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In the Senate bilis wre introduoed on th llth propusing an amendment to the constltutlou so as to roduce from two-thirds lo a majoritv the vote in each housa overriding Presldentlal vntoes, and to prevent convict labor from compettng wíth organlzed labor. A resolutlon was offered to provide for a full exami11,11 ion of thi' meat product of the United States, and a pet ilion was presentad to reduce letter postale lo one cent per ouncc. In the House lrn] kwal bttla were introduced, afterwhich the session was occupied in discussing the Tarift bill. The Senute on the l.Hh passed the House blll to limit the work of letter-carriers to eight hours u day. A joint resolution was Introduced to allow the District of Columbla represnntatlon in both Houses of Congress. The bill to csiiiiihsii tt il'put imi'iil of lubor and the Pension Appropriation bill wcre considered In the House Messrs. Buttcrworth (O.), Henderson (111.) and Sejmour iMlon.) spokn uRainst the Tariff bill, and Mr. Huckalew (Pa.) supported it. Hii.i.s were passed in the Senate on the 16th flxing pensions for the loss of one eye (or the sight thereof I at f16 a month and proportionutely for tho loss oí bolo eyes; allowing aid to State homes for disabled soldlers at the rato of tlOO a year for cuuh inmute: and bilis for trabón brldgcs across the Misslsstppi rlver at Clinton umi Mu.-ciitino, ! In the House debate on the TariH blll was continuad, several members spcaking for and against the measure. The Pension Approprlation bill was passed in the on the 17th, also numerous other bilis of local importunce. Artjournod to the 21st....In the House the tariff was furthor discussed. The Senate was not in gession on the 18th....In the House Mr. Randall (Pa.) spoko at lencth against the Mills Tariff bill. The plan he advocatcd for rcduclng tuxatlon and the accumulated surplus was by the abolition of intirnnl revenue tazes, with the exception of a Hfty-cent tas on whisky He claiinetl that protcctlon to home industries was a funda mental Democratie principio. Mr. McKinley K). i klao spoke agalnst the bill, and Mr. Brcckinrldge (Ky.) spoke in its support. DOMESTIC. Heavy frosts were roported In Illinois, Iowa, lm liana and Michigan on the 15th. Five iundrid of the Detroit Dry Dock: Company's ship carpenters struck on the 15th because the company refused to discharge a man who did not belong to the unión. A fibe on tho 15th in Chicago destroyed the candle and glycerine works of the Dearboru Mauufacturing Company. Loss, $115,000. It was estimated on the 15th that the flood losses in the Sny and Indian Grove leveedistrictsatQuincy, 111., and Hannibal, Mo., would aggregate $2,000,000. A ctclone in Baxter County, Ark., wrecked many dwellings and destroyed crops on the 15th, causing heavy losses to farmers. No Uves were reported lost. The American Women's Baptist Homo Mission Society held its eleventh annual meeting at Washington on the 15th. The superintendente of lunatic asylums held their forty-second annual convention at FortMonroe, Va., on tho ltitli. The new capítol building for Texas was dedicated at Austin on the 16th. Advices of the lfith say that tobáceo and vegetables in portions of Tennessee and North Carolina had suftered much injury from cold wcather and f rost. William Guoitou was hanged on the 17th in thepenitentiary at Columbus, O., for the murder of James Scott. The Presbytcrian General Assembly opened its centenuial meeting on the 17th at Philadelphia. Aftf.r an unbroken fast of fifty-four days Mis. Wedler, who liad been tr.ying to starve herself to death in the hospital at Lancaster, Pa., partook of food on the lTth. Irov and steel importa for the first (juarterofl88S wero 287,784 gross tous, 14,415 less than for the first three months of 1887. The court-house at Sidney, Ia., was set on flro on the 17tli and burned with all the records. Loss, 176,000. Harkt Benson, the Patti ticket swindler, awaiting extradition to Mexico, committed suicido at the Ludlow strect jail, New York, on