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THE blll to establlsh a Department of Labor wa passed in the Señale on tbe M Tbe 'mam-e ComuiUea made an adverae report on he Fractloual Currency blll, aud would report a blll redui-Ing th fee on postal notes for Iess ban one dollar K once cent. By a vote# of 2& 0 27 lt was declded not to conslder the flshries trcaty in open sesslon .... In tbe Hous the tesslon was occupled in dlscus&lng the Convlct-I.abor blll. In the Senate on the 23d some routine maters were disposed of, after which an adjournment was taken that Senators might attend he funeral of the wlfe or Senator Sawyer... n the Honse the time was occupted In fli3cusslng the Post-ofriceApproprlatlon bill, but no actlon was taken. Mn. Stswakt (Nev. ) callcd up in tho Senate on the 2Uh tho Joint resolutlon for a constitutlonal umrndment reducing to a simple majorty the ïote nacowary to overrlde a Presldentlal veto, aod spoke at length on tfce subjot. Ie said that the Government vat now m.ui power, and lamented tho fct that th advloe of Congressmen was not consifiered In the apotntment of omceholders In the House the )ül for the admisslon of South Dakota lnto the Union w discuaseü. The conference report on the InvalM Pension blll was agreed to. Tho Post-Omce Appropriatlon bill passed. In the SenatD on the 2Sth the Dcllclency Appropriatlon blll val passed. Senator Turpio otroduct-d a bill to provide for a directory of the most skilk-d mechantes and artlsans In all parts of the country. Senator Dlalrlntroduced 1 joint resolution provlding that no State shall ever make a law respectlng an establishment of religión or prohibitlng the tree pxerelse thereof, and that every State shall cstablisu and malntaln a sjstem of froo public schools. ....In the House the Leglslatlre, Kxccutlvo and Judicial Appropriattou bill was discussed. At the evealng sesslon flfty private pension bllls were passed. DOMESTIC. The first Frohibition convention ever held in Georgia met at Columbla on tho ÍJd The objert of the convention is to organize more perfectly the prohibitiou movement in the Stativ Ecobsi Chjlliaxt, who was bitten somo weeks ago by a spitz dog, died of hydrophabfa at New Albuny , Ind., on the 3üd. It wm roported on the iM that & B. Bradley, general teller of the Union National Bank of Chicago, was a defaulter to the extent of $20,000. He had fled to Canada. Two freight trains on the Rock Island road collided near Iowa City, Ia., on tho 22d, and a locomotive and twenty-four cara ware demolished. David Moore aDd WülardHall (both coloi-ed) and Georje Graham were hanyed on the 22d at Greenvllle, Miss., for murder. The National Association of LaborStatisticians in session on the 22d at Indianapolis, Ind., re-elected Carrol ü. WrigUt, of llassachusetts, president. The cut worm was on the 22d making s clean sweep of corn and certaln kinds oi garden vegetables over a large portion of Pike, Dubois, Daviess and Spencer Counties, Ind. Thi eighth blennial musical festival at CiucianUl began on iheveninfr of the 'ïld A pardos was issued'ou the 23Ü by Gov ernor Martin, of Kansas, to Charles B Rotrock, who killed his wife a number o! years ago while under the influence of liquor, under the agreement that Rotrock shall forever abstain f rom the use of llquor Thb third annual convention of the Butchers' National Protectlve Association assembled in Philadelphia on the iid. The works of the Bolmont Iron Com pany, at Philadelphia, were burned on the 22d. causing a loss $100,000. The largest oil well in the Lima (O.) dis trict was opened on the 23d. The flow throuirh an eiarht-inch pipe was six thou sand barrels a day. Thï prospect for the winter wheat erop in Illinois and Iow was on the 28d conld ered decidcdly unfavorable. Jame W. Schooleh (colored), of Nioholasville, Ky., was on the 23d admitted to practice before the Court of Appeals of Kentucky- the flrst instance of the kind on record. The dead bodies of John