OFFER EXTRft ! ! To all New Subscribers, and to all Old ones, who ¦pay up a year in advance, an article of household use ivill be given which can not be purchased anywhere in the United States at retail for One Dollar. It is a wondcrfully handy thing to have in every home and youet both that and The Courier simply for the vrice of the latter. Como in and g et a bargain. This is a cainpaign year, ivhen yon want a county paper to keep you posted and y ou can not do better than to subscribe for the best paper in the county. This article will be distributed to all who subscribe and pay a year in advance upon the ftrst of February, 1889. In the meantime guesses are in order as to what it is. Subscribe and see. ïliere is to he a leap year hall at Beethoven hall ttiis evening. Heury Frank has bnujrht out tli ecigar and liquor store of G-o. Clarken. Don't forget bout the entertainment at the M. E. ehurcb, Thursday evening. Our merchants are now enjoying a reductiou of rutes on the T. & A. A. I{. R. Kemember the ptrawberry festival at the M. E. chureh to-morrow, Thursday eveninp. J. J.Quarry has lott the oapillary substuce on his upper lip. H'ih, don't speak of it. Rev. S. H. Adains has heen made a D. I). by the Univeralty at Kvanston, a well dmaiTed reward. Jas. A. TepWGOmb seeks a divoree froin Mnry Jane Tepaecomb on the round of desertion. To-day wheaf. is worlli !lOc per bushel, oats 40c, and shelled corn :t"c. Flour lieing $.".. "0 per barrel. Uuni nd Hiiin," will he Dr. Hamsay's subject at the Methodist Episcopal oliureh next S ibhath evening. The pisterns about the city and the steani lire t-ngine are to be re pal red and put in rood conditiou. The exliibitioii of tlie Aun A rb r art club eomnaencet to-day, and it is light worthy of patronage and attention, Thoie new plato gl:iss llgbta La Dean & Cd. 's front are monsters in sizp, and add wonderfnlly to the uppcarance of the utore. The Mancliesler bise ba.ll nine will play a game wilh an Ann Arbor niue on Decoration Day, on the giounds of the Man chester club. Prof. Renwick bas In preparatlon a chorus coDcert for the 5th ward Sunday School, to be given some time durirjj the last ot the montli. Mrs. Prudence Wist, widovv of the late John West, died last Sunday nigbt at her home on Liberty ft., aged about 75 years, of oíd age. To-morrow evening the M. E. ladies would be glad to see you at tlieir chureh to enjoy with them some strawberries ' and cream, or candy. Oscar Sorg was in Detroit Monday and secured 6veral good painting contraéis from the Michigan Central on depots at Battle Creek and Bay City. Ou Thtirsdiiy last, John Benban, of the 3J ward, died of Bright's discute, asred 42 years. He was a natlve of this city, and leaves a ivife and son. The Board of Review of Ann Arbor tnwnship, will be In session In the basement of the court house on May 28ch and 29th, (ne.xt week Monday and Tuesdiy.) Ahout ".") tnembers of Washtenaw Chaiter R. A. M. expect to po to Dundne Friday niffht to show the Dnndee folks how the R. A. M. jroat should be rldden In the list of democratie oandidiitt-s published recently, the names of Chas. Dwyer, ot Dexter, candidate for Mieriff, and Supervisor Andrew HugheF, of Scio, for register of deeds wtíre uniiitentionally omitted. The board of examininsr suigeons for pensions will meet on Tuesday, the 29th of May, ingtead of Wednesday the 30th, that bein Memorial Day and a legal holiday. Also on the 3d of July instead of the 4th, for the wme reason. A baru bclonging to David Crawford, the colored drnyroan, who live-s on Futier at., near the M. C. rallroad orossinjr, was burned t about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. It caugut from a tire a young lad had kindled in a yard near by. Los alot$15() with no in"surani;e. Kdward Treadwell, et al. have received a perpetual in junction against the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the city of Ann Arbor in reference to layinü h walk "ii William 8t., on certain lands claimed hy defiindants. The city authoritiea were notcogniziiit of the fuct that there was any sint pending. T. & A. A. R. R. bas bought the necesiary materi il for a new passenger house, to be built on the block sonth of the present location, and the work will be commenced shortly. A large addition is Hlso to be built to the freight hoiife. The common council will now be asked to open up and Improve Becond st. Gradually Mr. Wm. (i. Doty, the popular Probate Register ot our city, Is climbinguptlie ladder in the ranksof the Orand Conimandcry of the K. T. of the 'te. At the meeting in Grand Rapids last week he was chosen Grand Generlissinio, leavinjf only one round more hetween him and Grand Commanilci. He Is a right worthy porson to receive such honors. An incipient tire in the basement of the post-offlce was dlscovered and put out last Friday, p. m., befoie iniich damage whs done. It seems that a window in the basement had been left down from above, nd some one in passing had tlirown a lijíhted cijtar stubdown througu the grate, and it liad fallen through the window and set tire to gome loóse papers. It was a fortúnate flnd. Secretary R mr announces the monthly Pomoloüieal meeting the 2d of June at 2 P-m. in the basement of the court house, lopics: Full report of the committee on fruit exchanjie. Fruit prospecta from appearances. The uses of small fruit; nerrypickers; Circulars. Does it pay to ury and preserve fruit V Creamery; Question box ; Fruit and üower exhibit. Shippere of fruit espedally luvited. Mrs. L. L. Jamep, of Dexter, while wniing down the race of the Peninsular MilU, one day last week, dropped in a noolc and line where the water was rapid and palled out a Salmón trout weiguing two and one-half pounds. The lnside pfthe fisli was as yellow aa gold. This '8. thf örst flsh of the kind ever caught In me Huron nver, of which there Is a record, and was a seven days wonder.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Prudence West