the 17th by jumping from the socond tier to the grounii. Five additional breaks were made in the Sny levee on tho 17th, and the whole of the bottoms reaching from Loulsiana, Mo., to Hannibal, Mo., were inundated. The flood covered an area forty milos long and flve miles wide. Tlie loss to crops was estimated at $3,000,000. Br the explosión of u boilor on the 18th on the farm of Benjamin Fessenden, near Fort Pen n, Pa., Mr. Fessenden was killed and four otherg were badly hurt. A hail-stoum 1 over Pratt, Kan., on the 18th. destroying fruit and killing cattle over an area of many miles. Ia the districts fiooded by the Mississippi river great destitution and suffering wero reported on the 18th. At Indian Grove thcri' were one huudred and flfty families homeless, tho majority beiiii.' partially sheltered in barns and other buildings on farms not inundated. The destruction was said to be great from Keokuk, Ia., to the remóte parts of Arkansas. The Michigan Supreme Court decided on the 18th that the Local Option law, which has been adopted by over forty counties, is unconstitutional, on the ground that the act was entitled "to regúlate," while it really meant prohibition, and therefore conflicted with the constitution. O.v the 18th four men were lynched near the western border of the Cherokee strip, in Indian Territory, by vigilantes. They were charged with robbery, thievery and murder in the neutral strip and in Southern Kansas. A fall of coal on the 18th at the Hickory Swamp mine near Shaniokin, Pa., caused the death of three men. Four of the family of A. J. Murray, a prominent business man of Hastings, Neb., wcre fatally poisoned on the 18th by cating tomatoes taken from corroded tin cans. A fire at Palouse City, W. T., on the lSth destroyod seven business blocks, at a total loss of $50,000. Dürixo the seven days ended on the 18th there were 182 business failures in the United States, against 192 the previous geven days. The First National Bank building at St. Cloud, Minn., was wrecked by a gas explosión on the 18th, the front being hurled across the street and shatteriug buildings on the opposite side. The fifteenth quadrennial conference of the Metnodist Protestant Church of the United States opened at Adrián, Mich., on the 18th. PERSONAL, AND POLITICAL. The Illinois Prohibitionibts met at Springfield on the 15th and selected Miss Francés E. Willard, James Lamont, Hale Johnson and J. B. Hobbs as delegates-atlarge to the National convention. Nevada Republicans met at Winnetnucca on the 15th and selected M. D. Foley, Evan Williams, L. Hamilton, W. E. Sharon, William M. Stewart and John P. Jones as delegates to the National convention. The National convention of the Equal Rights party, in session on the 15th at Des Uoines, Ia., nominated Belva A. Lockwood. of Washington, for President, and AlfrM H. Love, ol l'Uilad.:lphia, for Vice-President. ttOMiXATlONS tor Congres were made ai f ollows on tbe 15th: lllinois, Eigbth dUtrict, C. A. Hill (Rep.); Ohio, Th i rd district, Gaocga w HQuk I .-ti. i ; Seventeentli district, Joaeph I. Tavlor iKep.h The ]ouisianu Legislature convened al Baton Rouge on the IStb. Two United States Senators #111 be electcd duringthe session. The New Mexico Republlcan convention was held ut Santn l'c on the 18th, und J. Franeiseo Chavei and 'i'tiomas B. Caton were choRen as delegates to Chicago. They were uninst rurted. Afteii a iive-du s' session the Heinocrats of Tennessee on the I6th re nomiuatad Robert L. Taylor tor Qovernor. Tuk Republicana of New York held thoir State oonrention ut Buffalo on the I6th and ¦ d the follawing deleeates-at-Ucge to tbe Chicago copvention: Senator Hiseock, Chuunee M. Depow, ex Senator Millor and ex-Senator Platt. Their lirst hoice is Blaine, Dcpew second. The resolutions adopted plüdgo united und zeaious support of the Republican standard-bearers in the coming eontest, whoever thej may bc, and condenin the f ree trado theorie of Mr. Cleveland's animal message. The Virginia Democrats met at Norfolk 011 the Iftth and selected John