F. and Charles (}. Fuhrmann (brothers) were found on the 23d in a hotel room in St. Louis. The pólice believod tliat the men committed suicide by poison, but no cause for tho act was known. A RECErTios was glven to the members of the Northern and Sonthern Presbyterian general assemblies on the 23d by Mr. and Mrs. Wistar Morris at their residence in Overbrook, near Philadelphla. President and Mrs. Cleveland were present. While drunk on the 33d at Cleveland, O., William J. McFarland shot his wife and little daufrhter and then shot hiuiself. All were fatally wounded. The Michigan State convention of the Woman's Christian Temperaneo Union commenced on the 23d at Coldwater. The liiTuse judges in Philadelphia completed their work on the 28d, granting 1,207 licenses, agaiust !V,778 grantcd last year. A fkfiuh r train on the Koek IsUml railroad went through a bridge on the 23d near Randolph Point, Mo., erftshmg into a ravine twenty-flve feet deop, and flve men were killed. The annual parade of Sunday-sehool children at Brooklyn, N. Y., took place on the 23d. It was estiinated that sixty thou sand children were in line. Mator Rochb, of Chicago, on the 23d received an appeal for help from the Mississippi river flood sufferors. It was represented that a territory flfty-two miles in longth had been inundated, the crops destroyed, the residents driven from their hornea and a large number of families wdro dependent upon charity. A CTCLOSE swept over Brownton, Tex. on the 23d, and the Methodist, Baptist an Presbyterian churches were demolisheti and eight houses destroyed, and Amanda Willis (colored) instantly killed. The path of the storm was three hundred feet wide and crops, buildings, trees, fenoes ani every thing in the danger belt were swep away. Mas. Georoe Ried, of Nappanee, Ind., took her three-months'-old child in her arms on tbe 23d, lesped into a well and both were dro wned. 8he left a note saying ahe was tired of Ufe. Ai.bert Kumpkee, the old farmer who murdered hls wife near Columbus, Neb., a few week9 ago, hanged hlmself Ín his cell on the 24th. Drs. N'f.wm an and Qoodsell were elected Bishop on the 24th by the Methodist General conference in session in New York City. The National meeting of Dunkards at Wabash, Ind., on the 34th decided that members must quit usiug tobáceo befare they take baptlsm. The act of tbe Legislatura of Washington Territory extendinjf the sultrage to women was declared unconstitutional on the 2411 by Judge Nash at Spokane Falla. David Piebce and his son were killed by lightning on the 24th at Moscow Springs, Mo. Fkkd Mathieüsen, editor of the Odel (111.) Reporter, eommitted suicide on the 34th 'oy shooting bimself. Tuk output of gold and silrer of Montana last year was on the 4th estiuiated at over 3,000,000. A wtsn sToiiM on the 24th damaged busless und residout property at Corsicana, ex. , to the extent of t25,000, and In tho urrounding country the damage was very arge and over a dozen buildings were unoofed. FiKB on tho 'J4th in a rag shop at New rork entraped ten women, seven of whom scaped, while the others sustained fatal DjuriflB. TUK corner-stone of tho new C'atholio ünlversity of America was laid in Washngton on tho 24th by Cardinal Gibbons with appropriate ceremonies. A coNvr..vTiox oalled to encourage immigration to Mixsissippi met at Jackson on he 24th and it was decided to establi9h a ítate Immigratlon Society. Judoe Wallach, of New York, decided n Um Mtli that Kev. E. W. Warren must ay a fliie of 11,000 for coming to this counry to proaeh under contract for Holy Trinity Churoh. Lootwts in large quantities were being ouad on the 24th In some sootion of Cenral Ulinois, and it was thought thoy were hO "geven teen year" specie. IN the Methodist general conference in ïew York on the 25th resolutions wero adopted demanding voluntary total abstinence from all intoxicants and complete ogal prohibition of the liquor trafile as the duty of the civil governments, and