuiilcatlon was received from the Finance Cominittee in wliioli they recomniended that a meeting of the ti.payers of tlie city he called tor the purpose of votiujj on the proposition of raising $5,000 by tax for the General Fond, as that fnnd is entirely exhausted. That the meeting be callad at the City Hall, al 10:45 a. m., on Monday. June 4tli, and Ilittl the poll lc kept open until 4 p. m of tliut day ; also that the Fi Dance C'ommittce be euipowered to prepare and have printed a 6tatement of flnancial eondition of the city, showing the necessity of s uch action. The communication was received and placed on file, and hiter, on mot on of Aid. Miller, was ndopted and the election ordered as recommended. The General Street Committee to whom was rcferied the subject of the Council's Imvlng agreed Uf lower the grade of North Maiu stieet, in front of the premies of John J. Robison, reported as follows: Tlie General Street Coramittee to whom was relerreil the petitlon ot John J. Roblson, complalnliig that the city had not done what lt agreed todo in referente to lowerlng Main fitreet in frout of hls premUeu make the lollowliig report : W fina the matter of lowering sald Street wns tiiought up in ttie Couocll on ttie ¦".il day of May lbSti, and referred by vote oí Huid Council to the 'General Street CominlUeo and the1 City Englneer with power to act," aud we also tind tiiat said Committee did ciuisuli-r the said matter and were unaniiiiuus in thelr opinión that naid street slioukl be lowered to the grade as shown by the siak's set by the City Knt;iueer. We aUo Hnd lliatsald streel has not been lowered as agreed to. Belteving ihMl municipal corporatlons as well au Individuáis ehould fultlll promleK made and obtigatloQ entered luto, we lln-i ¦- fore recommend that this Council cause said street to be brought to tlie grade as agreed to and as showu by recordu of the 'it y En gineer. N.Suthkhland, Christian Maktin. Kaki. Ware. I-'ki.ii Bakker. Which report was accepted. Aid. Miller, chairman of the committee on tire department, reported that three of the cisterns were empty and needed repairing. Also that the steamer was out of order and needed repiiirins;. On tnotion, the repairs were ordered to the cisterns and the eteamer. The saloon bond of John Kelioe was pres-ented and accepted. The bond rif Gus. Hoebm was referred to the committee. On motion of Aid. Spokes the water committee was ordered to Interview the waterworks company in regard to testing the hydrants and furnishing the city with i map showing the location of the water mains and hydrants. The Council decided that the rent for all defective hydrants should be tieducted from the rent for the peiiod that they were out of repair. The sidewalk committec was ordered to grade and relay the sidewalk on the north side of Monroe street, between State and Packaid, and assess the expense to the adjaceht property. The sum of $800 was ordered tr.msferred from the Contingent Fund to the Geueral Street Fund. The bill of the Electric Ltght Co. for April was allowed. On inotlon of Aid. Miller, the future meetings of the Council were ordered called to order at 7:30 p. m. sharp. A motion was presentid ordering the pólice committee to appoint two additional patrolmen, but the Council adjotirned without taking action on the matter.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News