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Tlie Soutli Lyon Picketciysfor asir ¦¦ t sprinkler. The masonic building at been newly paioteü. The new driving park was opened last buturday with two races. There are 710 student in iü;ik! uu.. at the Normal school at Ypsilanti. A new Iran bridge a to be built cross the rtiginor Huron ut Ypsilanti, tliis slimmer. John VanCleve, of Ypsilanti, hns elected secretar? of the Peninsular Paper Company. A well hns lu-i-n bored at Manchester from whlch the water gUihes up alx 01 seven feet Milan s to have a saloon, theooiincil having afce])ted the bonds of John Pflffer of Adrián. Saline is roeorenlog irom the measle epidemie, there only being six cases kit in the towu now. Dexter will lose n mimher of citizens this week, whi are gelag to tuke an excursión to Colorado. A camp of Sons of Veterans is to be orgarilzed ut Milán. A meeting was held Wednesday evening for that purpose. Milan celebrated Decoration Day under the auspicies of Lucius Taylor Post, G. A. II., and the Woman's Uulief Corps. The Germán Workingmen's Society of Saline, will celébrate the Ith of July by lioliling their annual picnic on that day. opened last Sunday mornlng aftei heing tlioroughly renovated aud a new rarpet laid. .1. W. Stoddard, of Milan, lias just returned from a visit to bis brother in Minnesota, whom he liad not seen m forty years. The commencement exercises of the South Lyou high school will be held in the Presbyterian church, Frlday evening, June ISth. Last Wednesday rnorning Charles Pray and Miss Tillie Deyhle, both of Wbitmore Lake, were married, Kev. Bird offleiatinji. A party was held at the residence of Jumes Caplin, In Pittstield, last week Tuesday, the occasion being the celebration of his üüth blrthday. Jeffords Post, No. 300, G. A. K., of Dexter, adopted resolutions thaukingu number of frlends who assisted t hem In the Decoration Day exercises. Milan is brilliantly lighted (f) by the Y Pfilauii and Ann Albor electric lights, the uiDon asslstiug them once in a while. The Milan authorities get cheap liyhls in this way. J. H. Wickware, of Jackson, who was the first editor of the Dexter Leader, has been granted a pension and back pay ' amounting to $1,000. Here's out' congratulations. W. F. Pattison, one of the editora of the Brijfhton Citizen, dissppeared a couple of weeks ago and has uot be-n heard from since. Jt is. thought tliat his mind was eflected. The Scventh Day Adventists began a series of meetings in a tent at Milan, last Saturday evening. Eider Rupcrt, of Kentucky, and Eider Barry, of Michigan, are conducting the meetings. Delmer Biooks, and old employee of the Michigan Central and for sevcral years a freight conductor, died suddenly at his home In Ypsilanti Thursday momIng, having been sick lesj thau a week. Saline bas orginized a base lall fissoclation, with .lolm (iillen as manager. Qrounds will be fitted up and then the Ann Arbor club may be Invited over to instruct the natives in the national ame. Y'psilanti celebrated Decoration Day In the old fashioned manner, Carpenler Post and Relief Corps, the Light Quard and City Band participating. Major Geo. H. Hopkius, oí Detroit, was the orator of the occasion. Heary Sehllcht, of BrHlgwater, met with au accident whlcli cost liim his Ufe, on May 27. While driving down a steep liill he feil from lila wagon, the wlieeU passing over him, causing instant deatfa. The funeral was held Tiiesday. Wliile fUlung near Conjrress St. bridge one day lust week, Will Martin cauglit a blue racer snake si.x feet four Luches In lengtu, whicü will hereaftei be one of the attraciions ot Sells IJrotliers' show.- Ypsilantian. Queer kind of ;i lish to eatch ! B. F. Wade has been elected marshal of Manchester, but refuses to nccept tlie lionor. lf thelr council ean't find a min ItteN they better send to Aun Arbor where they eau get one of the half dozen defeated candidato lor that offloe, at the recent election. The Ypsilantiati compares the recent elephant riiee at Sells Bros.' circus In whlch the inullest elephant was far behiiid, but who wasmakiux far more noise than botti his larjier brethren,to the race of the threepolitical partics in the present campaign. 'Boutso. Oneofour poultry fanden has a novel way of tesünjí ejtK. 'y wliich he rui virtually coimt bis chickens before ihey are hatched. As he approaches the 6g he shiits bis rijfht eye, palaces lus riglr lui M' 1 behind hun, i lien poluta the smal end ot' the ei;g toward the north aiu places bis tongue to the largo end, an! il ie observes that the egjr is at lirst cok but lmmeliately ;iipeais wurm, and remaius so for two minutes, it is a favorable indication that the egg is good ; be then lays the egg down, shwts hls lelt eye walks around the tjfg, puts hls !eft haiu behind him and then with the thumbani foreüiiiter of the right band takes the egg up carefully and elaps his tongne to tht Imall end of it, and if it rrmains cnkl for tlirce minutes it is a sure sisrn that Itoeittaim an undevelopeii ebtdr, reqalrlng only tlie maternal Instinct Of the motlier


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