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From The People

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June4tli, 18S8. Editor Coirikr: - My attentlon lias been colled to au article in your issue of .May 2.'M. I refer to Mrs. Stannard's letter and your remarks following t. Wltli your pennission I wUh to state a few facts as to the W. C'. T. U. Havinjï for more tlmn ten years had the honor of falonglng to tlils noble army of christian women, the white libbon army, I know something of its methods of work in its muny different branches. As a matter of tact, It is no sense a uplitir.ii - &xxtm, inuividuiil mcmbers have their own political views and have a perfect right to have, the same as you or I. We do not seek to control that. In our Ann Arbor Union I never heard politics nientioned. We are members of different churches, working together on the couimon ground of "total ftbstlnence'' botli by teaching and living. The lirst article of our belief is tuis: Resolved, That the cause of tempernnce. is the cause of God, and m u.-h is ouc and indivisible; tliut it is truth.scienlific, moral and religious; that it is nota local but a general cause; that it Is abuve sect ; that the evil to bereinedled is a commoii soll; that the object to be attalned is a coinnion sood Siirely tbis Is plain enougli. I you are not willlnj; to help us In tue good we are tryini: to do "In Hls jianie" pray do not ruit ¦tnmbJlng Ijlueks in our way by misrenresentlng us. We all know what a power the press is for good or evll, and to ray mlnil there lg no mlddle round upoa thls temperance questlon. HnrigM, or lt is nromi li itisa sin, as christlan women beliove ihen noamounlot legallzlng eau make ii 'rlglit. The press sliould be on the side of "Ood and Home and Nutive land." Largely it is so thank Ciod. Mrs. Jensik B. Kisiikr Ooi. sec. w. u. I, 'v. [The CouRiEn ia now, nlways has fjeen, and always will be ready and willing to he!p the cause of temperai)ce, and has devoted money, time and spiice to ttiat end. But what we protest against most emphatieally is the mixinf; of the temperance cause "witli jtolitics. The W. C. T. U. lias done a noble work outside of politics and nevcr me,t xcith trouble vntil it entered politics. Jt should remain where it can accomnlish tlip mno inn.i


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News