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TroYAL VSwAI B 'AKlHö POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thii powiler never v;iri-8. A nnrvel of purlty, trt-i]L'ili aint whfllanoinrii)' in Mure roomnuica] itiu ihe ordiuary kimis, aini caonol be nold in iMnipi'titi'-n wiih the nmltirnde of low UH.tiOM welUt aluin or pft sphHh: pnwiler. Sotd nnly in eemm. Kovai. lï kim; 1jwi)Kk Co , ïüb Wall St., "h TRIM EÏEE 10 ASELL" Skin i-iiiir l gtltti l'hsli a inau of ¦tlM-ane. lix dlmliiixlii il i Iliird i 'i H r. ontl i I . 11 h ii pol r-.M 4 urt-4 !¦ the i inicurn ReniedleM. Kor thrt'e i-rn I wan alnuie! crippltMi wllli tin awlul pore U'K frunï my knue down t(ï inv iinklt' ; -kin wats entirely yone, and the fleih wat oue inisn of diíense. Sume phyoicluna pionoancrd lt iDcurable. It had diininÍHbed about one third the slxu of tht oihor, Hnd 1 va in a hopelee coiidi'iou. After trytrg "11 ktnd of remedie mul Kp'-niiioy hundreds n dullarp, Tri m which I got do relvi wlialover, I wis tfernnaded t( try ytmr C'1'ticüba RbmbiiIM at d ihc icjiiI' vai au Ibllows: Atter thret dan 1 uuticed :i docided chtuii;t; for ihe better. anü at the end of two m mitm 1 wawcoinplotely cured. My fli'sh waa pnrlBod, and the boiiJ(whlth had been ezpoved for oi er a yc-ar) Lrit Bnand. In n-'li bi fm io Lrr(v and to-dfty, and (r uearly two yrr partt, ui y ler iu h w jIi an ever it eund in everjr rei ocr.anl not p'bth or tïie atoeate to fe seen. S. U. A1IHÍN, Dobul, Didgepo., (a. Terrible Hii'-riii!i from Skin l ibscm I have been a terrible iufferepet Cor years frem dlseawi oi the ftklo and bluod, and have heen iMl,'-c1 t hun pi.bllc pi ice by n-a'on "f mv dlwliiTMiiiiu' hinniirs. HaM' bail the lient of physir..... aud aueol liundrada ui' dollar', but t: t no relief ontil I ninl the Curioi BA 1{kmkuik, wbich have rured m"., and lelt mv km tis cl.iar and my blood piiru as a chilil s. " IUA MAY BASd, Olive r.r inch 1'. O., Miíb. From 145 PoiuuU 172 PouiicIm. I have taki-n neveral bottles of Cdticlka Uksol knt wlth all toe reaulta I couM wi?h for. About this Huis Ihpi yi-ar, wheii commendDg It "e, I welgied lló poiindH.andto day I irelgh IT'iponnd. UKo. CA.Ml'BKLI., WaahlugUm, . O. Not - The Cittii l'K Kk' Is beyotld all duubt the grntett blood puriiler ever coinpouDded. ('iticvra the i;rort sktn cure, and Cutioi'Ha Sop, an exquieite Skin Beautitler, extt-rnally. and CuiiciTRi Hksolvknt. the uuw blood pnnfler, internally. tre ¦ piwitive cu-e for every form of skin aud blood dlaease from pimples to xcrorula. Soldeverywhere. Price: "uticuba,50c. ; BoAP, 25 c; IttMii.vKM', l. Prepartd by the Pottek ÜBi'o C'hkxicai. Co., Boüton, M mt. er"Senrt for "llow to Curr Skin I)I.CH-)es," Ot pago, M Illaatrattone, and IW téTOmonlal. niDVIP skn aml Soilppresorvcd and beautlJABT O fii-d lJf CiitkuhMi:i)i atkdSoap Constitutional Catarrh Tío In'le dlseaoe ha ntailed more sunVring or ustcned the breakiog op of the cunsütutiao Ihan alatrh. The senso ol -ui. II, ut taste, of slght, of earinu', the hnaMn volee, the mlnd- one or more, id tometlme nll, yleld to lts destructivo influnce. The polBon lt throimhout the ytein allí k ivery vitul force, nnd breaks up the oKt ruboit of contitatluBi. lütiored, beraane ) t llttlB untUTflood, by most phvsiclans, im['ently aacalled by qtiacks and clurlatanp. lbo; ufl'erini? it bave little hope In le r.