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Gifts Of Poison

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It is time that respectable mercbanti oinbincd with conaumers for the supDression of all gift, prize and lottery sclicmca in oonneo.tion with the sale of irtlcles of merchandUe. These scbemes ire not only demoralizing to legitímate business and to the moráis of tle coraniunily, but in the extent In ivhich they ure beintr carried in the sale of nrticlea of bod have become a souree of great danïer to the public healtb. They are, do muiter in wliat form they appear, nothinx more or less tlian deviucs to swiudle houist and unsuspecting people. It is gratityinjc to learn that In souie instan ees the olticers of the law liave taken hold of the matter. In New York, nul also la Chicago, parties wlio In age liave receutly been urrested upon indlctnaeoU lottery swlndling. The late! kandidates, both for public eiecratlon mJ criminal prosecution, are the uauufacturer of the Alum baking powdera, who are both, by means of glit and lottery tickets, dUposing of large quantlLies of their corrosively poisonous com)onmls, which are so well known to be jetrimental to healtb that no boutekeeper will admit them to lier kltchen liiiDw ïiiyly. 'lliis form of swladle is not aiily beinff peddled from house to house. but under tlie promise of large proflts (o lie realized, the manufacturers are entri'Dchiiii; themselveg bebind the counter of niiiiiy grocers by gettio them to offer the alum goods with the gifts or lottery tickets uttached, thereby shiftiuii the 1Ubility to proseculioi), in part, upon other, and perbaps innocent parties. Krery grocer or Jcaler, for instnnce, who sells 5i "llers for sale any of the prize or lottery bakloK powders is a criminal ia the eyeofthe law, ud liable, upon cüsvIction, to fine and :--,prlsonment, white those who sell the gift fcooJ. re, m.orHT, as responslble, for they re ;. iv n inducement, or prize, to housekeepers Cu use a food that contains a corroatTe poiBon. Tlils Is a predicament in whleb It is not possible our grocers will cre to place tbemselves when they come to think 9eriou9ly of the matter. It must be borne in mind that OTery one of tliee gift or prize baking powderg are aluin bakinfr jiowders. Those powders cost less tlmn four cents a pound to roduce; the frifl or prize costs but a few cents more. They are sold at the price ot a flrst-class baking powder, so that the swindle. in a commerrlal sense, is enormous. Bnt the chief iniijuity of the business consista in selling, as presumably wholesome, an article of a posltivety Inurious cliaracter, and by means of glfts jr brlbes InddciOX servan ts or unsuspectng liousekeepers to purchase and use it n our daily food. There should be some prompt tnetbod of rciu-liiug these dangerous practices and punishing the parties engaged in thelr promotion. If the present laws are not ampie, wc commend the matter to the consideratiou of our State Board of Health for recommendation of such additional legialation as shall be eflectlve for the protection of the public. Washington Oritic: A chiropodist U at home in a eornfield. Young Mr. Sissy (to his pretty coualn) - "ín your matrimonial físhing, Maude, if jrou ghould mate a catch Iike me, what vvould you do ?" Mande - "Throw it back in, Charley." Professor de Morgan found out br mathematical eompution that un tgfsliell is sutUcient to support a mitn'i weight. People who doubt tilia can put one in their coat-tait pocket and try it. Unfortunate resulta. She - "I hear that you hnve lost your valuable little dojf, Mr. Rissy." He - "Yn'as, in a rall-road accldent I was sa ved, but the doj; was killed'' Slie- "Whiit a pity."


Ann Arbor Courier
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