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Constipation Demands prompt treatment. The reMilts of negleet may be serious. Avoid all harsh and drastic purgatives, the ti ndcncy ol whieh is to weaken the liowels. Tho bost remely is Ayer' l'ills. li.inp: putely vegetable, their action is prompt and thi-ir effect always berwflcial. They are au admirable I.iver and After-dinner pill, and everywherc endorsed by the profeesion. "Ayer's Pilis are highly and univerxally spoken of by tin; peopto abont liere. I make daily ose oï thetn In my pra&ire." Dr. 1. E. Fdwler, Iiridgeport, Conn. "I cnn recommend Ayor's l'ills above all ethers, having long proved thrir value as i cathartic For myaelf and fainlly." - J. T. Hess, Leithsvule, Pa. "for seyeral yaarsAyer's Pilis liave l.c-en used iii my fatnily. We liud thein an Effective Remedy for constipation and indigestión, and aro never without them in tho house." - Mose.s Qraniar, Lowell, Mass. "I have nscd Ayer's Pilis, for liver troublfs and indigestión, duriiiK many Mar.-, aml !ia ¦ ahvays tsuUM thrin i'irompt aml efficiënt in their action." - .. N. Hiiiith. l'tica, N. Y. "I suffemd trom constipation which assnmed iuoh au obstinate fonu that I feaied it would cause a Btoppage of tba bowels. Two boxes of A wis PiHi effected a complete cure," - D. Burke, Baoo, Mu. "I have used Ayer's Pilis for the past thirtv vean and oonsider them an invalMable family medicine. I know of no better remedy for liver troubles, and have always fonnd them a prompt riire for dyspepsia." - James Quiun, 90 Middle st., Hartford, Conti. "Havingbeen treubled with costlveness, which seetns inevitable with per8ons of sedentary habits, I have tried Ayer's Pilis, hoping for relief. I am glad to sa that tlicy have served me ter thaii any ot'her medicine. I arrive at this conclusión only after a faithful trial of their uierits." - Saiuuci T. Jones, Uak st., Boston, Mass. Ayer's Pilis, PKErAKED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Solil by all Dealers in Medicine. -Voúu wei ofT RU R E_ CREAM AKlKg lOWDEf Jim superior excellence proven In mllliouslo liemea for more tlian aquarterof acentury. I is used by tlie United States government. En dors. mI by the beada of tlie Urent Unlversitles ns thoStiongesl, Purent, and most Healthful Dr. 1'rlee'n tlie only RakiiiK Powder Uint iloe nol uontaln Ammonla, Linie or Aluin. Sold oniy in cans. ' IMUCK BAKIXO POWDER CO., NEW vtll.K. (1IKAOO. ST. LODI8. MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Bates. To-ax Trip per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND St. limaoe, Chaboypan, Alpona, HarriBTillo. OftOOd, 8and Beatrh, Port Hurou, St. Clair, O&klftQd House, Mtrma City, Every Week Dy Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trip durlne July nd Aucust. OUR ILLUSTRATCD PAMPHLETS iiAtcs and Bxouraion Ticket will be furaiahed by y our Tioket Ag ent, or ddrM E. B WHITCOMB, G.n'1 Pan. Ag.nt, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT, MICH. fllïil MANÜFACTUREBS OF SclöÈBiCMrcl FURNTTURE. 0PI1KA HOUSE ( IIAIIIS AND WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to manafactnre School and ('bun-h Furnlture, and Opera House Chalrs, Lawn Settees, Camp Tables and the TRITJMPH WIND-MILL riie best and slmplest and most rellable In use. Kepalrlng dons on short notlce. Also dealers In l'UMPS, C VLINDERS, PIPES, ETC TANK8 MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, PEACH BOXES, BERRY ORATES, In lact, any artlcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET ANN ARBOR, MICH. Piso's Cure for ConE3 suniptiou is also the best Ea Congh Medicine. If you have a Cough without disease of the BB Lungs, a fow doses are all Ea you ueed. But if you neK'it this easy means of IBI Ea safety, the slight Cough fai tJ may become a serinus KI a matter, and several botUH tles will bo required. Cl DER mAGHINERY Cataloga, ailed F REE Address C. G. HAMPTON, Detroit, Mich.


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