church members were advised uot to permit themselves to bc controllod by polltieal party organizations that were managod in the inrests of the lWuor traffle. President Cleveland on the 25th aproved the act authorizing a conference of American nations and tho act limiting the aours of letter-carriers. Tqerf. were 21S business failures in the Uaited 8tate9 durinx the soven days ended on the 25th, against 182 the previous scven days. Reuben ükake, a well-to-do farmer, sixty years of age, and his wife and two grandchildren were murdered in tbeir home in the town of Kickapoo, Wis., on the 25th. It was supposod the murderer's object was robbery. "I J JA. -I Three workmen were killed on the 25th by the falling of a stone in a quarry at Portland, Conn. William, a prominent citiien of Brunswick, Mo. , shot his wife and John Morgan dead on the 25th. Miller had had reason to suspect his wife of intimacy with Morgan. Tob National Butchers' Association elected offleers at Philadelphia on the 25th, Charlea Jumes, of St. Louis, being choseu president. H. Hocklev, a wealthy lumberman of Muskegon, Mich., on the 25th presented to the city $100,000 to fouud a public library. Joseph Boatkight (colored), convicted at Marshall, Mo., of vagrancy, was on the25th sold for six months' service to the highest bidder for cash. The highest bid was 16.50. R. G. Dvs & Co., of New York, in their review of trade on the 23th state that the tendency of prices during the week were downward both for securities and producís. Business failures were also on the increase. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Geobgb Francis Train on the 33d again became a resident of New York City, having become disgusted with Nova Scotia. The Democrats of the Thirteenth Illinois Congressional district on the 22d renominated WiUiani M Hpringer. Mus. Sakah RorascuiLD.of Chicago, was honored with a reception on the 22d, it being her one hundredth birthday. The Maine Democratie State convention met at Augusta on the 22d and nominated Hon. William L. Putnam, of Portland, for Governor. The following delegates-atlargeto St. Louis were chosen: Payson Tucker, Arthur Sewall, E. C. Allen and JainesTobin. The platform indorses the President's Administration and favors his rensmination. Riv. Enwis TnoMPsos, a veteran temperance advocate and reforiner, died on the fcM at his home in East Walpole, Mass., aged seventy-nine years. A State League of Kepublican clubs was formed at Boston on the 23d with George A. Marden as president. The Kepubüeans of the Fifth North Car olina district on the 809 renominated J. M. Brower for Congress. Both houses of the Louisiana Legislature on the 23d plerstcd Hou. Kandall L Gibaon as United States Senator to suc ceed himself. The Maine Second district Democrats on the 23d nominated Charles E. Allen for Congress. Mk. anp Mus. N. Bhowerman, of Lyons Ia., eelebrated thcir golden wedding on the ÍÍM. At the North Carolina Republican convention on the 23d in Raleigh a full State ticket was nominated with H. O. Doekery of Richmond, for Governor. S. 8. Bkown, of Waterville, was nomi nated for Congress on the 23d by the Demo crats of the Third district of Maine. Mississiim'i Democrats met at Jackson on the 2M and named W. H. Sims, R. A. Tay lor, W. T. Martin and E. B. Calhoun as del egatcs-at-large to Ut. l.tmis The plat form indorses President Cleveland's Ad ministration and the Mills Tariff bill. Rev. O. Robards, pastor of the Madison (Ind.) African Methodist Episcopal church feil dead on the 23d at his home. The Texas Democratie convention in ses sion on the 2IM at Fort Worth named the following as delegatos-at-large to Kt. Louis: James W. Throckmorton, D. C Giddings, üeorge Clark and Horaco Chil ton. The platform favors tariff reform and opposes f urther agitation of the ques tion of State prohibition. The Democrats of the Third district o: North Carolina on the 23d renominatec Charles W. McClammy for Congress. The