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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Th Is powder never varíes. A nnrvel of oorlty ítrength and wholeiouicne8. Mora eronomtcai thuti the orriiimry kind, and can ot be solrt In conipetitl n wilh the multitud or low test. hort weight alum or ph sphate p"wden, Sold only in catl. KoYAl. B.KIMU PoWDKK Co , 104 Wull St.. N. Y. A FRIGHTFULSKIN DISEASE Siillrrinic) llitoiiNC IIihiI iiiarl.v ra, llniiyriiirri'd wlcli NoreH. 'iirctl by ihc C'uticura Remedie. Me-sr Stevcns & Hui m.ii. Mouroe, N. U. Dear Sint. - About two month ago, od your !¦¦¦ cinniendation, I bouirht a bot Ie of CuticUma Kkholvknt, one box Ci.'tipUra Salvk. and one cake or ('UTiciKA Soai-, for my soa, 'Kertthirteen yeara. who han been afflicted with eczema for a ïonj: lime, and I sm pleased to say th-tt i believe lile remedir liave cured him. Illa sufferiníí-1 were intense, ht bead helre; nenrly ttiw, hit ears tteinu' gone exrept ihe grlctle, aud hU boK wa covered. with sores. Min comilitón wíis frightful to beh ld. The sores have now al! dlappar,-d, his nkiu ie healthy. eyes hrigtit. chevrlnl In dlspositlon, and workfnp every drty. My néigtihprs Kre wituiiKseB to ihU rem irkable cure, hii1 (loiiblli g ojien are reqneHted to cali or u rite to me, or uuy of my neighuor. WM. P. TBl'MEN'-ON. WlNCIIKSTKIl I'. O. Umo.N ('o., N. C, Tuk Pottkk Druo and Ciikmical Co : Gentlemen,- Mr. Win S. Stepbenson of Ihis county brought his !-tu to town to-Uay to let u see hlm, and to show nt what Cuticitr KkxkDiES had done for him. Thi i the cace ref rred to In our letter to you gome tim azo. To lonk at him iinw, one wduV) suppose that there had never been auythlnii the nrirtrr v:th h;int- fleeni-i to be in perfect health. We have wrftteti and hjerewl'h lucióse wbat his fathr ha lo say about the matter, - wrote it jiipt an he dictated. We are sellinj; quitr a qunntity of Cdticüra tamtB and hr nothli -j. but prales fo' theui. We ri iard the ('uticcra Ukmkihbs the best to the III il ket, anti f-hull do all we eau to promote lli.-ir 8ale. Yonrs Truly, STKVENH & BRirNKR, DniïïIstH and Phai micists. ('i-Ticin. the Rrwt skin cure, and ConoUR 9oap, prepared from tt, externally. and Cüiicura Rksolvent. the new blood purlfler, Internally. are a ponitlvt1 cue for every tbrni of skin and blood diseases from pimple- to scrofnla. Sold every where. Pricei CtmcUBA,50c. : Soap, 25 c.: Re.soi.vkxt, $i. Prepared by tbe Pottbb 1hi'u A Chkmical Co., Boston, M:iB3. iar"Send for "How to Cure Skin DWeases," 61 pnt;es, 50 lllus(rations, and 10U testimoníala. PI lyilI'KS' 'lack hnadü,red,roui{h, chapped and II IVI -jiiy bkin preveutedby Cuticuka soap. Sneezing Catarrh. The distresslng sneez , sneeze, sueeze, the acrid watery discharges from the eyes and nose, the painfal ii.flamiuatlon ezteiidlng to the throat, the well:nL of the miisou llning, cauHlnj.' choking sensutioiií, coagh, ringiní nolsex in the head and splitting headachtf -how famllinr these Hymptome ure to thousands who sulfer periódica) from head cold." or lDfluenza, and who live In Ignorarle oí slantane oiu rrtief. Bat this treatment In cases of imple Catarrh givei but a 'anit ideu of what thts remedy will do hi the chroutc forms, where the breathing Is ob"tructed ly chottin putrid mucoas accumulations, the hearing effected, smell and tasie toi.e, throat ulceruted and hackine coiiL'h gradunlly fastentnt; liself opon the debllitated system. Then lt ia that the marvellous corative pownr of Saniord1 Radical Cukk manifests luelf In instantaneous and Kratelul relieT. Uure beeins from tlieflrst appllotlon. lt s rapld, radical, permanent, and safe. Sandfokd's Kadical Ci'ri consists of one bottle of the KadicalCuke, oue buz of Catahuhal Hoi.vKNT, and one Ihprovkd Ikiuuii, ll wrjpped in one packHir.5. with trratlHe and dlrectlons, aad sold by all druglsts for f 1 (10. l'OTTB UkOU AD OlIKXIt'AI. Co.. BOSTON. PAINS and WEÁKNESSES OF I i:il l.l InKtantly relieved by the ( utirura Antl-I'uiii FltT, a new, most areable, u stantaneous aud Infallible iiainUilliiiL' piaster, especlally adapted to relieve Peínale Paius and WeaknniiM Warrauted vastly superior to all otlior piasters, and tbe mint perfect Antidote to Pain lrn&mmationand Weakness yetcompouuded. At all druKulsti-. 36 centa ; 5 for $1 UU ; 1 r, oo6ta)?e Tree, of PoTIKK UUL'UAHU ÜHKMICAL Uü., Bülton. Mass. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN ARBOK, MIOniGAN, Transacts General Banking Business CAPITAL, $60,000. Organlzed ander the General Banking Uwo thls State, the stockholdor are individnalijr Hable for an additlonal amouut equal to the stock held by them, thereby creating a Unarantee Fond for tbe benefit of Deposltora of $100,000.00. Tbree per cent. interest Is allowed on all Savlngi Deuoslüf oí one dollar and upward, accordinK to the rules oí the Dnk and interest compounde seml-annnally. Koneyto Loan on unlncumbered real eatate and other good aecurlty. DIHECTOKS: CHRI8TIAN MACK, WM. D. HARIJIMAN W W WINEH, DAN1KL U1SCOCK, WILLIAM DBTJBEL, WILLARD B. SMITH DA. VID BIN9EY. OFFTCKKS: 0 MACK. Pres. W. W. WIN BS, Vlce-Pre C. !. HI8COCK.nahler. IUHanaiAU ti"" itivolutlonlzed the world UlTriUTlIlH iurlug the last half centiiry il V Uil 1 L U 11 N"t least among the wonder 11 1 ¦¦'¦' ;if tiiveutlve progresa I a rnethod and yateni of work that can be per formed all over the country without epnrat ing tho workeri from thelr homes. Pay llb eral:auy one cundo the work; elther ex young or old; 110 special ablllty requlred 1 'Hiiltiil not needed ; you are started free. Cu thi out and return to us and we wlll end you free, gomethlQg of great value and lm portance to you, thut wlll start you in baal neus wbich will brlng you In more motie rllit away thun anythlng ele In the world Orand outfit free. AddreB True 4 Co,, Au gusta, Malne. Het yoir PriilïaTtie Coirie7


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