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Coiiiiterfeitingr a Iíakiii? Powder. Tlie public is too wcll informal as to danger from aluin baking powdera to ueeil any cuulioii ajtiinst uslng tlicin. It Is, nevertheless, a tact tliat man y ef i'iir most prudent nul careful hotwekecperi ire, without knowing it, using these delic.r.u-.M,.„.iii..i,. d.uiv. umi from theni vIk-v a waru n iu nature, uu-j would not offer to a beggar, üakin; powdera made from lniriit alum cos! leas iban foiir cents a pound. Wlion these can be worked off in place oí lh Boyal Bak I a( Powder, and gold lor fort; or lifty centt a pound, there are inany manufacturen and dealers siillicimtly unscrupuloua to do It. A favorita method of sellin.' tbese polaonoiu aluna baking i owdera is by plaoinj! tlu'iii in uu empty Royal Baking Powder can and weighlnic them out in small quantitics wlicn the Royal Biking Powder is called ior by cnstoiaer. Tlie grocer, If questloned, claimt tbal be buvs in largc packages at a lower rato, and la thus able to sell below the prlce of t''i' oods n small can8. All baking povvders sold in this way are entitled to sopicion. Analyses of many of them have been made wlth a view to a proaecutlon, and in nll cases they have been Eound largely adnlterled and (reDerally made from poUououa bomt aliim. Tliis is aelling cnunterfeit goods, and Is, of course, on offence agalnst the law, We are glad to know tliat the Boyal Baking Powder Company have taken tlie matter In liaml, and are actinfr in a way tliat will proteot tlie public trom the nrlndle. Tb surest proteotioa from this fraud is for tbc heaaekteper la boy the baUng powdor of the brand wislies in the original uobroken package, ktoklng carefully to sec tbat tlie label Iims nol been tampend with. TheRoyal I'. ikinir Imvder Company nunouncc, wbat is well known, that thüir goodl are packad for the convenience of in cans of various sizes, bnt are never Bold In bulk, by the barrel or loose by welght or inraure. The cans are secuiely sealed with the company's trade mark label, and the welght of each padk&ge Btamped pn the cover. Any baking powder being peddled out by weiht under the name of Royal they denounce as b igoa and to Ie iviided. Consnmers should bcar tbese f acts In mlnd if tlicv do not wtoh to have Inopoaed ipon them the polsonous alum st n 11' that s being profusely dlstnbated tliroughoul he country under the name of bnklng lowiler. Il', however, they imy the toyal in cans with unbroken labels, they are always sure of iising a baklng powder perfectly pure and wholesoine, and of the hlgbest te.-,t. Btrength und efficiency.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News