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FricBs Wig aiü kt Sclling iiiicki) al F. SCHAIRER'S Itaruain l'roui Ilic Bunkriipt lo k ol Root, i i " fc Co., Detroit. We Invite special attcntlon to tltlw ale. RSAD THESE PRICB8 5,OOO jaril Oood l'riiil at 3 l-2c per yard. 3,000 arl Chotee ¦¦ - i'rini at ."¦ per yard. 2,OOO yard Urc vi1 ¦il at Ne per yard. 25 pieces (ood iiiriiii at 8c per yard. 30 pieces Uood Bed Tickliignat lOc, 12 1-ac and 15e. 100 pieces Cholee ii ¦ ioodi at 12 l-2c per yard. 60 pieces New Spring Ure (ïoodN at 10c. 35 plecett Wlde Styllsh New lr- (iood at 25c per yard. 20 pieces 52 inch l.aii- C'loths at 5Oc per yard. 10 picoc all Wool Black !¦ UoodH at 30, 10 and 50c per yard. 5 plece Wide Black Cashmereci at 5Oc per yard. 10 picces 48 Inch Black Ilcnrlettaa at 75c, $1 and #1.25. Big Drive In 52 Inch Slik and Wool Dres Good at 00e per yard, wcre $1 (Sccwlndow). 1OO pieceChoice New nrem Launs at 5c per yard. 25 dozen l-ali Black and Colored dilovcHat 15c and 25c per pair. 300 pair l.atl Berlín Ulove atlOcapalr. 20 doz. pure Slik Ulovcs at 35c a pair. Big Bargain in Ladics Slik -Min at 18c a pair. 25 doz. 75c ni now cut to 50c. Big Kargain in our il Kid .i Tor 79c a pair. 2OO (liood Bustlcs at 15c eacli. 10 pieces Curtain Scrlm at öc per yard. 5 picecg Lace Strlpc Curtain Scrlm at 8c per yard. Wc show the BcMt Valuc in Curtain Laces at 15, 20 and 25c per yard. 1OO paira lacc nriaiii at #1, $1.25 and $1.50 a pair. 10 doz. large White iron at 25c eacli. 5O doz. Faney Border Ilaiiflkerchiefsat 3 lor 10c. 15 dozen l.:ili- Jersey Vest.x at 25c eacli. 200 large Silk laranl at ül and 1.25. l.acl - M ul ¦ 11 Dratv¦! at 25, 30 and 50c a pair. ¦flii-iln h. hum - at 25, 30 and 50c cach. Ladicw -Viglit lr'c- at 25, 39, 5O luid 75c. Cliildrciifl White and Colored li- at 3OO Boys Shirt Waluts at 25 and 50c. Big Bargain I11 Black Silk at 50, 75c and 1. Thrcc big drives In Jerseys at 75c, 2 and $1.25. Wc shovt the Im-.i Bargains in lloNicry at lOc, 15c and 25c. Von can tare Moncy Trading at D. F. SCHAIRER'S. Wc are ahvay llie clicnpcNt. Tlns is the Top of the Gkxuine PearlTop Lamp Chimney. Allothers, similararcimitation. -QlSl'his exact Label AR WtV isoneachPcarl rf mÁ Top Chimney. r_W BitTB ajj A dealer may s.iy Y SBmmS WY and think he has LB SSÍo others as pood, D BUT HE HAS NO T. Insistuponthe Exact Label and Top. Fon Sale Evebywhere. Made only by CEO. A. MAC3ETH &C0„ Pillstafgll, Pa. ITOTIOE. Tlie Ann Aröor Preserve Anfl PícRling Factor? BEG TO DRAW THE Attention of the Ladies in Ann Arbor and vicinity to the advantages to be gained this coming season by bringing up or sending an order for their empty cans to the above Co., who are prepared to fül (hem ivith Canned and Preserved f mits at a uniform rate, thus saving them all the heat, trouble, discomfort and expense of putting it up themselves in their own homes. All orders should be sent in as early as possible. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Canned small fruits - 10c per Ib. Preserved small fruits . . 12c per Ib. Canned peaches pears . 12c per Ib. Preserved 14c per Ib. Jelius 9c per jelly glass. Mixed picttes 12c per bottle. Plain pickles 10c " INSURANCE UiiAL KSTATE aiul LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, llitmlltoii Block. Partlea deslriug to buy or Bell Eeal EsUte wlll tlml It to thelr advantage to cali on me. I repreBent lSflrst-clas Flre Iusuranoe Companles, having au aggregate capital over tJü,. uoü.000. Kates Low. I.nsses liberal ly adjusted and promptly pald. I also Issue Life and loveattnent Pollclen In te New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, AsaetU, 876,000.0(1. Persons deslring Accident Insurance, can have yearly polldes wrltten for them orTraveler's Coupon Insurance 'l'IckciK iHSued at Luw rates. Mone; to Loan at Current Hates. Office hou ra f rom 8 a. ui. to i-j in. and 2 to 6 p. ra. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hauiilton Block.


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