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Shorter Catechism

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My sou you have now arrlved at a period in your studie in political economy wlien I desire to ftsk you a few (picstions relatlve to your proticiency. Q. Who Ís our President? A. Grover Cleveland. Q. Has he a policy ? A. Yes, fat her. Q. What is his policy? A. Kree trade with "incidental protection" on luinber, salt, ron, steel, wool and stee! rails, and " civil service reform." Q. What do yon mean by " incidental protection?'' A. I n the p:irlance of our Democratie party, this means accidental, and is iutended to be operatlve only by accident. Q. What is the President s policy In regard to sugar, cotton and rice? A. Proteclion. (J. Why this distinetion. A. Because these articles are all productions of the southern states aml It certainly has not escaped your observation that the soulhern states are proverbial fot Democratie innjorlties, while the obverse prevails in the northern states. Q. Are there other ilistinctious? A. Yes. Our soutliern frieudá must build houses and ruilroads, and use salt. A large portion of the lumber and ron, and about all the salt used in the south must be obtained in the northern states and President Cleveland's policy is, to give to the south these products as cheap as possible. t Why should the duty reinain on sugar cnttoii and rice 'i A. In order that sujíar from Cuba and rice and cotton f rom other coun tries may not come in competition with the Interest of southeru planters. Q. What would be the effect of free trade on lumber, Irou, steel and s.ilt, upon tlie price of laboi? A. It would doubtless reduce the price of labor to a ceitain exteut, but ihen you know, father, the laboier could buy his lalt cheaper by ten cents por barrel tlian he can now. Q. In your opinión, about wlmt wnuld be the reduction In the price of labor in the uorth under free trade y A. I should say about twenty per cent. Q. About how much fait wonl I an ordinary laboring iii;in with :ti t average family ue in a yeai r About a halt' barrel. Q. Tlien liow mucli woukl he ?'" " salt in mie ye:ir under free traili' 1 A. From niy dodnotion I should s-iy at'ut live cent-. Q. What is the wnges in the lamber woixU, nlnea and salt work- ? A. About one doll tr and tweutylive cents per day. Q. Under free trade and reductiou of twenty per cent on wures, what would the average laborer receive per diy ? A. In round numbers, about oue dollar per day. Q. Accordinu; to your cilculations then, the laborer would lo.e in one yenr $75 on liio labor, and gaiu live cents on his salt? A. Yes, but yon muse recollect tlmt the reduction or $2 per ilion mi I ti lumber is quite au item. Q. Vell, about liow mucli lnmber will ati ordinary laborer consume iii one year? A. Perhaps a tliousand fcet. Q. Then you would add $2 to the five cents on salt, which would be $2.05. t. About how mucli ron anü fiteel would tlie ordinary laborer consume i: one year A. I'erhaps ten dollars worth. Q. Unper a tariff oductkMl of twen ty per cent, on iiuíi and steel, liow mucli would -e gain in a year r A. Twenty cents. Q. Now, after adding togetlier $2.00 on salt and luinber, and twenty cents on steel and huí, liow mucli lias the laborer gained or lost in oue ycar'g transuctious f A. Futher, I am afraid he lias lost 172.75, We take up Civil Service for our next lei-oii.


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