S. Karbour, J. W. Daniel, J'. W MeKenne.v and R. C. Marshall as delegates al lurge to the Ht. Louis oonveotlon. Kesolutions indorsing Cleveland were adopted, The Republicana of Tennesaoe met at Nashville on the liith und selected as delegates at large to Chicago A. A. Taylor, L. C. Houk, Gsqrge Maney and S. A. McEhvee. The platform favor the protective tarifT and iudorses Blaine's Pari letter. At its convention 11 ('inoinnati on the Kith the l'nion Labor party nominated A. J. Streeter, of Illinois, for President, and Charles E. Cunnlngbam, of Arkansas, for Viee-President. No fusión was effected with the Önited Labor iarty or the Greenbaekers. The ]latform favors pensions for soldiers, condemns foreign contract labor, demands the exclusión of Chinese, favors roman suftrage, arbitration in labor disputes, a reduction of the hours of labor, education of the masses and the abolition of usury, monopoly and trusts. A resolution opposing fusión with the Republioun or Democratie party was adopted. The Illinois Prohibitionists in session on the Kith at Springfield nominated the following ticket: 1). H. Harts for üovernor, Joseph L. Whitlock for Lieutenant-Governor, J. Ross Hanna for Secretary of State, Uriah Copp, Jr. for Auditor, F. E. Andrews for Attorney (ieneral and J. W. Hart for Treasurer. The platform favors entire prohibition of the liquor trafile, female suflratfe, a tarilt for revenue only, compulsory observante of Sunday, and teaching of temperante In the public schools. The Alabama Republioans met at Montgomeryonthe lüth and uominated a State ticket, with W. T. Kwlng for Governor. The platform condemns the President's message, the Mills bill, and the President's disregard of civil service. The following were chösen delegates-at-large to the National convention : B. M. Long, J. D. Hary, J. W. Jones and A. Boyd. The Missouri Republieans met at Sedalia on the ltith and nomiuated E. E. Kim buil for Governor. The platform denounces ballot-box frauds in the South; extols the linanciul achievements of the Republican party and opposes f ree trade. The following are the delegates-at-large to the National convention : Chauncey I. Filley, Congrossnnin AVilliam Warner, Colouel D. P. Dyer and Joseph Pelhaiu. The Kentucky Democrats met at Iexington on the 16th and selected the foüowing delegates-atlarge to St. Louis: Congressmuu McKenzie, J. H. Hendricks, Henry Watterson and J. D. Harris. Resolution were adopted indorsing President Cleveland's Adiniuistration and the Mill9 Tarifl bill. Sknator V. Zimmehmax was nominated for Congress on the 16th by the Tenth Indiana district Demoerats. The Sixth California district Democrats on the lfiili nominated Ried B. Terry for Conprrrss. At St. Paul on the K'.th the Minnesota Republieans selected F. F. Davis, G. O. Hartlev. C Q. l'.dwards and Joel P. Heatewelo as delcfrates-at-large to the National convention. The platform says the tarifl legislation proposed by the Democratie party is a Klaring subterfuge and an attempt to destroy the American policy of protection to American industries and labor in the nterests of foreign countries. Thk Connecticut Republieans convened at New Haven on the 16th and chose the following delegates-at-large to Chicago: Samuel Fessenden, Samuel L. Warner, E. S. lia.v and H S. Henry. The platform denounces tho President's tariff policy, calis for liberal pensions and ridicules the Administration's civil-service record. Ohio Democrats met at Dayton on the 16th and made the following nominations: Secretary of State, Boston G. Young; Judge Supreme Court, Lyman R. Critchfield. The platform indorses President Cleveland's administration, declares that his renomination is demanded by the interest of the country, and approves the Mills Tariff bill. Delegates-at-large to the National convention were chosen as f ollows: Calvin S. Brice, Thomas E. Powell, Charles W. Baker and L. E. Holden. At Nashville, Tenn., on the 17th the Prohibitionists nominated J. R. Anderson for Governor. At the Prohibition convention in Portland, Me., on the 17th