Illinois Democratie State convention at Springfleld ou the 28d made the follow ing nominatiiins: For Governor, Jobn M. Palmer; Lieutenant-Governor, Andrew J Bell: Secretary, N. D. Ricks; Auditor of Public Accounts, Andrew Welch ; Treasurer, Charles H. Wacker; Attorney General, Jacob R. Creighton. Resolutions were adopted indorsing President Clereland'g renomination and approving of the policy of tariff reform. The following are the delegates-at-large to the National convention : William R. Morrlson, James L. Ewing, N. E. Worthington and William C. Goudy. The Democrats of Pennsylvant met at Harrisburg on the 23d and elected as delegates-at-large to St. Louis L. C. Cassidy, Charles F. Boyle, William T. Mutchler and William L. Scott The platform indorse9 the President's tariff message. Thk Wlscousin Prohibitionists met at Madison on the 24 th and made the following nominations: For Governor, E. G. Durant; Lieutenant-Oovernor, I. H. Dahl; Secretary of State, Nelson La Due Collins; Treasurer, D. Cline Prescott; AttorneySeneral, General Charles E. Pike ; Superintendent of Public Instruction, J. H. Uould; Railroad Commissioner, E. W. Drake; Insurance Commissioner, S. M. Bixby. The platform denounces the liquor trafile; insists upon Stut e and National prohibition laws, and opposes all forms of license. T. C. Richmond, S. D. Hastings, E. C. Durant and Mrs. Amy Kellogg Morse were elected dolegates-at large to Inüanapolis. Colorado Democrats met at Denver on he24tli and namwi the followln:? dclogates , Si Umll T. M. Pattursmi. R A Hallrd, T. H. Kyun, James Carlisle, Dr. W. T. ;ockrel and Ü. Boreld. Paor E. B Ei.i.iott, Government A.tnry of the Treasury Department, diea ou hè 24th i Washington íroni a stroke of poplexy. Hfi.Tuin Damacntt mulo tlio followng Congressional nominations on the Í4tli : First district, C. H. Gibson irenominated) ; 'hird. H. W EltMk; Kourth. Isadore Raynor (renoniinated) ; Filth. Barnes Cointon renoniinated); Kixth. H. K IMuglas. The Scventh Wisconsin district Prohibiionista on the 25th nominated J. H. Moseey, of Tomah, for Oongrets. General Kiikkihax was tsriously 111 at his liome in Washington on the 25th with an affeition of the heart. The Democrats of the Eighth North 'arolina district on the 25th reuomiuated W. H. H. Co wies forConpr. Ohi.i 1'rohiMtionists in convention on the th at Toledo nominated thn followng ticket: Socretary of State, Walter F. tayne; Board of Public Works, J. W. Penicld; Supremo Judge, John F. Moore. Colonki. A. H. Markland, who had charco of the Government mail service in the South during the war, and who was a close rriend of Uenoral Grant, dicd in Washington on the 36th. FOREIGN. Advices of tho 22d say that the voluntary emancipation movement in Brazil had airead v giYW freodom to thousands of slaves. One of the tirst acts ot the freedmen was to have the marriages, which wcre contracted in slavery, logalizod, thus making their children legitímate. Advices of the 22d from the City of Mexico gay that the agricultural laborers on the haciendo are almost in a state of serfdom. They are employed for four dollars a month, and m tually do the labors of beasts of burden. The sugar-makers of Toronto, Can., struck on the 22d for an increase of wages. In a railway collision on the22d at Canet, Spain, six persons wcre killed and fortysix were injured. The French Senate passed a bilí on tho 23d exempting school-masters and theological students from serving three years, and lotting them off with one year of military service. Advices of the 33d from Corea gay that eighteen hundred out of two thousaud house at ülino, in Yechizcn, had been burned, and that several people lost their lives. The monsoon was blowing at Point do Galle, Ceylon, on the 23d. Tnü Germán Government on the 23d issued a decree imposing strict regulatlons upon travelers entering Alsace-Lorraine from Krance. Every person must have a passport revised by the Germán Ambassador at Paris. Advices of