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Buying Labor In The Cheapest Market

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Wlu'ii Mr. Hemphill, of South Carolina, was defeiitlins the Mills bill in tbe house reeentJj. lie said : 'I llueve In buylng in tlie cheapcst nmrket, and, if you please, I belicve in buying I.ibor in the cheapest market." Halt' a dozen demócrata saw the mistake and were on their feet in n minute to help him out of bis difflculty, but he reiterated hia statement. Up in the galler}-, wliile he was niaking this record for bis party, sat four men who took in every word of it ainl will be sure not to forget. They were William Weihe, of Pittsburg, president of tlie Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers; William Martin,, secretary of the aame order; John ('oiiklin, district master workman, Knights of Labor, Harrisburg, and John Jarrett. "Such speeches as that," thej' sald, "will knock out the free-traders." Last week's Harpers Weekly liad a fine ful)-pnge illustration ot Gen. Alger and a good history of his Ufe. There ure many truisms floating about the columns of the press, but a more pat onc tlian tlils is seldora found: " As the warm wentber of suuamer draws near pcople will berin contemplating making various purchases which the season requires. When money is to be spent the prudent will alwuya cast an eye about them for the best chance to spend it to advantare. To such persons, the prudent, it is a conimon thing to read the ads. in each issue of their home paper. Where there is a bargaia to be liad, these persons know it and take advantae of it. With the same income that soine people have who are alwajs hard up, these people are in easy circuinstances. A person who does not read the ads. in the paper is about as wise as the merchant who doea not give them a chance." The city of Phlladelphla haialways giren iuih ten to tlurty thousand republlcan raajorlty. Jt. is a city of saloons and last year 6,214 Haloons exlêted. A high llceuse luw has gou e loto effect aml only ubout 1,200 saloons wilt gel license tbls year. That means only about 5,000 republlcan or less.- Adrián Pres. Well, If tliat isu't pure, unadulterated gall. When it is a well known fact that tliere isn't a city in the world whose niasses nre so prosperou?, and whcre 80 many people owu their own homes. The only democratie element in Pliiladelphia has been the uloons, and now that bids fair to be almost entirely wiped out. But justt turn to New York and look at the spectacle ! The fate of this great nation si-tiifd by the slums and brothels of New York City. The election returns trom the low down districtsof New York City held hack until the number of votes nee essary toeliet a president are known and Ihi'ii returiifd. A democratie governor after overnor of New York state counted in by the brothels and grogeriesl Why dld Mr. Hill veto the Iii;h license bill ? Accordin to the Piess he hurt bis own party by so doing. For pure gall give us the Pr


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