Volney B. Cushing was nominated for Governor, and Neal Dow, N. F. Woodbury, E. T. Burrows and Mrs. Hannah J. Bailey were chosen as delegates-at-large to the National convention. At Sedalia on the 17th the Democrats eleeted the following delegates at-large to the St. Louis convention : John O'Day, D. W. Carruth, E. L. Martin and Nat C. Dryden. The platform indorses President Cleveland's Administration and instructs the delegates to vote for his renomination. Nevada Democrats met on the 17th at Virginia and elected as delegates to the National convention ex-Senator J. G. Fair, N. H. W. Mason, J. W. Dorsey, George Ernst, J. S. Mooney and B. Garragen. Congressman George W. Cassidy was renominated by acclamation. Minnesota Democrats met at St. Paul on the 17th and selected A. A. Ames, Michael Doran, Robert Smit li and John Ludwig as delegates-at-large to St. Louis. They were instructed for Cleveland. The resolutions demanded tariff reform. TnE Prohibitionists of North Carolina in State convention at Greensboro on the 17th nominated a full State ticket with W. T. Walker, of Greensboro, for Governor. South Carolina Democrats in convention at Columbia on the 17th selected as delegates-at-large to St. Louis A. F. Hart, F. W. Lawson, W. Jones and C. A. Wood. The platform indorses the Administration of President Cleveland. The Michigan Prohibitionists met at Grand Rapids on the 17th and selected Rev. John Russell, Samuel Dickie, Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop and Alfred Wise as delegates-atlarge to Indianapolis. The platform de clares for absolute National prohibition and woman suffraee. Tuk Ualted I,l)Of Niitional conventinn at Cinciunati on the lTth nominated Robert H. l'owdrv. of Ulinois, for President, and W.H. ï. Wakeflld, of Kshhcs. for VlcePresident. Mr. Cowdry i a Chicago drug gist. Kana Driimcrat in ession on the lTth at Wic.hitii selected 8. K. Naeley, H. a Winglev, Angelí Matthewn, K. F. Hutfan. W. F. Harris, O. A. Collet and M. J. O'Meara as delogates lo St. Ixuis. Thej were instructed for Cleveland. ïhk Democratie legislators of Louiiiana on the nth renofflinated Mr. Glbson for United States Senator. On the 17th the Dakota Republicana met at Jamcstown and selected as delégate to Chirago Messrs. Bailey, Bogarts, Moody, Sullivan, Hopp, Koster, Plummer, Hubbard, Hansbrough and Richardson. All are for Blaine save one. Gresham is ecj ond ohoioe of the ODtire delegatlon. The platform arraigos the Democratie party for refusing Dakota admissloii. At the conventiou of California Domocrats on the 17th in Los Angele M. F. Tarpey, W. I). Knglish, C. W. Taylor and Stephen M. White are chosen. The platform indorses President Cleveland' Administratiou and favor his renomination. Viictni i Ropublicans met at Petersburg on the 17th and chose Wllliam Mahone, John O. Watts, T. Z. B. Allen and A. H. Harris as delegates-at large to Chicago. Dei.awahe Republicans convened at Dover on the 17th and ehose Henry C. McLcar, E. O. Bradford, J. R. Whitaker, A. C. Connor, Charles B. Trear and C. H. Maull as delegates to Chicago. The resolution denounce tho President' tariff message and tho Mills bill and indorse high license. The delegates are uninstructed, but favor Blaine. Tuk Maryland Republioans met atEaston on tho 17th and Walter B. Brooks, Adam E. King. William D. Hurchinal, Daniel D. Dickson, W. G. Tuck, Milton G. Urner and Thomas Oorsuch were selectod a delegatesatlarge to Chicago. They were uninstruoted. The resolutions denounce the l'residonfs free-trade message. Jokepii R. Andkrson, of Bristol, Todjl, who was nominated for Governor by the Prohibitionists a few days ago, died on the 18th. The Prohibitionists of the Fifteenth Illinois district on the 18th nominated James D. Sheldou for Congress. On tho 3d of next month the terma of twenty six TTnited States Senators will expire. The retiring Senator are equally dlvided between the two politioal partios. lsíhe EightU Indiana district the Prohibitionists on the 18th nominated J. J. L. Myers for Congross. FOREIGN. Tom Bucklet, a notoriou