the 33d say seven highway robbers were shot dead by the pólice and soldiers of Duraugo, Mex. TiiEQueen Victoria Niágara Falls Park, on the Canadian side, was thrown open ou the 24th. It contains 118 acres. Lord and Lady Lausdowne sailed from Quebec for England on the 24th. Advices of the 24th say that one hundred and three persons belonging to the fishing fleet lost their lives in the recent gale ofl Ireland. As explosión on the 34th at Herlot's flreworks and eartridge faetory ia the suburbs of Paris destroyed seven buildings and killed eleven workmen. The marriage of Prince Henry, secon] son of Eunperor Frederick, and Princesa Irene, third daughter of Grand Duke Ludwig, of Hesse, took place on the 24 th at Berlin. Srveral of the wealthiest merchants of Moscow were convicted on the '3."th ol adulterating tea, and one of them was de prived of his civil rights and banished to Siberia for life. In Paris on the 25th a large number of forged Bank of Franco notes were in cir culation. Public coufldence was shaken uwing to the vefusal of the dlrectors to re imburse holders of forged notes. The village of Harían, in Houmania, was destroyed by fire on the 2."tli, and four hundi'cd families were homcless. LATER NEWS. Fok tho woek ended on the Jlh tho ree ord of the base-ball clubs In the National League was as follows: Chicago (games won), 21; Bosten, 18; Detroit, Ifi; New York, 18; PhUadelphia, 13; Pittsburgh, 11; Indianapolis, 9; Washington (i. Hoos about Galena. 111., and the southern part of Wisconsin were tlyingin larsrrnutnbers of cholera on the 2Tth. A wind and rain-storm on the 27th at Shelbyville, 111., upi-ooted trees and unroofod houses ; and lightuing struck one d welling and a barn, cuttlng them in two as though doft with an axe. Genkkai. Siii:i:idan was in a dying condition on the '27th, and his physicians hac abandoncd all hope. William H. Rok, whomurdered his wife by poisoning to secure the insuranceon her life, was hanged on the 2öth at Anderson Tex. At Chadron, Neb., and vicinity a waterspout on tho 26th did great damage to crops, swept away grazing live stock ant mimiiated miles of territory. In Albany, N. Y., on the 2Cth Joseph Sherer shot Lizzie McCarthy dead because she would not marry him and then killet himself. The exchanges at twentysix leading clearing-houses in the United States durinj the week ended on the 26th aggregacec 1889,614,028, against $30,138,882 the pre vious week. As compared with the corre sponding week of 1887 the decrease amounted to 5.2 per cent. Advices of the 26th say that a copious rain-fall in Southern Russia had saved the crops and au abundant havest was assured The new gasometer of the Montreal gas works exploded on the 26th, killing four persons and injuring six others, three fa tally. A did great damage to property on the 2öth iu Ottawa and Cloud counties Kan. Several persons were injured. bu none f atally. The Louisiana Democrats met at Baton Rouge on the 26th and named as delegates at-large to St. Louis Samuel D. McEnery Charles Parlange, Jamos Jeff ríes and Dud lery Avery. The resolutions adopted favor President Cleveland's renominatiou. An Italian boarding-hoase at Pittston Pa., was burned on the 27th, and three chil dren of the proprietor, Christopher Sara geni, perished in the ñames. A passenger train ran into a drove o horses on the 2(ith near Saybrook, 111., kill ing seven of them. The Democrats of the Seventh Indiana district on the 2th renotniuated W. D. By num for Congress. The Parry stove works at South Pitts burg, Tenn., were burned on the 2üth. Loss $200,000. No HfsiNESS of importance was trans acted iu the United States Senate on the 2öth. The question of discuasiug the lishery treaty in open session was eonsidered in caucus by the Republican uieinbers, who favor an open discussion. In the House the Legislative. Hxecutive and Judicial Appro priatiou bi 11 wis further cousuíere.l.


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