-llevud f it thi sldc of 1hi erruv I' i time, then, ttaat e popular trea'nu-tit .'I this terrible diseane hy iBMdlei wltbtn th renoh of all pascd Into hundí once competent nnd trustworthy. The new id hithirto untried method adopted 'y Dr. iardlord iu the preparation if lil RADICAL hiK won the hcirty approval of tbounaiidx. t ia Iqrtaatnoeoiu In atrnrdini; réliel in uil iead cold, utezltif;. enuflllng and oltracted irrattiliw.aiid rapidlj n'nioves in.moppreilve ynptoma, elearlug the head, sweetenltijj the re th, reetorlmr tho sennn of amell, taste and earinu', and neutraliinj; the coiiftttiitional tendncy of the diseaec towards the lungs, liver and cluneyf. Sandfokd's Raiiici. Cike conelsls of one hote of the Kauical Cukï, one bor of CatakbhíL oi.vk.nt, and iMraoviu Inhalku ; pricc tl. Pottsb Duna iND Rhchiual Co., Boston. KIDNEY PAÏNS Slrnlns and, fc Kelieved In ore niinu'e by that raarvelHS oua Antidote lo l'aln Inflaminatioo aml _f the 'nilrtira Antl( M pain Planter. THe Brst and only l lL pain-killini; ftreniithenlui; piaster. Es JL pecially udapt.-d to ins nntly relieve : ai d speedily cure and Uterlne Pains and W . ak,,en Wurranted vaMly uperior toall other panters. At all druIíU". M tente; 5 for $100; . r, oostane fre.-.of Pottbb Uuuo asu Cbemicai. Co., Boton. Ma. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN, Transacts Seneral Banking Business. capitalT$8O,ooo. n.„J„ir,.rl nnder the General Banklni Iw ol thfs sfatl the "tockholdor. are imlividuallv llable tor an addltlonal amouut eaoH to theetock . neld b, them therebycreating a öuarantee Kund for the beneBt of Depositor of $100,000.00. Ttarec per cent. Intercet Ib allowed on all Sivídk DeiKwltaof od dollar aod upwardf.accordlDK to the n' ee of the Uank and Interot componed ,em5 aimually. Vauey to I-oan on unlucumhered ral estáte and other good necurity. DIUEOTOKS: CHRIBTIAN MACK, Wm. D. HARRIMAN, W WINES DANIEL 1I1SCOCK, wilXIAM DEDBEL, WIIXARU B. SMITa. DAVID IUN8EY. OFKICKRS: c MACK Pres W. W. WINK8, Vlce-Pre ¦UBIUMIH lias revolntionlzed the world THWrHTinB .im-ltuí Ut l=Lt half ceulury. iUVijJlllÜH NotlWit iiimuiB tlie wonder " '¦" ¦¦ Of luventlve progres 1 a nfethoil and Rystcm of w.rk that 0O be perfñrme.1 all over llie country without HeP"-1" K tl.c workers frota Ihelr home Pay liberal any one cando the work; eltheríex, ymñg ol,l; no ipeolsl al.lllty r..,,,iir,Ml Caplt! not nce.ll ; yon are starled tjw. Oot thft OUt Hii.l rttiirn to us aod we wlll . nd youfree, HomethlOK of great valué and Importance to yon, tl.ut wlll start you Intaliness. whlch wlll brlog you Q more moiu-v rlKht away than anythlnn elHe In the world. Utand oulflt ree. Address True A Co., AuKiitn. Malnu.


Ann Arbor Courier
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