thief, wa arrested at Toronto, Ont., on the Hth for kicking his mistress, Bertlia Robinaon, to death. Advicks of the 14th say a tidal wava forty feet high, caused by a volcanio eruption, swept over New Guinea, drowDing seventeen nlembers of the scientiflc expedition. In a railroad accident on the 15th iu Rusia eleven persons were killed and thlrty injured. In a speech at Ottawa on the 16th Lord Lansdowne opposed the proposition for reciprocal relations between Canada and the United States. A mob attacked a party of title collector and pólice at Llomfidd, Wales, on the 18th, and thirty-five persons were hurt, seven of them fatally. The liii-t luUiv of Spaiu's infant King was celebratod with great pomp on the 18th. Seventy home and foreign men-of-warat Barcelona were profusely decorated. Advices of the 18th say that the moonlighters of Drumquin, in County Tyrone, Ireland, had posted notices of a boycott on all communication with the pólice, and warued those who refused to obey it that tliey would be shot. Thr Berlin bulletins announced on the 18th that the Emjieror was without fever. His strength was increasing, and he would be allowed to spend the greater part of each day in the open air. It was announced on the ISth that d uring the past year tho increase of trafüc on Cftnadian raihoads was tö,500,000. LATER NEWS. A MSPATOB nf iho 2Oth from Qninoy, 111., lay that the mighty flood In tbe Missislippi, which would be remembered a without a precedent iu the destructlon and suffering created, was slowly abating. Hundreds of families were homeless and thousands of acres of growing erop ruined, to say nothing of the loss entailed by demolished dwellings, wrocked fences and vrashouts. The total loss was estimatcd at N,OtX),OOO. Tiikke stcamships landed 2,007 immigrants t Castle Garden, New York, on the 20th. For the week endcd on the 19th the rcDnl of the baseball clubs in the National League was as folio ws: Chicago (games won), 18; Boston, 16; Detroit, 14; New York, 11; Pittsburgh, fl; Philadelphia, 8; Indianrpolis, 7; Washington, :t. In a conflairration on th lth at Cabulcowha, in Galicia, four hundred house and the public buildings of the town were burned. Thh exehanges at twenty-six leading house iu the United States during the week endud on the 1'Jth aggregated t960,138,882, against t75,901884 the previous week. As compared with the oorrespondiiiR week of 1887 the decrease amountfd to 16.3 per cent. Rkv. Wii.i.iam F. Moboan, D. D., for over thirty years rector of St. Thomas' Protestant Episcopal Church in New York, died on the 19th. The house of William Llewellyn, at Cleveland, )., was destroyed by flre on the 19th, and tlieir three young children and Mra LewU, the mother of Mrs. Llewellyn, perished in the flames. The latv closing the liquor-saloons on Bunday was obeyed in St. Louis on the 20th, and it was the flrst "dry" Bunday that city ever experienced. The barn of A. M. Forbes, in Chicago, was destroyed by flre ou the 20th, and seventy horses perlbed iu the flames. Two year ago a harn in the same spot was burned and over si xty horses were smothered. entire block of sixteen stores was buaned on the liuh at Wallaceburg, Ont. DisPATcnss of the 19th say that a windtorm swept over the mining town of Aurora, Mo., leaving hundreds of people without shelter. A great deal of stock in the surrounding country was killed by falling buildings. Dbnham's livery stable at Harrisonville, Mo., was burned on the l'.'t li. and six horses perished in the flamea. CiiAiti.iK l.iHKii was shot and killed on the l'.tth at Maytield, Ky.. by his little brother, who was playiug with a pistol supposed to be unloaded. London advices of the 'iOth say that flve hundred persons had been drowned by tioods in Mesopotamia. Tiikke was no session of the Uaited States Senata on the 19th. In the House the debate en the Tariff bill was closed, Mr. Reed (Me.) speaking against the bill, and Speaker ('urlisle in its favor. The bill will not be voted upou under a wee';


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